October 21, 2020 Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church - St. Louis, Missouri
Recently I was asked when church school for our children will resume. I answer this question by honestly saying, “I simply do not know.” 

I continue to pray that we will be able to meet soon; however, I am also aware that this will take time as we want to ensure that we are able to meet in a way that is safe for our children and the adults who lead them. Until that time, the church’s ministry to our children and their families is continuing to take on a more creative approach.  

When quarantine first began, we did much of our ministry through Zoom. With our children spending so much time online with school, we began to move away from that model. For Vacation Bible School we provided kits of materials and our staff made interesting, well thought out videos available on YouTube so that children and their families could follow along. We ended VBS with a Popsicle parade in the church parking lot.

For several weeks Monday Madness has continued to meet. Each Monday children in grades K-5 have met outside at the church. I tell bible stories from the stage inside the playground while David Erwin and Anne Peacock lead children’s choir. 

On October 3rd, 17 people representing 7 different families met under the trees in the church parking lot near the gazebo. We talked about what foods Jesus would have eaten as a boy. We discussed how and why Jesus was in that upper room celebrating the Passover. We talked about the bread and the cup and what they mean. Our children were given their communion kits so they could partake of communion on World Communion Sunday. 

Earlier this month, I met with 6 Middle Schoolers and one other adult for our first outdoor Sunday Funday. We talked about what we dream to do as a Middle School youth group and made a piece of art for the Middle School Room using “exploding paint” We will be meeting on the second Sunday of each month. Our next meeting will be November 8th

Parent/Child Storytime has started back up on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We are currently meeting outside.

I am also currently collecting names of 2nd graders so I can hand deliver them their bibles, a tradition I long to keep alive and well here at Ladue Chapel. If you have a second grader who would like a bible, please let me know. 

As we approach Advent your church staff is hard at work to provide meaningful experiences for children of all ages. 

While we are unsure of what will happen in the coming months, one thing is certain, the children and families of Ladue Chapel are being thought of as we continue to find ways to connect with and nurture our youngest disciples. 


Courtney Chandler
Cares, Concerns and Celebrations

Recently hospitalized or recovering at home
Barbara Hibbard, Nancy Caverly

We offer our Christian love and sympathy to the family and friends of Floyd Sweeney, who died and entered the church triumphant on October 21, 2020.

We offer our Christian love and sympathy to the family and friends of Harold "Jack" Ogden, who died and entered the church triumphant on October 16, 2020 at the age of 103.

We offer our congratulations to Erin and Richard Wesley Mellow IV on the birth of their daughter Charlotte Mary Mellow on October 2, 2020. Proud grandparents are Mary Anne and Wes Mellow III.

We offer our congratulations to Kortni and Ross Hage on the birth of their son Hendrix Coehn Hage on September 30, 2020.
At the Congregational Meeting this past Sunday, October 18, the congregation elected the following members as Deacons, Elders, and members of the Congregational Nominating Committee

David Curtis, Jim Forsyth, John Fries III, Mary Anne Mellow, Andrea Niehoff, Patricia Theodos and Chis Warwick

Sarah Hightower, Rick Hradsky, Katherine Humphreys, Judd Presley, Mic Sandage, Anne Sutter, Claire Sutton and Elisabeth Thompson

Bob Cranston, Elizabeth Southern, Carol Shepley, Tammy Walsh and Doug Wilton

Our thanks to the members of the
2020 Nominating Committee for their service
Elders Andrea Craig, Jeff Drew; Deacons Cindy Daniels, Vicki Haupt; and Congregational Representatives Ralph Grimm, Kent Higginbotham, Nancy Murphy and Chris Preston
Labyrinth Walk

Ladue Chapel’s canvas labyrinth is moving outside for a day

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 1, you are invited to walk our labyrinth on the parking lot between 3-5 p.m. Presbyterian theologian Craig Dykstra observed, “The very action of walking the circuitous path of a labyrinth serves to still our thoughts, allowing space for God amid the usually jam-packed confines of our minds.” This ancient form of walking meditation has been scientifically shown to ease stress and grief. The single-circuit path may also be used to work through a problem or concern that has been on your mind

Give yourself the gift of this prayerful time with God

Rain date: Sunday, November 8 (same time)
Interfaith Partnership invites you to join them for their virtual celebration “Repairing the World: Strengthening Connections in a Fractured Time”
on Oct. 29th at 7pm.

During the evening’s program, Rev. Dr. Dieter Heinzl will be recognized as the recipient of the 2020 Interfaith Lifetime Achievement Award for his years of service to Interfaith Partnership and his commitment to furthering interreligious dialogue and understanding in St. Louis and beyond.

To join the celebration, visit interfaithstl.org/repair on Oct. 29th at 7pm. No registration or fee is required to join.
Passing of the Peace

We would like to invite you to participate in passing the peace in one of our upcoming worship videos!  The videos that you send in really help our church family to connect with each other. If you and your family or group would like to do this, just make a short video (10 seconds or so) on your cell phone, saying “the peace of Christ be with you…and also with you” and then email it to Jesi Hempstead at jhempstead@laduechapel.org Submissions must be received by Wednesday at noon to be included in the following Sunday’s worship. If you are uncomfortable making the video yourself, please contact David Erwin to arrange a time to meet at the church to do a recording. That’s all there is to it! Thank you for sharing the peace of Christ with your Ladue Chapel family near and far. 
Mission, Children’s, and Fellowship Committees have partnered to create a safe alternative to our annual Trunk or Treat.

In addition to dropping off food items and receiving candy at this drive-thru event, each child may take home a small pumpkin, along with a few craft supplies, so they may decorate their pumpkin at home.

We hope to see you (costumes encouraged!) on Sunday.
Monday Madness

Monday Madness continues outdoors on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 p.m., weather permitting.
For students in Kindergarten through Grade 5
Don't forget to register each week!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Music for Reformation Sunday and Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans
Chamber Choir will sing “Psalm 46” by Edwin Childs
Piper Laura Hartung will play “Amazing Grace” and “Highland Cathedral”


Fall Email Schedule: Beginning next week, our email schedule will be updated for the fall. Below is an updated schedule of when you can expect to hear from us throughout the week. There may be additional emails if need be. We hope this is an easy way to stay connected.
  • Monday: God in our Midst
  • Tuesday: Midday Prayer Reminder
  • Wednesday: Chapel Bell
  • Thursday: Special Emails
  • Friday: Sunday Worship Reminder

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m., on Facebook (no need to have a Facebook account - just go to www.laduechapel.org, click on Worship on the top and then find the link). Worship will also be available on our YouTube channel. Share our services with your friends on social media! We love meeting new people and growing our online community.

Sunday Morning Zoom Coffee Half Hour - Join us after worship, at 11:30 a.m., for a Zoom Coffee Half Hour. Click here to join the Zoom Coffee hour (the link to join will also be provided in the Facebook worship post and the worship information email on Friday.)