Video Message from
Fr. Chris
These are unusually difficult times for many people in our community right now. Many hard working people are finding themselves having trouble making ends meet to put food on the table or pay the bills. Many others are struggling to make sense spiritually in day-to-day life. And, still others are faced with an unbearable lonesomeness.

We want you to know - you are NOT alone! At Sacred Heart Church, we are here to help - spiritually, financially, socially. If you are struggling or know someone who is, please share this information. We will make it through this tough time! We are in this TOGETHER!
Available Financial Assistance

United Way

Call 211 or the number in the contact section to see what resources are available to you. This includes financial, food, medical, legal, etc.

West Des Moines Human Services

Assistance in payment of utility bills (known as LIHEAP). Deadline has been extended to 5/31/20. At least one person in the home needs to be documented.
Catholic Charities Resources
Catholic Charities is still providing wonderful resources from a food pantry to emergency shelter. If you are in need of assistance, please visit . Catholic Charities also offers several safe opportunities to volunteer.
Senior Citizen Meals Sites/Sitos de Comida para Personas Mayores  
Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2008 Forest Ave. Des Moines 50314
Phone: 286-3677
Site Supervisor: Sam McCrorey  Program Aide: Machelle King
MLK. Jr.
Open 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
1650 Garfield Des Moines  50316
Phone: 266-5445
Site Coordinator:                  Hollie McCargar

Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3010—6th Ave Des Moines 50313
Phone: 288-1524
Site Supervisor: Sara Baratta, Program Aide: Nicole Ledvina
Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.
5110 Franklin Ave. Des Moines 50310
Phone: 279-2767
Site Supervisor: Kristi Carman Program Aide: Lisa McDonald
Pioneer Columbus
Open 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
2100 S.E. 5th Street Des Moines 50315
Phone: 288-3734 Program Aide: Anna Calisesi
Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
100 Payton Ave. Des Moines, 50315
Phone: 287-0092
Site Supervisor: JaNeil Long Program Aide: Cody Evison
West Des Moines
Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
134 - 6th Street West Des Moines 50265
Phone: 274-0373
Site Supervisor:         Mary Clare Cox  Program Aide: Linda Mason 
Assistance from the St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society is able to help qualified Sacred Heart parishioners who find themselves in need of food, gas, rent or utilities assistance, on a limited basis. We also partner with other agencies for needs that we cannot provide. We thank all of our generous donors for the ability to provide these services. Any Sacred Heart parishioner needing help in these areas can email Rolla Hermann at
Pray the Rosary Every Monday Evening on Zoom
Please join Sacred Heart Church on Monday nights to pray the Rosary through Zoom. If people want to gather and pray each Monday at 6:30 pm as a parish we can do that. People can forward the link so others can share it as well. Hope to see you then!

Joan Miller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sacred Heart Rosary

Time: This is a recurring meeting every Monday at 6:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 747 7196 5295

Password:  rosary
Join Sacred Heart for 'Metanoia' an Online Video Series
During this unprecedented time of social distancing, now is a great opportunity for adults of all ages to reflect on their relationship with Jesus. Join Sacred Heart Church (via Zoom) on Mondays and Thursdays at 1:00 pm for a 10 part video series beginning on Thursday, April 23 to watch and discuss the free online video series called 'Metanoia - A Journey with Christ into Conversion' from The Wild Goose Ministry.

For more information and to register to join the Zoom online video series, please visit: .
Reflect on the 3rd Sunday of Easter Readings

Prepare the Way
Even though we celebrated Easter, it was not the end of our celebration. The Church sets aside an entire seven weeks that centers around the resurrection of Christ, the beginning of his Church, his ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 

Children's Liturgy
Parents, hopefully this will fill in until Children’s Liturgy of the Word can return at Mass. Read the Gospel and the following brief summary aloud with your children. Ask the questions as you go along and talk about their answers. Keep it short and focused.

Access FORMED TV! Free for all Sacred Heart Parishioners!
If you haven't already checked out FORMED, now would be the perfect time! FORMED is a great gift thanks to Sacred Heart in which you have full access to the best Catholic movies, ebooks, audio and studies for all ages!

5 Easy Steps to log in:
1) Go to
2) Click "Sign up"
3) Select "I belong to a Parish Organization"
4) Look for "Sacred Heart Parish, West Des Moines, IA" and hit select
5) Create an account with your name & email
It's that easy!
Watch Sacred Heart Church Daily Mass Live Streamed at:
If you do not have a Facebook account, it’s ok! You can still watch the live stream by clicking on the Sacred Heart Facebook page at and scrolling down until you see the Mass!

