Rapid Test Kits Available Through Airdrie Chamber
The Airdrie Chamber, in collaboration with the Government of Alberta, will be distributing Covid-19 Rapid Testing Kits for local businesses at no charge.

Please note the following requirements if your business is planning to use this service:
  • Provide a signed copy of "Alberta Rapid Screening Tests Application" to the Airdrie Chamber prior to order being placed.
  • Tests to be requested in multiples of 25 (maximum 200 tests on the first order)
  • Once entered into the agreement, the business is responsible for the program at their workplace.
  • The organization is to provide a weekly report (every Monday) to the Airdrie Chamber (template provided by the Chamber). Failure to do so will result in ineligibility to receive additional tests.

Kit pick up times at Airdrie Chamber of Commerce office - 102, 150 Edwards Way NW:
  • Tuesdays 1- 4pm
  • Thursdays 1 - 4pm

Deadline to apply for first order, Thursday, May 20th at noon.
COVID-19 Updates and Support
New COVID-19 Restrictions to Stop the Spike
On May 5, additional restrictions came into effect for regions with at least 50 cases per 100,000 people, and at least 30 active cases. These restrictions will be in place for at least 3 weeks and will be extended if necessary. Province-wide restrictions remain in effect for all other communities.
View Premier Kenney's announcement in the May 4 news release.
The following is a resource to see the affected regions in Alberta.

Everyone 12 and older can get vaccinated now. Book your shot at a participating pharmacy, through the AHS online booking tool or call 811. More appointments will be added as we get more doses. Book your vaccine.

Increasing Access to Rapid Testing for Employers
The Government of Alberta recently announced that businesses and service providers, who want to access free rapid tests, will no longer be required to have a health-care provider to oversee their screening program. More information.

New Payment Available from Provincial Grant Program
To support businesses affected by the public health measures introduced in April 2021, a spring application period for the Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant program opened April 23. The spring payment is calculated as 15% of the eligible organization's revenue from the chosen month to a maximum of $10,000. More information.

Canada Emergency Business Account Extension
Applicants now have until June 30, 2021 to apply for a $60,000 CEBA loan or the $20,000 expansion at their financial institution. The Government of Canada announced that the deadline for new Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) applications is extended to June 30, 2021.

 New Rent Support for Albertans Between Jobs
On May 1, Alberta’s government launched a new Temporary Rent Assistance Benefit paid directly to tenants for up to 2 years for eligible Albertans who are below the local income thresholds and are currently employed or have been employed in the last 24 months and are not receiving social assistance.
The Rent Assistance Benefit, formerly the Direct to Tenant Rent Supplement, reopened on April 1. This long-term benefit provides stable support for Albertans with the lowest income across the province.
Advocacy in Action
Governments Need A Travel Restart Strategy Now
As Canada’s vaccination deployment continues, it is critical to execute a roadmap that will set out markers for a restart to domestic and international travel. Key elements that need to be included in any strategy, are clear metrics for targeted travel restrictions, coherent rules across all modes of transportation and replacing broad quarantine measures with regulations based on a combination of testing, vaccination and other actions to protect public health. Read more.

Ongoing, Targeted COVID Support Programs Needed for Hardest Hit Sectors
Speaking on behalf of Canada’s hardest hit sectors, including tourism, travel, food services and accommodation, the Canadian Chamber underscored the need for targeted support while these industries work to recover from COVID-19 shutdowns and explained why supports may need to continue longer than currently planned.
Buy Local or Goodbye Local Online Contest
The Buy Local or Goodbye Local contest is a chamber-led initiative to encourage our community to buy local so that we can keep local businesses operating during these challenging times. There is strength in numbers and together we can pull through, so let's have a little fun while doing it!

Contest details:
  1. Post a photo of the product or service you purchased on location, or the check out screen on the website, through an Airdrie business on Facebook or Instagram.
  2. Tag or mention @airdriechamber and the Airdrie business you shopped at.

Chances to win weekly prizes purchased from local businesses valued at $100 and one grand prize on May 31st worth $500.

