You are receiving this email because you have been a supporter of CHLT in the past and we value your input!

This year marks our 25th year of stewarding and protecting the lands we love in Grand County. A lot has changed in the past 25 years, and will continue to change, from our homes in Grand County, throughout Colorado and the United States, and around the world. We know that this is a tough and troubling time for all of us, for many different reasons, and we want to be able to best represent our community and advocate what our community wants in terms of conservation and resource protection in Grand County - our home.

We strive to stay on top of current attitudes around conservation in our community. Can you help us keep up with the times and form our new Strategic Plan? Just ten minutes is all it will take to share your thoughts with us!

Visit to participate in shaping the next five years, and beyond!
Thank you,
Jeremy D. Krones
Executive Director
PO Box 1938, Granby CO. 80446 - (970) 887-1177