Members from over half of our churches were able to attend our Fall Mission Summit on Invite Welcome Connect, with guest speaker Mary Parmer (pictured at right with Bishop San). We are excited to see the innovative and collaborative efforts that will come from this initiative moving forward. To help continue the process in your own parish or if you would like to learn more, please be sure to bookmark our Invite Welcome Connect Resource Page.
Join the IWC Cohort...While churches in our Diocese are implementing ideas for Invite Welcome Connect at the parish-level, we are also hoping to support these efforts with an Invite Welcome Connect cohort at the Diocesan Level. Members of the cohort will have access to IWC certified coach training and will function as a sub-committee of the Department of Missions. Anyone interested in joining this cohort should please email Lynn Anstatt.
Next year's Mission Summit will be held in early Fall of 2023 at Camp Wright and will be a Ministry Fair & "Tailgate Party". Each church will have a chance to share their top success stories and provide one another with tools for applying these ideas across the Diocese. (Not to mention amazing food, lotsa fun & great fellowship!) More info will be coming soon.
Celebrating the Ordination of Rev. Susan Elaine Leight! The Diocese of Easton welcomed Rev. Susie Leight to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Susie was the first woman to be ordained a priest at Christ Church Cambridge, where she will also serve as their first female Rector. It was a holy and joyous occasion!
New Diocesan Appointees
The Bishop is pleased to welcome four new leaders serving at the Diocesan level. John Dragone has filled the position of Canon to the Ordinary; Dr. Mark Hansen was offered the position of Part-time Latino Missioner; Dr. Lynn Wiljanen h as agreed to join the Bishop’s Institute on the retirement of Dee Rinehart on December 31, 2022; Megan Timms Finance Administrator to fill Art Kendall’ position effective January 1, 2023. Information of each of our new leaders can be found here.
155th Diocesan Convention
Diocesan Convention is scheduled to be held March 4, 2023, at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Salisbury, under the theme: “Reaching Rising Generations - Mission Imperatives of a Post-Covid Church” (Isaiah 40:30-31; Matthew 13: 51-53). Our theme applies the Invite Welcome Connect initiative with a focus on rising generations, the third component (Parousia III) of the overall Diocesan Vision ‘Parousia - God’s Vision for God’s Church on the Eastern Shore of Maryland’.
Convocation Meetings:
Convocation Meeting 7:00pm - 12/14/22
Convocation Meeting 7:00pm - 1/31/23F
From the Constitutions & Canons Committee
The ConCan Committee has released its letter inviting proposed amendments, by-law amendments, and resolutions which can be read here.
Bishop's Communique
The Bishop released a letter which includes further information regarding Convention and the David Booth Beers Memorial Project (Constitution and Canons Revision Project). Read here.
Auditors’ Statement on Financial Health of the Diocese
The report from the auditors has been completed and was returned with positive results. The highlights include:
- The auditors gave the Diocese an "unmodified opinion" which is the highest opinion that can be given.
- We have over 10 months of liquidity, which more than surpasses the acceptable number of 90 days.
- Diocese continues to be financially sound - as per the auditors review of our statements through December 2021.
A message from our Finance Department - Did you know??? The standard mileage rate for business travel is now 62.5 cents per mile. Read more here.
Church Pension Group - Employee Assistance Program - Sometimes you just need to talk to someone.
To help address your emotional, physical, family, and legal needs, the Medical Trust offers the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to clergy and lay members of our medical plans, their covered dependents and any other household members. This benefit provides immediate help, referrals, and resources. The plan covers telephone consultations and up to 10 face-to-face counseling sessions per issue at no member cost. Learn more here.
Parish Investments (Easton Episcopal Funds)
"We would like everyone, investors and those who have not (yet) invested in the Easton Episcopal Funds to know that if they wish to know the thinking of the Board of Managers in these rather uncertain economic times, that they can go to the Easton Episcopal Funds website to know -- and to query if they so wish." The site also has information on allocations, performance, policy, etc. The Board is working hard to both preserve vital capital as well as produce return for the missions of the parishes.
Agape Ministry Stakeholders Zoom: Bishop San is calling together anyone interested in the Agape Ministry to gather on zoom and consider best steps moving forward. November 10th at 5:00pm using the following Zoom Link ( Meeting ID: 828 5883 8091; Passcode: Agape)
Clergy Save the Dates: The 2023 Clergy Conference, with keynote Bishop Jim Mathes, will be at the Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort from May 1st - May 3rd, 2023.
