Volume V9 | September 2022 | |
Laboratory Diagnosticians' News Matters | |
Jeremiah T. Saliki, DVM, PhD, DACVM |
Dear friends and colleagues:
It feels like our last meeting in Denver happened just a few months ago. Yet October is only a few days away and Minneapolis 2022 is here. For those traveling to the meeting I wish you safe travels. To those planning to attend the meeting remotely, I strongly encourage you visit the rich on-demand library of presentations and posters before, during, and after the meeting.
This year there will be a major change in the format of the keynotes address and the social part of the meeting. The traditional Presidents’ dinner during which awards were presented will be split into two parts. The first part will be an awards luncheon on Sunday from 12.00 – 1.30 pm, during which both AAVLD and USAHA awards will be presented. Please come and celebrate with your colleagues.
The second part will include a dinner and the keynotes address. Our speaker will be Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical strategist and the founder of the consulting firm Zeihan on Geopolitics. His clients include energy corporations, financial institutions, business associations, agricultural interests, universities, and the U.S. military. He is the author of The Accidental Superpower and The Absent Superpower. We believe that having a geopolitical strategist as a keynotes speaker is very fitting in this third year of the pandemic that has caused supply chain disruptions and many other negative impacts across the globe, which require a global view to dissect, comprehend, and resolve.
Please, do not miss the 2022 Presidents’ Dinner on Sunday October 9th, from 6.30 – 9.00 pm: reception at 5:30 pm.
Jerry Saliki, DVM, PhD, DACVM
2022 AAVLD President
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AAVLD President - Elect and 2022 Program Chair | |
Eric R. Burrough, DVM, PhD, DACVP | |
Annual Meeting Update –
Plan to be in Minneapolis October 6-10, 2022
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The annual meeting is just a few weeks away and I would again like to thank all those who contributed a record number of abstracts for presentation (214 total) and all those who have already registered for the meeting. As a reminder, registrants can start to view ALL recordings (on-site and virtual presentations) ahead of, during, and after the meeting until December 1, 2022.
This year the plenary session will focus on technological advances in veterinary diagnostics with 4 subject matter experts from the fields of histopathology, viral sequencing, toxicology, and bacteriology:
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Digital pathology in veterinary diagnostics - still cutting edge or already mainstream?
Dr. Aleksandra Zuraw, Charles River Laboratories and the Digital Pathology Place.
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Machine learning for sequence classification and predicting antigenic phenotype
Dr. Tavis K. Anderson, National Animal Disease Center, USDA-ARS.
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Twenty years of mass spectrometry in veterinary diagnostics: what’s happened and what’s ahead
Michael Filigenzi, California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory at UC Davis
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The past, present, and future of diagnostic veterinary microbiology: a forty-yearperspective of the field, and its intersection with research
Dr. Thomas J. Inzana, Long Island University College of Veterinary Medicine
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We would again also ask VDL directors to help facilitate and encourage attendance from all of their laboratory sections. There is no better place to meet and interact with colleagues from peer institutions than the AAVLD Annual Meeting.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Minneapolis this October!
Eric R. Burrough, DVM, PhD, DACVP
AAVLD President-Elect and 2022 Program Chair
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Don’t miss this year’s AAVLD Foundation Banquet and Auction on Oct 7th @6:30pm
(silent auction Oct 1-7th)!
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This year the AAVLD Foundation provided approximately $18,000 in travel support and awards to engage the next generation of diagnosticians and advance student training by enabling students to attend the annual meeting.
This work is only made possible through donations from engaged AAVDL members like you. Please consider donating an item or making a monetary donation to support this important cause.
A simple, virtual silent auction will be held from October 1st, 2022, to October 7th, 2022,
on the Silent Auction Pro platform. Anyone can participate, even if they are not registered to attend the Annual Meeting. Participants will be able to view items, make their bids and get alerts on the status of their items. A few of our donated items will be reserved for our live, in-person auction held on Friday October 7th2022. All virtual bids will need to be placed by 8:00 PM CST when the live auction will begin. Please plan on attending!
