Waves of Hope
    Serving Rhode Island & Southeastern Massachusetts

OA Ocean and Bay Intergroup Newsletter
Ocean & Bay Intergroup Meetings
First Tuesday of every month
6-6:30p: Literature Sales & Fellowship
6:30-7:30p: Intergroup Meeting
*New Location: 19 Foster Rd. Cranston*

Local Meeting List


Please check your meeting contact name and information on both the  local Ocean and Bay Meeting List (send changes to oceanandbayoa@yahoo.com) as well as the Overeaters Anonymous website meeting list and make any necessary changes.
* Please call ahead to verify meetings are taking place, especially during holidays. *

Update Jan 11, 2019*

Stay Connected!


Please note that every effort has been made to adhere to OA's policy for newsletter publications.  Opinions and experiences expressed within are those of the individual writer and not OA as a whole. 

REMINDER: This is your newsletter, so please feel free to submit your writing contributions to: oceanandbayoa@yahoo.com.

You are also invited to be one of the members who provides answers for a Q&A. Again, just send us a note to: oceanandbayoa@yahoo.com.
Greetings friends and fellows,

We are at another turning point -- the signs of fall are upon us! As we begin this time of transition into a new season, let's consider any transitions that need to be made within our programs! Is this the season for us to make that amends that we've been putting off for so long? Is this the time for us to consider new ways to be of service? Is this the time to step out of our comfort zone?  What does this transition look like for you? For me, it is a message of balance. Slow down, stay present, and simplify!

I recently said goodbye to my friends in the Vermont OA community and am eagerly returning to my beloved friends in the Ocean & Bay community. I am eternally grateful for the fellowship of OA, fellowship that transcends distance, differences, and other barriers that often prevent relationships from blossoming. We enter those meeting rooms with a commonality much stronger than any of our other defining characteristics (jobs, economic status, political ideology). The power of program is stronger than the walls that often divide us!

As always, I wish you peace and serenity in the waning days of summer and the budding days of fall!

Peace & sunshine,
Ocean & Bay Meeting Updates:


Monday  |  4-5pm  |  Charlestown, RI:
Church of the Holy Spirit
4150 Old Post Rd
Meeting contact: Lisa (401)447-3931

Thursday  |  6-7pm  |  Bristol, RI:
First Baptist Church -  250 High Street
Meeting contact: Diane (401)573-3489

Updated Meeting List:
(Click here for enlarged version)

A note of thanks...

THANK YOU  to all of our fellows for making the World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Appeal campaign a great success!  As of June, Ocean and Bay Intergroup has officially closed out the appeal that we began in February 2019.

Here are some details:
  • We collected $647.80 from 12 meetings. 
  • We received a $1000 scholarship from Region 6
    (This scholarship is on a year-to-year basis and not guaranteed) 
  • We spent $1,280.45 to send one delegate to WSBC in Albuquerque, NM for 7 days of hard work!  
Currently, we have a surplus of $367.35 which Intergroup has voted to set aside to start funding the WSBC expenses for 2020.  

As you can see from, the WSBC appeal collection was instrumental in helping us stay within a conservative budget.  It also enabled us to continue to send one of our own to represent Ocean and Bay Intergroup and to serve & participate at the World Service level.  The impact of this goes above and beyond our Intergroup, however we do benefit tremendously from the wealth of experience and exposure that comes home to us with our delegate. Truly it is a privilege that we, as an Intergroup, are able to send one of our own to participate at this level. And we are ever grateful for this opportunity.

Once again thank you very much for your generosity in supporting the WSBC appeal and Ocean and Bay Intergroup. It is all part of a healthy program that benefits the recovery of us all.  

In gratitude and service, 
The members of Ocean and Bay Intergroup
Stay Connected!

NEW PODCAST SERIES:   A new nine podcast series features speakers who share their experience, strength, and hope from diverse perspectives, including coming to OA for binge eating, bulimia, and relapse , and finding recovery through OA HOW, 90 Day meetings, A Vision for You, and virtual OA plus many other kinds of compulsive food behaviors and means of finding recovery.