Contest runs May 3rd through May 31st, 2021 with prizes randomly selected each Monday for the duration of the contest.
Annual General Meeting
Join us for our second virtual Airdrie Chamber of Commerce AGM on May 26, 2021.

Hear about the Airdrie Chamber's highlights through 2020 as we navigated the world of a global pandemic and participate in a Q & A session discussing the year ahead. 

All Chamber Members in good standing are invited to attend the AGM and will be entitled to one vote per business at the virtual meeting.  
State of the City with Mayor Brown
Mayor Peter Brown joins the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce virtually for the 2021 State of the City Address. 
As our community continues to navigate the pandemic, Mayor Brown will summarize the initiatives the City has implemented to continue giving service to the community during this pandemic. Mayor Brown will then share the 2020 highlight’s and showcase plans for the future.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to attend. The audience receives the valuable opportunity to connect and ask questions through the virtual platform.
Registration Required:
Members: Free
Non-Members: $20.00
Rural Women In Business Conference
The Airdrie and Crossfield Chambers of Commerce are proud to work together to bring the Rural Women in Business conference to our communities and beyond! 

The Rural Women in Business Conference is created for entrepreneurial women who are passionate about developing and growing vibrant, sustainable businesses.

The theme this year is RECHARGE... and instead of an in-person event, it will be virtual.
Our format will remain mostly the same with inspiring and informative workshops from business experts, a dynamic keynote speaker - Dr. Jody Carrington, networking opportunity and more!

The RWIB Conference has a proven track record of bringing women together to provide them with the tools, strategies and connections for the evolving businesses and lives. See you there!

Ticket Price:
Members: $40.00
Non-members: $50.00

NEW THIS YEAR: Thank you to our Pay It Forward Sponsor Fortis Alberta, we will be giving away up to 20 complimentary tickets to women who have been negatively affected financially by COVID-19.  Click here to apply for a complimentary ticket.  Deadline to apply is May 21st.
Right for Your Business Voucher Program
Airdrie's Right for Your Business Voucher Program offers up to $2,000 in financial aid to pay for critical advisors and business professionals to help your business survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Licensed, Airdrie commercial and home-based, Airdrie Chamber of Commerce members who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and count on their business as their primary source of income may apply to provide their services through this program. Preference will be given to those who are currently impacted by the Provincial Health restrictions.
Applications are now open.

You are not alone in this – the Economic Development team are committed to keeping businesses supported and informed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Economic Development at 403.948.8844 or with questions, concerns, or suggestions.
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Value Added Savings!
At Purezair, we work to provide you the highest air quality. We select top of the line products backed with extensive research, third-party testing and the highest standards recommended by ASHRAE, EPA and Health Canada for safety use in indoor environments to validate the state-of-the-art technology used, alongside reputable testimonials.
We strive to make your experience as positive and efficient as possible, by providing personalized customer service to ensure your needs are met. Our team members are committed to helping you find the product that fits your needs.
Airdrie Chamber members receive an exclusive 10% discount on Purezair services.

Email: or call 403-710-1263 and let them know you are a member to receive your discount today!
New Member Spotlight
Welcome Airdrie Home Watch Services

Home Watch is a “visual inspection of a home or property looking for obvious issues”. We are not “home inspectors”, but rather are “Certified Home Watch Professionals” having completed this designation through the National Home Watch Association (NHWA). As members of the NHWA, we are obligated to adhere to their strict policies, practices and Code of Ethics.
Airdrie Home Watch Services is your eyes while you are away from your property for either a short or an extended period of time. In your absence, we will attend to your residence, condo, apartment, vacant property, etc., and conduct a home watch check, ensuring your property is as you left it and safe for your return.
Our website, has a unique “Client Portal”, which is specific to those we serve. Through the “Client Portal”, each client will be able to log in and review all home watch reports, photos, videos and other documents specific to their property, at any time. Clients will have to ability to determine how often they wish these home checks to be conducted, but we do strongly recommend they consult their insurance company/agent to determine the best frequency of these checks.
Airdrie Chamber of Commerce
102, 150 Edwards Way NW
Airdrie, AB T4B 4B9
403. 948.4412