------ Visit https://aavco.memberclicks.net/foundation-auction to make a donation now!
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Brett Webb, DVM, PhD.
Foundation Committee, Cochair
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Francois Elvinger, Dr.med.vet., PhD. Foundation Committee Cochair | | |
AAVLD DEI Committee Diversity Survey of our Members
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Your Survey Response is Requested
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Amar Patil, BVSc, MVSc, PhD | | |
The AAVLD Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) would like to launch initiatives aimed at engaging members in DEI efforts. However, the DEI Committee has run into a stumbling block, and we need your help with it. AAVLD has never collected any demographics on its members, so we have no basis for evaluating how diverse our membership is and which initiatives are appropriate!, AAVLD will provide the opportunity for each member to supply background information in survey format. All data will be anonymized and aggregated, then reported in the newsletter and available on our website. The survey window will be approximately one month.
In the future, the option to supply demographic data will be offered to new members. We recognize that in many ways our membership has been dictated by educational opportunities in our pasts, and we can’t go back and change those.
What we CAN attempt to influence is our members’ perceptions about their interactions with AAVLD as an organization and about members’ experiences with others in AAVLD settings. The DEI Committee will ask questions about these aspects periodically and see how our interactions and experiences change over the years. Again, data will be anonymized and aggregated then used to evaluate how welcoming our organization is to all those who share our common mission with results published in our newsletter and on our website.
To maximize exposure and participation, there will be multiple access points to the survey link: on the AAVLD website (after you have logged in), in this AAVLD newsletter, an email to all members, and on the Membership Renewal page. Please complete the survey only once.
Please, take this opportunity to complete the survey and help us get a better idea of who AAVLD is. Represent!
Cat Barr
Amar Patil
AAVLD DEI Committee Cochairs
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AAVLD Membership, please send your laboratory news to Dave Zeman, Executive Director dzeman@aavld.org | |
Our September focus is an article in JVDI’s September issue, “Review of diagnostic histologic features of cutaneous round cell neoplasms in dogs” by Daniel R. Rissi, Fabiano N. Oliveira.
J Vet Diagn Invest 2022;34(5). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10406387221100209
Abstract. Cutaneous round cell neoplasms (RCNs) are among the most common skin tumors of dogs. Although a diagnosis can be made in most cases following the examination of H&E-stained routine samples, less-differentiated neoplasms can exhibit overlapping morphologic features that may be challenging to the pathologist, and require immunohistochemistry or molecular testing to reach a final diagnosis. Many patients with cutaneous RCNs are initially seen by a general practitioner and are not referred to a veterinary teaching hospital until a diagnosis has been made. For this reason, anatomic pathology residents at some academic or other training institutions may not be exposed frequently to RCNs during the surgical biopsy service as part of their residency training. In an attempt to fill that gap, here we review the key routine histologic features of canine cutaneous RCNs.
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Figures 2–17. Cutaneous and subcutaneous mast cell tumor (MCT). Figure 2. Grade 1 cutaneous MCTs with neoplastic cells restricted to the superficial dermis and interadnexal areas. H&E. Figure 3. Grade 2 cutaneous MCT with neoplastic cells effacing the superficial and deep dermis, as well as portions of the subcutaneous tissue. H&E. Figure 4. Grade 3 cutaneous MCT with neoplastic cells effacing the dermis and the deep subcutaneous tissue, including the skeletal muscle. The epidermis is ulcerated. H&E. Figure 5. A well-demarcated subcutaneous MCT consists of a well-delineated nodule that partially effaces the subcutaneous tissue. H&E. Figure 6. An infiltrative subcutaneous MCT is locally invasive and disrupts adjacent subcutaneous structures such as the skeletal muscle. H&E. Figure 7. Grade 1 cutaneous MCT with scattered neoplastic mast cells among dermal collagen bundles. H&E. Figure 8. Grade 2 cutaneous MCT with neoplastic mast cells effacing the dermis and dissecting dermal collagen bundles. H&E. Figure 9. Grade 3 cutaneous MCT with dense sheets of neoplastic mast cells completely effacing the dermis. H&E. Figure 10. Epitheliotropic cutaneous MCT with clusters of neoplastic mast cells within the epidermis (arrows). H&E. Figure 11. Neoplastic mast cells from a grade 1 cutaneous MCT are round and have abundant cytoplasm with numerous small granules and distinct cell margins. Nuclei are round and have densely aggregated chromatin. H&E. Figure 12. Neoplastic mast cells from a grade 2 cutaneous MCT are similar to those in grade 1 neoplasms but can have indistinct cytoplasm with large granules. Nuclei are round and have finely stippled chromatin with 1 or 2 nucleoli. H&E. Figure 13. Neoplastic mast cells from a grade 3 cutaneous MCT are round-to-oval and have evident pleomorphism with abundant cytoplasm and scant granules. Nuclei are round-to-indented with clear chromatin and 1–3 nucleoli. Binucleate cells are common. H&E. Figure 14. Cytoplasmic mast cell granules are highlighted by special stains (Giemsa or toluidine blue) in a grade 1 cutaneous MCT. Giemsa stain. Figure 15. Giemsa or toluidine blue stains reveal faint cytoplasmic granulation in a grade 3 cutaneous MCT. Giemsa stain. Figure 16. Multinucleation (arrow) and bizarre nuclei (arrowheads) are features of high-grade cutaneous MCTs. H&E. Figure 17. Degranulated eosinophils surround a brightly eosinophilic collagen bundle (flame figure) in a grade 2 cutaneous MCT. H&E. | |
Be sure to sign up for JVDI email alerts! JVDI alerts let you know when new articles and eTOCs are available online. Alerts can be requested on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Note that only abstracts are available via email alerts—you will need to login through AAVLD or your institution to access and read the full articles.
Signing up for email alerts is simple.
2. On the Stay Connected tab dropdown menu, click on Email Alerts
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3. Choose New Content and/or Announcements, then Create Email Alert
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4. Then “Sign into SAGE Journals”
If you already have a SAGE account, use the left box My Account. Otherwise, click Register for a free SAGE Journals account. (You will be able to update your email alerts anytime and will see the message “Your email alert settings have been updated” at completion.)
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JVDI Call for Submissions on Honeybee Health and Disease | |
Colony collapse and its effect on our food supply has brought honeybee health and disease to the forefront in the minds of both consumers and scientists. Many causes have been investigated, and honeybee research has gained new impetus; many of our veterinary diagnostic laboratories are becoming involved in this expanding field.
We are inviting submissions to a JVDI special section on Honeybee health and disease. If you are interested, please submit an abstract of up to 250 words describing your proposed topic. Readers would be interested in background review material and current laboratory investigations, including both successes and failures, or lessons learned.
Please submit your abstract to our guest editor, Dr. Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano (marie-odile.benoit-biancamano@umontreal.ca), or to the Editor-in-chief, Dr. Grant Maxie (mailto:gmaxie@uoguelph.ca). Abstract deadline is September 15, 2022.
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (J Vet Diagn Invest; (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/vdi) is an international peer-reviewed journal published in English as the official journal of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD; https://aavld.memberclicks.net/). JVDI is devoted to all aspects of veterinary laboratory medicine. The major disciplines are anatomic pathology, bacteriology/mycology, clinical pathology, epidemiology, immunology, laboratory information management, molecular biology, parasitology, public health, toxicology, and virology.
The mission of the Journal is to educate by informing readers of progress in veterinary laboratory medicine and related fields of endeavor. The key objectives of the JVDI are to promote the science of veterinary laboratory medicine and the betterment of animal and public health. JVDI fully supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in our publishing activities.
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We look forward to seeing our many colleagues and friends In Minneapolis in October! On the topic of colleagues…
I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
You can't change the world alone - you will need some help - and to truly get from your starting point to your destination takes friends, colleagues, the good will of strangers and a strong coxswain to guide them.
~William H. McRaven
A good life depends on the strength of our relationships with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and strangers.
~David Lammy
Source: BrainyQuote
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Meeting Registration is now open.
Registration for AAVLD attendees includes ON-SITE or VIRTUAL options.