If something pops up asking you to create an account, just click the button that says “not now”. Sadly, you will not be able to comment on the video without an account.

Videos will be posted to the YouTube channel a few hours AFTER the event is completed and can be viewed at Sacred Heart Church WDM YouTube channel and on the Sacred Heart website once each event is completed. T o watch live, your only option is Facebook.

In addition, some Masses may have a few more people involved. Please be sure that we will follow the current guidelines for public gatherings and we will have 10 people or less at these services. These services are not open to the public. 
Watch a New Series -  The Chosen
Would you like to watch a new show about the disciples of Christ based on the gospels? It's a different take because the primary character is not Christ but his disciples. You can watch it on the app of the same name, "The Chosen" for free. 

Here's a link to the app on Google
and on Apple
If you or your loved one is in need of pastoral care and especially in need of the ministry of a priest for confession or anointing of the sick, please do not hesitate to contact our parish office at (515) 225-6414 or Deacon Ed Garza at and we will do all that we can to minister to your needs.
Guía de Recursos

Mensaje Especial del
Padre Nipin
Esto es un tiempo difícil para muchos miembros de nuestra comunidad. Mucha gente se encuentra en una situación en que es difícil pagar todos los recibos, o tener suficiente comida para su familia.  Hay otros quienes están teniendo dificultad en mantener su vida espiritual activa. Y también hay otros quienes se sienten tan solos mientras mantienen la distancia social.

¡Queremos que usted sepa – NO estas solo! La Iglesia Sacred Heart está aquí para ayudar – espiritualmente, financieramente, y socialmente. Esta información es para todos los quienes están teniendo dificultades en este momento. Esperamos que les ayude. Por favor compártelo con otros. ¡Sobreviviremos estos tiempos difíciles juntos!
Ayuda Financiera

United Way

Usted puede llamar al 211 (o el numero en la sección de contacto) para ver cuales recursos están disponible para usted. Esto incluye ayuda financiera, ayuda de comida, ayuda legal, etc.

West Des Moines Human Services
Asistencia para pagar el recibo de servicio calefacción (LIHEAP por sus siglas en ingles). Se ha extendido la fecha para aplicar hasta el 31 de mayo. Por lo menos una persona necesita ser documentado.
Ayuda de St. Vincent de Paul
La Sociedad de St. Vincent de Paul de la Iglesia Sacred Heart tiene ayuda para parroquianos de Sacred Heart. Es necesario calificar. Después de calificar es posible recibir ayuda de comida, gasolina, renta o utilidades. Ayuda es limitada, pero St. Vincent de Paul coopera con otras agencias para ayudar en necesidades no cubiertas por la sociedad. Muchas gracias a los donantes generoso por su apoyo del fundo. Cualquier parroquiano registrado en la iglesia quien necesita ayuda puede mandar un correo electrónico a Rolla Hermann, .
Apoyo Espiritual
¡Accede la página de FORMED TV! ¡Es gratis para todos los parroquianos de Sacred Heart!
¡Esto es un buen tiempo para investigar el contenido en FORMED! FORMED es un regalo maravilloso de la parroquia a sus parroquianos. Tiene acceso a las mejores películas, libros y estudios católicos para todas edades. Contenido disponible en inglés e español.
5 pasos para hacer una cuenta:
1.      Haga clic en el enlace
2.      Haga clic en “Sign Up”
3.      Seleccione “I belong to a Parish Organization” (usted pertenece a una parroquia)
4.      Busque “Sacred Heart Parish, West Des Moines, IA” y haga clic en “Next”
5.      Crea una cuenta con su nombre y correo electrónico
¡Es fácil!
Se puede ver la Misa diaria en vivo usando Facebook. 
Sigue el enlace:

Favor de Notar : Si usted no tiene Facebook, usted todavía puede ver la Misa en vivo. Haga clic en este enlace, . Lo lleva a la página de Facebook de la iglesia y podrás ver la Misa. No es necesario hacer cuenta. Videos de la Misa están disponible en el canal de YouTube de la iglesia, pero no son en vivo.  Todavía se sigue la guía corriente que prohíbe tener más de 10 personas presentes.  Estas Misas no están abierto al público.
Si usted o un ser querido esta en necesidad de cuidado pastoral, especialmente los sacramentos de confesión o unción de los enfermos, por favor no dude en comunicarse con la oficina. Nosotros haremos lo posible para cubrir sus necesidades pastorales.
(515) 225-6414 PHONE