It's Not About The Religion,
It's About The Relationship!
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This week's message:
"Take a Knee"
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Happy Midweek Dear Church!
I pray that your week has been swimmingly good and that you are enjoying the beautiful weather we are experiencing. Last Sunday morning was such a special day for me. I appreciate your participation in worship, and look forward to this coming week as we continue our focus on “Prayer.” What a privilege it was to pray individually with several of you after worship. There is something so holy about one on one prayer with you. Thank you for trusting me with your heart and concerns. I will continue to offer personal prayer after worship for the foreseeable future.
This coming Sunday, I will do something that I do not make a practice of doing … I will be doing a repeat sermon … not one that most of you have experienced, but the message I preached at University City United Church for my neutral pulpit over three years ago. The Holy Spirit impressed me that this message would be a great follow-up to last Sunday’s emphasis on prayer. The title is, “Take a Knee.” I hope you will be with us in person or online. Worship is important for us individually and as a community. If you can make it in person, that would be great…I miss so many faces.
As we edge toward Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday, October 30th, 3-5 pm, I want to encourage you to make it a priority. This is one of the best things we can give our community, a glimpse of who we are as a church. And … of course, the church is the people, not the building. It is going to be a great time of outreach and fellowship. We need decorated trunks and candy. You can sign-up in the fellowship hall this Sunday.
Until Sunday, rest in the heart knowledge that “God’s Got This.” Whatever is going on in your life, right now … God is with you. I love being your Pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg
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A Message from Pastor Debbie | |
A BIG thank you to Marlene Rauch for filling in on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Pat is on a much-deserved vacation. Marlene has been awesome in keeping us on track here. We do miss Pat SOOOO much. She keeps the office more in shape than we give her credit for. Please make sure to thank both Marlene and Pat for what they do.
I have a few areas to ask Pat about like, why didn’t you make me take better notes about where everything is, boy we have a lot of keys, can we just forward the phones to Pastor Greg, a lot happens when we take lunch, and more. Please let us praise her for what she does.
I am sure we will get all the answers when she returns in November-I am counting the days. Thank you Marlene for filling in – you are a blessing.
Pastor Debbie
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Andy's Antiphonal Allegories | |
"Come, Now is the Time to Worship" by Brian Doerksen is a song of invitation, a call to worship if you will. This song's text reminds us to come as we are and give our hearts to God in worship. This song came to Brian when he was at one of the darkest times of his life. Two of his children were diagnosed with a condition called Fragile X Syndrome. This syndrome causes the brain to slow and can require, that the person with the syndrome be cared for their entire life. Brian went on a walk to clear his mind, pray, and give his day over to God. The words "come, now is the time to worship" played over and over in his head as he was walking. He went home, went to the piano, and penned this piece that has been used as the start of worship services around the world.
"Here I Am To Worship" by Tim Hughes was penned in 1999 after Tim read Philippians 2. He immediately sat down and wrote the two verses after reading the Philippians passage. He finally finished the chorus and put it to melody after laying it aside for 6 months. He still wasn't sure of the chorus, but he played it at his home church, and the pastor asked him to start playing it more regularly. The themes of the song are the life of Jesus, thankfulness, and worship.
"The Blessing" by Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, and Steven Furtick is a song that is taken from Numbers 6:24-26. Taking words directly from scripture is a powerful tool when writing music. This song is a prayer for God's peace and power in times of uncertainty. The song came from a season of fear and awareness around viruses, loss, and disappointment.
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Prayers for the War in Ukraine
Malia Noelle, (Kristi), surgery on Oct 20th
Sue, friend of Kristi
Debby, Linda England’s sister
Poulin Family-Kathy’s dad died on September 25th
Stan Melad and Family- Stan’s dad, Pete, died September 23rd
Tina, friend of Rosemary (We tied a prayer quilt on the 16th)
Friends and Family of Judy VanDyke who passed on September 13th
Mike, brother of Susan
Fred, (Freddie’s Dad) and family.
Joshua, friend of Rosemary
Rocelle Melone
Joanne Jonas
Elaine Lemon
Nina Melad
Nellie-Felicia’s Sister and Sam Weigert
Dianne Florio
Beverly Andreas
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Trunk or Treat will be held on Sunday, October 30th from 3-5pm. This wonderful community event will have many fun TRUNKS to get TREATS from! Invite your family and friends to come enjoy this night! Lots of candy, lots of fun, and lots of costumes will be worn! Make Halloween special this year by stopping by to see what creative trunks were designed! | |
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 30th, the Community Church of Poway will celebrate Reformation Sunday. Without the courage, the heart and the tenacity of Martin Luther, I fear we would never be where we are today. The color for the day is RED, so search your closets and find that red outfit that you haven’t worn in a while. This would be a great day to invite a new friend or family member to attend worship with you. God, give us the heart and power of Martin Luther.