On-site registrants will enjoy a meeting similar to recent years, and also be able to utilize the on-demand features. Virtual registrants will have on-demand access to all scientific session presentations via recordings, as well as webinar access to key events such as the plenary session speakers, the keynote speaker, awards ceremony, and virtual exhibitor materials.
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Schedule your meetings today!
Take advantage of early registration Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Symposium details are available. Take a moment to register today.
Enjoy the hybrid option of ON-Demand viewing to ensure you don't miss a thing.
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Make your hotel reservation today!
Plan Your Trip
All the planning essentials you need in one place.
- Maps and transportation
- Minneapolis Visitor Guide
- Events and much more.
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ATTENTION: Vendors Serving Veterinary Diagnostic Labs and the Animal Health Industry | |
2022 AAVLD Hybrid Trade Show
During the AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting 2022 Minneapolis
October 8-9, 2022
Onsite in Minneapolis and Virtual
We hope to see you there.
For details contact our meeting planner Kaylin Taylor
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AAVLD New Member Benefit MC l LMS is now here! | |
Take a look, the MC l LMS is now here!
AAVLD has brought you a new membership benefit that is sure to peek your interest. The MC l LMS is a Learning Management System. The MC l LMS will keep certification and training materials in one place. Members can view training videos, scientific presentations and much more. AAVLD is offering the current packages to AAVLD members as a membership benefit.
Some of the MC l LMS features:
- Single-Sign-On (SSO) with Oasis
- Content Upload and Management
- Customized Certificates
- Continuing Education Tracking
- Group-based Permissions
- Progress and Usage Reporting
View annual meeting materials now!
- Recordings of Scientific Sessions
- Proceeding's booklet (abstracts)
- Plenary Speaker lectures from the annual meetings
All are available to AAVLD members at no cost.
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2022 Hybrid AAVLD / USAHA Annual Meeting | |
Credit video to 'Don't Blink' | |
Annual Meeting Quick Links | |
Technological Advances in Veterinary Diagnostics: What's Here and What's on the Horizon?
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Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
2022 AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis-Minneapolis, MN
Meeting dates: October 6-12, 2022
Show dates: October 8th-9th, 2022
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Take advantage of the terrific AAVLD resources offered to our members
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Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary... | We use cookies on this site to enhance your experience. By using our website you accept our use of cookies. Yes, I agree More Information Cookies YourMembership uses cookies for your convenience and security. Cookies are text files stored on the... | | | |
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...
The American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians offers the top jobs available in Veterinary diagnostic labs. Search and apply to open positions or post jobs on the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians now.
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2023 Renewals are due by November 15!
'Membership is January to December'
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AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in the disciplines and activities of veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Membership terms are by calendar year (January-December) and membership dues are payable by November 15th of the preceding year (to ensure inclusion in the annual membership directory, eligibility for committee involvement, and receipt of all six issues of the JVDI). Note: In order to receive a discounted rate for the Annual Meeting registration, you are required to be a current AAVLD Member. | |
Did your membership Lapse?
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Please select 'Renew Now' to access the Lapsed Membership renewal form. www.aavld.org ->Quick Links->Renew Now->here you can access the Lapsed Membership Form.
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AAVLD & News Worthy Events
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IABS HPAI Vaccination Strategies Meeting:
On Site Registration is Full
Virtual Registration still available
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Executive Board Onsite Meeting
Hyatt Regency, Room Greenway A
1:00 -5:00 pm
Minneapolis, October 7, 2022
AAVLD Reception & Foundation Auction
6:00- 9:00 pm, Nicollet Grand Ballroom
Minneapolis, October 7, 2022
AAVLD/USAHA Hybrid Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, October 6-12, 2022 (Due to the uncertainty with Covid-19, there may be updates to the details of the meeting.)
AAVLD Meeting Calendar
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Do you have ideas to improve the AAVLD annual meeting? Contact David Zeman dzeman@aavld.org
Would you like to sponsor an event? Contact
What ever your contribution to the AAVLD mission, we need you!
