The Social Mavrik Federation is sponsoring an email survey as an online way for those who think that allowing the formation of 20 charter schools in British Columbia is a good idea, to express their support.
The survey offers those who think it is a bad idea, to express their opposition.
The survey is based on a questionnaire. Its results will be tabulated on a Survey Report which is published on the Social Mavrik website.
Individual responses will be tabulated along with optional fun facts including age and number of children. Names will not be published, rather a respondent identity code will be used to maintain confidentiality. The first part of the code is a three letter abbreviation of the respondent's electoral district. The second part is a sequential number of receipt of each email message.
The questionnaire will also be announced through Facebook posts which will hopefully attract respondents and thereby increase the distribution of these weekly announcement email messages.
The questionnaire is described
here. You will be able to view a description of the questionnaire complete with a clickable link that creates a draft email message for you to use.
The link in full to the questionnaire and its description is:
Once you have used the clickable link and the draft email message appears on the screen of the device you are using, it is up to you to answer the queries and click on your "send" button.