Youth Ministry Save the Dates:
Winter Rally: Weekend of January 6th - 8th, 2023 (The Pen-Del Rally has announced that they will no longer be hosting the OC Youth Rally. However, we will continue to focus this weekend on fellowship, spiritual growth, and a whole lot of teenage fun)
- Camp Wright Youth Summit: Weekend of April 28th-30th, 2023
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE): July 3rd-8th, 2023 (Province 3 will host a pre-EYE event July 3-4 which is included in these dates)
P3 Formation Leaders Deep Dives:
Leveraging Communications and Storytelling for Greater Engagement will be the November Deep Dive. Noon on Monday, November 21st using the same zoom link. Guest panel includes Lisa Brown of Membership Vision, Emily Gowdy Cannady, Missioner for Lifelong Christian Formation in the Diocese of East Carolina, and Laura Di Panfilo in the Diocese of Pittsburgh and "the undisputed Queen of TikTok."
Mission Trip to the Amazon Region of Peru!
Join us as we return to the river villages in the Amazon Region of Peru in July of 2023. Going on Mission is a life-changing opportunity that we hope many of you will consider. This trip is open to anyone currently in High School and older. This mission is offered in partnership with Christ Church Easton, contact Kelsey Spiker for more information.
Run the Difference Course: The Diversity Awareness Commission offers both leadership and/or financial assistance for parishes wishing to run the Difference Course, here are four great times to run it. Visit the DAC website for more information.
FORMA 2023 - Called to Covenant January 17-19, 2023
Join us onsite in Alexandria, Virginia and online - The Annual Conference is an opportunity for Forma to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, the theme is "Called to Covenant." The four plenaries will be focusing on how we are called, through Micah 6:8, to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God." Read more here. Anyone wishing to attend the Forma Conference, virtually or in-person can do so at the discounted cost through the Diocese. Look for registration information in the next eNews or email Joanne Fisher for more information.
Church Focus Groups: During the Diocesan Convention 2022 and again in our June eNews, Bishop San encouraged parishes to convene focus groups. “As churches begin to conceive regathering models, I am advising Diocesan Convention to direct parishes to organize ‘focus groups’ of their members to prayerfully discern the challenging issue of CPR (Church Presence and Relevance) versus ASA (Average Sunday Attendance) within their parochial context." If you have already had a focus group or are just getting started, we encourage you to pass along the results of your conversations via email. Read more.
Hurricane Relief Reminder
Bishop San encourages anyone wishing to support relief efforts in the wake of recent hurricanes to send donations to Episcopal Relief & Development. They are in close contact with Episcopal dioceses in the southern United States and Cuba.
National Make A Difference Day October 22, 2022 On this day, communities unite together to make some differences to others. Whether it is big or small, millions of people come together in a common mission to improve society. We encourage you to make a difference in your community.
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Camp Wright Update: Dates and rates for Summer 2023 are live! Set a reminder for registration opening on Nov. 2nd at 11:00am. Please let us know if you would like to schedule a Zoom Q&A session, a camp visit, or for someone from Camp Wright to visit your parish.
October 23 1pm-5pm Circle of Friends Work Day - join us to lend a hand, visit with old friends, help out around camp and enjoy a sunset by the bay. All skill levels are welcome! Come when you can.
Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
Bishop’s Institute News We are excited to announce Fall Trainings for Worship Leader Training for November. The training sessions scheduled for October 22 at St. Stephen's Earlville have been cancelled due to lack of registrations. Training will be offered again in the spring at this site.
We are quickly approaching the holiday season and we are so excited to see our parish's celebrating with fun activities!! If you have a holiday event you would like to share with the Diocese, please send a brief article to Beth Devenny for inclusion in our future Enews.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford On Sunday October 16, The Church of the Holy Trinity sponsored a concert by the Naval Academy Orchestra. Over 45 musicians somehow fit into our sanctuary! The concert was sold out and just under 100 devices linked into the broadcast, The orchestra played a wide range of inspiring classical music from Tchaikovsky to Bernstien to Bizet. It was a marvelous event for the church and community that was enjoyed by all. Read more here.
Christ Church, St. Michaels Parish celebrated it's sesquicentennial anniversary (that's 350 years!) with the dedication of a new Garden Chapel and Memorial Garden on Sunday, October 16. Bishop San was present for the dedication and blessing.