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Experience highly selective prepared media culture... | Highly selective pre-poured media culture devices, engineered for specimen transport, isolation, identification, and differentiation. | | | |
Home - ECL2 Quality Solutions | NOW OFFERING Q-PULSE CLOUD! Call or e-mail us for more information! ECL2 - is a U.S. based, client-centric consulting firm, specializing in providing complete solutions for Quality Management, Safety Management and Enterprise Risk Management.... | | | |
Contact Us | Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics | Longhorn is in close communication with the FEMA/HHS about supply capacity expansion. We are working with buyers to optimize tube selection to match available swabs and to fit into existing automation systems. 2 Bethesda Metro CenterSuite... | | | |
Thank you
2022 Annual Meeting Sponsors
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The generous contributions and participation by our Exhibitors and Sponsors is a huge part of our conference success year after year. On behalf of the AAVLD, we would like to thank these companies for their commitment to our organization and helping us to achieve our mission.
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Anaerobe Systems | Anaerobic Chambers & Culture Media... | Our entry level chamber with fewer features and less workspace, but with a lower cost and smaller footprint. The AS-150 is ideal for smaller labs that typically have fewer than 100 plates in their incubator, or labs that don't have the space or... | | | |
Clark & Enersen has a dedicated team of architects, engineers, and other talented professionals who specialize in the planning and design of science, research, and technology facilities. In 2021, we ranked as the nation's 25th largest Science &... | | | |
Advanced Technology Corp. - Home | Veterinary Practice Management Software, Laboratory Information Management Software | | | |
Veterinary Medical Research & Development - VMRD | VMRD Products The VMRD portfolio is the most comprehensive in veterinary diagnostics and has a wide range of products that include USDA-licensed ELISA kits, FA reagents, antibodies, and Coombs testing reagents. Our IFA reagents support confirmatory testing and are designed to work together as a complete system with minimal cross reaction. | | | |
Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics | UK Health Security Agency issues report validating PrimeStore MTM inactivation of Monkeypox Virus PrimeStore® MTM is the original inactivating transport media. It is a patented, FDA cleared sample collection system for nucleic acid testing. It serves to inactivate RNA, mRNA and DNA pathogens (including SARS-Cov-2) for safer and faster collection. | | | |
INDICAL BIOSCIENCE | Improving veterinary diagnostics for better animal and human health - INDICAL BIOSCIENCE | INDICAL is a leading provider of diagnostic workflows, associated protocols, and expert technical support. | | | |
For over 20 years, Tetracore has been at the forefront of diagnostics innovation. Our mission is to create and develop highly innovative diagnostic reagents, assays, and instruments for the detection of infectious diseases and bioterrorism threat agents. We strive to provide best-in-class solutions and actionable results to our partners in domestic preparedness, forensic biology, human health, and animal health. | | | |
Animal Health | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US | Thermo Fisher Scientific is committed to the animal health industry, offering products and services designed to help you adapt and succeed in an evolving environment. Learn about how we can support new farm animal testing standards with dependable chemistry, flexible platforms, and government-licensed testing solutions. | | | |
Standard BioTools | Standard BioTools | We support the scientific community in the quest to solve unanswered challenges in health and disease across basic, translational and clinical research, including the fields of cancer, inflammatory diseases, immunotherapies and environmental monitoring. Harnessing the power of proprietary CyTOF® and microfluidics technologies, Fluidigm products provide comprehensive cell analysis aimed to elevate scientific data into actionable insights. | | | |
AAVLD Leaders and Lab Directors | |
Time to start shopping for this year’s donation to the AAVLD Foundation Auction!!
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AAVLD Foundation Committee
Brett Webb- Cochair
Francois Elvinger- Cochair
Pat Halbur, Christie Mayo, Kristy Pabilonia, Bruce Akey, Beate Crossley, Kerri Sondgeroth, David Zeman, Tim Baszler, Jamie Henningson, Donal O’Toole
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The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that raises funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory disciplines through scholarship programs, student travel support to our scientific meeting, guest lectures, seminars, professional awards and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible 501(c)(3), and can be paid when you renew your AAVLD membership. Thank you for remembering your AAVLD Foundation!
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