OA ON INSTAGRAM!  OA has expanded its social media presence. Get a bit of OA inspiration or program wisdom!
Meditation 101:
Practicing our 11th step meditation is not just about finding quiet time. It is about starting to find a quiet mind.
1. We are way too busy. 
2. We think we can't find quiet time. 
3. It's not a quick fix. 
4.There is no end. (We like an ending, we like to graduate) 

Focus on one thing at a time. 
When I'm in the now and focused, I always feel better. 

I like to start my meditation in a quiet place. 
Choose a special place either indoors or outdoors so that when you sit down, you know it's about meditation, quiet, being still, and knowing your Higher Power.  
Sit with your back straight and your feet on the floor. 
Close your eyes, rest, and just breathe in and out softly, knowing in your mind that with the in-breath you are quiet; and with the out-breath, you are still. 
There is no need to say anything, just think "quiet and still...quiet and still"  
Be grateful - Be mindful - Be still 
Anonymous (Borrowed from AA Alkaline)
Step Nine:
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
(Spiritual Principle: Love)
"Before we do the Step, most of us dread the thought of going to each person we've harmed, frankly acknowledging our faults, and taking direct action to remedy the damage we have done or repay the losses we have caused. After making amends, however, those of us who dreaded Step Nine the most are eager to share the results. This Step has freed us from the shackles of our past mistakes in a miraculous way. Our lives are changes, our broken relationships mended, and the resentment that poisoned our hearts for years is washed away."

Tradition Nine:
OA, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
(Spiritual Principal - Structure)
"Though our OA meetings may seem chaotic at times, chaos isn't the goal of Tradition Nine. What this tradition encourages us to do is remain as free as possible from the bureaucracy that tends to form around organizations. In such instances, the organization and administration takes on a life of its own and obscures the real purpose of the group. Everything we do in OA is geared to our primary purpose of carrying our message of recovery based on spiritual Principles...Though our service bodies need to be organized, OA is encouraged by Tradition Nine to keep the emphasis on fellowship, rather than organization."

The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition


Rooted in Recovery

October 18-20, 2019

Crowne Plaza
White Plains, New York

Tools of Recovery - Don't Forget 'Em!

  • A Plan of Eatinghelps us abstain from compulsive eating. This tool helps us deal with the physical aspects of our disease and achieve physical recovery.
  • Sponsorship -  We ask a sponsor to help us through our program of recovery on all three levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
  • Meetings -  give us an opportunity to identify our common problems, confirm our common solution through the Twelve Steps, and share the gifts we receive through this program. In addition to face-to-face meetings, OA offers telephone and online meetings.
  • Telephone -  Many members call, text, or email their sponsors and other OA members daily. Telephone or electronic contact also provides an immediate outlet for those hard-to-handle highs and lows we may experience.
  • Writing -  Putting our thoughts and feelings down on paper helps us to better understand our actions and reactions in a way that is often not revealed to us by simply thinking or talking about them.
  • Literature -  We read OA approved books, pamphlets, and Lifeline Magazine. Reading literature daily reinforces how to live the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
  • Action Plan -  the process of identifying and implementing attainable actions that are necessary  to support our individual abstinence. Just like our plan of eating, it may vary widely among members and may need to be adjusted to bring structure, balance, and manageability into our lives. 
  • Anonymity -  guarantees we will place principles before personalities  and assures us that only we have the right to make our membership known within our community. Anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television and other public media of communication means that we never allow our faces or last names to be used once we identify ourselves as OA members. Within the Fellowship, whatever we share with another OA member will be held in respect and confidence. What we hear at meetings should remain there.
  • Service -  Any form of service that helps a reach fellow sufferer adds to the quality of our own recovery.  Members can give service by getting to meetings, putting away chairs, putting out literature, and talking to newcomers. Beyond the group level, a member can serve as intergroup representative, committee chair, region representative, or Conference delegate. As OA's responsibility pledge states, "Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this, I am responsible."
Ocean & Bay Intergroup 
P.O. Box 41273, Providence RI, 02940
Tel: 401-438-1301 | Email:   oceanandbayoa@yahoo.com