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All Saint Sunday
Sunday, November 6th, we will observe, All Saint Sunday in our church. All Saints is a day where we pay tribute to those who have left us through death, those whose lives made a beautiful mark on our lives. We will be adding to our All Saints video, so If you have a picture and name you would like included, please email it to Pastor Greg as soon as possible. Those of you who have experienced this day with us in the past, know how special it is to be a part of it.
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Strike a Pose and Say Cheese!
The Church will be updating our member photo board! Starting November 6th, Julie Hume will be in charge of capturing a terrific photo of you and your family after Church on Sundays. We have so many great smiles in our congregation, let us make them shine!
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Every Thursday starting at
One of the best things about our church is the diversity of experience and belief. We gather on Sundays, celebrating all God is doing, sometimes we get so caught up in our “Sunday experience,” that we forget that the call to discipleship is on our lives every day of the week.
Confirm-Not-Conform (CnC) is a program we will be using to ignite our passion for daily construction of who we are and what we hold dear. Folks have asked, “What exactly is CnC?” For lack of a better explanation, it is a confirmation
program for the entire church. CnC is designed for us each, to individually construct what it is we do believe, realizing that our beliefs can grow and change as we put our faith into practice.
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A big thank you to you all for your continued support for our Basket Sundays and Mission Offerings. You are awesome. Last month you filled our basket with food for Interfaith Community Services. And, so many of you stayed after church to put that food to use, making sandwiches and packing 160 sack lunches. Many, many thanks to you all!
For October, we are taking a month off from our Basket Sunday as we gear up for our Thanksgiving and Christmas giving. But we have a special mission offering to support three UCC mission offerings:
· Neighbors in Need
· Strengthen the Church, and
· Our Church’s Wider Mission
Neighbors in Need supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third supports the Council for American Indian Ministry and two-thirds are used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to support justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.
Strengthen the Church supports leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations.
Our Church’s Wider Mission provides funding to Wider Church Ministries, Local Church Ministries, and Justice and Witness Ministries (as I just noted for Neighbors in Need). Also, General Ministries and Pension Boards. Uses for these funds include assisting domestic and international missionaries. theological education and disaster relief.
Your support of the October Mission Offering will be divided among these three worthwhile UCC programs and will complete our 2022 participation in the 5 UCC Mission Offerings.
If you wish to support the October Mission Offering, there are envelopes on the table by the offering plates, or you can note October Mission Offering when you give online.
Thank you for your support!
The Outreach Ministry
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The JOY of FOOD!
Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!
There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too.
This week's recipe is Magnolia Farms After School Banana Bread!
Sent in by Linda England, thank you!
Click Here for Magnolia Farms After School Banana Bread!
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Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?
The Community Church of Poway wishes the following members a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU!
Rosemary Vandervort October 21
Juliet Wield October 26
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Things to Look Forward To! | |
Trunk or Treat
Save the date for
October 30th
from 3:00 to 5:00.
We will have our “Trunk or Treat”. Get your thinking caps on about how you will decorate your trunk so you can give out treats to kids in our community!
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On Sunday,
November 20th,
CCPUCC Thanksgiving Worship and Pie Celebration".
Details are still being discussed, but after worship on that Sunday, we will gather for a homemade Pie Celebration. Hopefully, this will become a new tradition in our church community.
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Christmas Eve Worship 2022
It is never too early to mark your calendars for Christmas Eve Worship.
This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday. CCPUCC will offer ONE worship service on December 24th, at 4:00 p.m. Make your plans now to be with us on this amazing day.
NOTE: There will NOT be a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas Day.
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Books & More
On October 25th we'll begin the discussion of Eternal by Lisa Scottoline. Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro grow up in Rome as the best of friends despite their differences. But in the autumn of 1937, everything changed as Mussolini asserts his power. Their connection to one another is tested in ways they never could have imagined.
Books & More meets Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Fireside room and on Zoom:
All are welcome to join us.
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Centering Prayer:
Tuesdays at 6:30 Contact Colleen Clementson
at or on
her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite
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Adult Scripture Review:
Sunday’s following online worship
Email Susan Gurriell
at or
call her at (619)993-4952 for a ZOOM invite.
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Your Favorite Weekly Joke | |
Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)
This week's joke was sent in by Jeannie Hume! Thank you, Je!
Joke of the Week:
J: What should you do when you witness a crime in the forest?
A: Report it to the leaf of police.
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