Trinity Cathedral, Easton - The community–building spirit that makes Trinity special was on full display at the Cathedral on October 15th. Organizing a community craft fair involves a lot of behind-the-scenes work. It was amazing how many members of Trinity stepped up to make this event a success.
St. Peter's, SalisburyAnnual Fall Bazaar - Friday and Saturday November 18 and 19 and will be in conjunction with Salisbury’s Third Friday and the tree lighting downtown.
Christ Church Parish, Kent Island - The Westminster Ringers
Saturday, December 10th at 7 p.m., the Westminster Ringers will return to Christ Church to present a Christmas concert. This auditioned community handbell choir performs on more than 200 instruments in a musical feast for the eyes and ears. This free event is always highly-praised by our church and community.
Christ Church, St. Michaels - Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 10th
9 am – 1 pm
Ukrainian refugee assistance A local effort to assist in the relocation of two Ukrainian refugees to Talbot County is taking place. Arrival date is October 24. Their first night will be in a hotel and then on to an InterFaithShelter duplex apartment. Yana Orlovska is 25 years old. Her general field is journalism. She specializes in editing, writing, and scriptwriting. As of now I’m studying coffee as a product, specialty coffee making and spirit making processes. She is also a professional barista and bartender, and amateur filmmaker. Inga Denysiuk is a 58 year old widow, and has been practicing English for 13 years. She has a degree in commodity research, trading and bookselling, 25 year experience artist. Vesper, the cat, is named after the classical cocktail. He is the sweetest cat in the world! If you would like more information, please contact Ad Duer at adduer@lycos.com or Rich O’Brien at obwan1946@gmail.com.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add joanne@dioceseofeaston.org to their local enews.
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for the repose of the soul of the Reverend Frank G. Adams. Frank and Bunny moved to the Eastern Shore in 1993, where Frank served as a Curate at Emmanuel, Chestertown and as Priest-in -Charge at Christ Church, I.U., Worton until 2020. Relatives and friends are invited to greet the family on Friday, October 21, 2022, for a memorial service at the Joseph Fluehr Funeral Home New Britain, Pennsylvania, at 4 p.m. Interment will take place at a later time. Please pray for his wife, Bunny, and their family, as they mourn Frank's passing.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Ray Zeigler.
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Doug Girardeau. Rev. Bryan Glancey & Barbs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. Susan Oldfather. Becky Richardson. Rev. Peggy Samuels. The Rev. Ken Thom.
Pray for cessation of the war in Ukraine, Middle East and in other parts of the world. For the citizens of Ukraine, refugees and displaced children, the elderly, parents, sick and the nations that are providing a safe and secure shelter for migrant citizens.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 23rd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Alban’s, Salisbury, and for their lay leaders, and their Deacon, the Rev. Alisha King,
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
October 30th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at All Hallows, Snow Hill and their Deacon-in-Residence, the Rev. Andrew Cropper.
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
November 6th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Trinity Cathedral, Easton,
and for their Dean, the Very Rev. Greg Powell, and his spouse, Noelle, and
for their Asst. Dean, the Rev. Sandy Casey Martus.
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
November 13th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Centreville, and
for their Rector, the Rev. Mary Friel, and her spouse, John.
Last Sunday after Pentecost
November 20th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Denton,
and for their Rector, the Rev. Matthew D’Amario, and his spouse, Craig.
On this Children’s Home Foundation Sunday; we give thanks for the
Ministry of the Children’s Home Foundation, and their leadership in
providing funds for those seeking higher education.
First Sunday of Advent
November 27th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s - Kent,
Chestertown, and their Rector, the Rev. Frank St. Amour, and his spouse,
United Thank Offering - Make November an intentional gratitude month for you, your family, Sunday School class, or small group. United Thank Offering offers free online resources to help individuals, families, and groups focus on gratitude throughout November. Learn more here.
World Kindness Day, November 13th -we encourage celebration of World Kindness Day as a Day of Love by contributing to the One Thousand Days of Love Campaign. Episcopal Relief & Developments - ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE website has suggestions and materials to support parishes. It is a grassroots Church-wide campaign dedicated to expanding the organization's global programs that help communities nurture children to their full potential.
Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries Advent retreat – “A Virtual Teaching and Sharing on the Second Coming of Christ” – retreat includes lecture, group discussion, and Scripture meditation. Nov. 21-22, 8-10 p.m. ET (5-7 p.m. PT) each day. Learn more here.
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