Dear Lincoln School Families,

Since the second marking period has officially begun I would like to remind you that it is extremely important that your child arrives at school on time whether they are in person or working remotely from home. Our day starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. and doesn’t end until 3:10 p.m. Also, while I do realize how challenging it can be for you to monitor your child the entire day for various reasons, it is imperative that your child attends all google meetings for the entire length of the school day. I am hearing that children are signing on for a few minutes and then logging off and not returning to the meeting or that they are only attending certain meetings through the school day. I cannot stress enough the importance of your child attending just as if they would when they were in school pre-COVID 19. Thank you for your support with this. 

Also, if your child is expected to be in person and they are attending remotely please notify your child’s teacher as well as Mrs. Stockstill as to the reason they are attending remotely. I certainly understand a situation may arise in which you truly need your child to attend remotely but we need to know the reason why. 

As you know parent teacher conferences are November 20th, 23rd, and 24th. The day ends at 1:00 p.m. On those days there will be no virtual classes or office hours. 

Lastly, when you are parking along George Street during arrival and dismissal please do NOT block a person's driveway. I have received reports from residents as well as the RBPD that driveways are being blocked. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this matter. 

I hope you and your family have a great weekend!
As always, stay safe and healthy.

Milissa Dachisen 
If your child will be absent from school, whether remote or in-person, please notify your child's teacher as well as the main office. Please call (973) 625-8602 or email,
Click Here to see Mrs. Alpaugh's original letter dated 11/9/20.
Fall Foliage
(Second Grade Mask Break)
Photo Courtesy of: Mrs. Medore
Thinking of Traveling?
to Check New Jersey's Latest
Travel Advisories and Restrictions
Information from the
School Nurse
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Click the picture to enlarge.
Click the picture to enlarge.
Lincoln Elementary School
37 Keller Avenue
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Phone: 973-625-8602
Fax: 973-625-7355