July 25, 2020
Aloha my dear Siblings in Christ Jesus,

With the approach of Hurricane Douglas, I know everyone in the Diocese is preparing "just in case." Be assured of my prayers, and the support of the Diocesan Support Center Staff for our churches and parishioners.  

I have asked the Clergy and Wardens to keep me informed of the needs of our parishioners and the impact on our local communities in addition to any damage to church property. 

I also know that some congregations and individual Episcopalians will be reaching out to the houseless and those who are homebound in this time of need. All is more complicated because of the COVID Pandemic. Thank you for your ministry. 

Please stay safe! In this difficult time, please wear your mask, try to maintain social distancing, and wash your hands as often as you can. 

For a prayer, I have modified this one from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer for our time and place:

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee, of thy great goodness, to restrain those immoderate rains and winds, that doth afflict these Islands from time to time. And we pray thee to send us such seasonable weather, that the earth may, in due time, yield her increase for our use and benefit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
Sent with my hope and prayer for the safety of everyone,


The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi

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Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 636-7776