See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
March 18, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Lenten Message

As I think through this current and past season of Lent and as I reflect on the Gospel readings we have had throughout this season, I cannot help but see that each of us are inextricably linked, connected. The stories we have encountered of Jesus confronting the religious leaders of his day and healing and reuniting communities reflects the importance of relationship over rules and connection over comfort. 

As a creative writing student in undergrad, my professors would say the more specific the story to you, the more general or common it would become. Or another way to say it, the more others could connect with your story. The challenge can often be the courage it takes to share that much of yourself with another. 

In her devotion, Director of Outreach, Debbie Jorgens reminds us that sharing our specific stories with one another might reveal to us how connected we actually are to one another and invite us into deeper relationship and understanding. This sort of deep relationship gets at the heart of how we define this value -connection with God that inspires love and care for our neighbors!

Pastor Maria Markman

We invite you to read Debbie's devotion this week and watch Wednesday worship if you haven’t had the chance already and finally to engage in the discussion around the value Connected; we define it this way: 

As people of faith, we recognize the importance of a strong relationship with God, knowing that it transforms our hearts, minds and spirits, and that it inspires our love and care of our neighbors. Relationships are vital within our church community and are essential in our local and global partnerships, as well. We value not only caring for others, but really knowing and learning from each other. By building strong relationships we can deepen our faith, be transformed in our thinking and grow as individuals and as a community.
Lenten Wednesdays Worship
(Weds. 3/24)
Worship: 1pm, 6pm and 7:15pm
With small groups in-person, and on Zoom.

For Lent this year we are looking at the values we hold as a congregation at Grace. Each week, we will talk about what these values mean for us and how to live them out as people of faith. We hope that you will join a small group discussion following worship. Join an in-person group or a zoom small group.
Click here to register.
Holy Week and Easter Sunday Worship
Holy Week Worship

Maundy Thursday, April 1st at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Good Friday, April 2nd at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Saturday Vigil, April 3rd at 5:00 pm
Easter Sunday April 4th Worship
7:00 am - Sunrise Worship

8:15 am - Traditional Worship

9:30 am - Contemporary Worship

11:00 am - *Parking Lot Worship *Reservations are NOT required for this worship time
Easter Worship Help Needed

Your help is needed for all Easter Sunday Worships. If you would like to volunteer for ushering, communion serving and for 11:00 am parking lot attending, please call Kris Miller at 763-421-6520.

Online Worship is now being recorded at our Saturday evening service. Online Worship will not be posted until late on Saturday nights. It will be available here for you to join us online on Sunday morning.

For In-person Worship, we are asking for people to sign up for a worship service (see links below). We ask you to stay home if you are sick and to follow all of our COVID-19 protective guidelines. Thank you!
Ministries News

In recognition of the many Minnesotans who are still hungry, Grace is collecting non-perishable items throughout March, to be divided between our onsite Food Shelf and the ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka. Please remember that food items need to be nonperishable only; no homemade, expired, or alcoholic items; and no glass containers. Items can be dropped off in the narthex or on the table in the hallway when you come into the KIDS Entrance doors. 

Each week the Sunday School kids
are invited to bring a specific item.

This Sunday, March 21st it's Pasta!!
Resurrection Garden Event
March 21st 9:30 am-Noon

Suggested Donation $15 per garden kit.
EVERYONE is Welcome to participate

Register on Realm to ensure we have enough supplies for your family!

It is a fun activity for your family, a great teaching tool about Jesus’ resurrection, and a beautiful centerpiece that will grow just in time for Easter. 
First Communion Class

March 24th at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Call the Church Office (763) 421-6520 for more information
Children’s Ministry Team Presents
The Easter Eggstravaganza

March 28th at 9:30 am - 10:20am in the Fellowship Hall

Fun for the whole family: socially distanced crafts, games, prizes, and more!
Blessings in this Lenten season. May it be a time of reflection and simplicity.

“In mid-March when we all received the first stay-at-home order, we had a temporary plan to continue to provide shelter for families at our Day Center. As things progressed, and we gained knowledge on the novel Coronavirus, it became clear that our plan was unsustainable and unsafe for the families who wouldn't be able to quarantine while living in community in shared space. 
Through the CARES act and a partnership with Anoka County we were able to access funding to shelter families in an extended stay hotel, where they would have private rooms to quarantine if needed and a small kitchenette to prepare meals. Though the main goal of our organization is to provide case management to assist families with identifying and removing barriers to accessing stable housing, it is a core component of who we are to also provide shelter, hospitality, and meals. The network of congregations and community members like you who have been supporting our organization for the past 10 years didn't allow for these changes to completely change our service model. Your passion to help families and commitment to our organization inspired so much generosity and support during truly unpredictable times. Our partnering congregations quickly came up with some solutions and ways to offer hospitality and support to the families at the hotel. Eventually we even figured out a way to provide some meals. This response was later emulated by Family Promise affiliates across the country. Though many of us may prefer to give a more personal donation or volunteer to share fellowship with families experiencing homelessness, your financial contributions and donations of supplies and gift cards have been so truly helpful in allowing us to continue supporting families in need. “

Grace Lutheran is providing hospitality baskets and meals for our guests in Family Promise, who are continuing to stay in hotels funded by a grant, for the week of March 28th.
We are following the same procedure we used the last time we hosted families (Sign-up Genius). Hospitality items can be dropped off at Grace LC on Monday (3/29) and  Tuesday (3/30) between 8 am and 4 pm.  

Hot meals to be dropped off on Thursday April 1st between 4 and 5 pm. 
Click on this link to sign up.   Sign up Genius Family Promise
If you are able to help provide for our guests, please know that they are so very grateful for your generosity.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Noisy Offerings

For the month of March, Noisy Offerings will be used to support our Food Shelf here at Grace and the ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka. Since March is Minnesota FoodShare month, a percentage of all donations that ACBC receives will be matched. So your gift can reach even more people! We are grateful, as always, for your compassion and generosity in caring for our neighbors! 

Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

We pray especially for Pat Scheuer, Brock & Chelsea DeVries as they await the birth of their first child, Mary North, Charles Wagenknecht, Jeanie Ranft, Kristin & Tony, Carroll Potter, Kathy Tillery, Mary Anderson, Alan Roettger, Ralph Wernimont, Sue Barker, Eric & Candace Mahowald and their soon to be born twins, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, Marge Davidson, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont. We pray for all those suffering from COVID-19 throughout the world.
May your promise of new life and peace bring comfort to those who mourn especially: Our praise band drummer RD and his family as the mourn the death of his brother Dean Arnold Nelson; Randy & Arlene Alberg & family as they mourn the death of Arlene’s mother, Cyrilla Beidleman; Tom & Lori Weaver & family upon the death of Tom’s mother, Roseanne Weaver; Jan Quick and Kevin and Sue Quick mourning the death of Jan’s granddaughter, and Kevin & Sue’s daughter, Steffanie Quick; Justin & Becky Jacobs & family as they mourn the death of Justin’s Dad, Roger and all who are grieving and continue to grieve.  Lord, hear our prayer.
April Grace Notes Article Deadline
March 26th at 5pm

Please have your April Grace Notes articles into Marie Kolar by 5pm on March 26th. Please have them in Word format and email them to
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.