June 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 6
Taycan Preview - photo Porsche Rocklin

From The Editor - Mike Willis

This month's issue again is going to be a lot different as there is limited pre and post event coverage.

This issue contains the following as you scroll through. Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.

When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone there is a size limit for this of 5mb.

President's Column
SVR Calendar
Our Thoughts
SVR Autox news and updates
1972 CRAB article reprint
IMS Bearing Article reprint
SVR Chair positions openings
In The Zone
2018 Feather River Tour Video
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Bill Fargo, Photography & Flyers
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Le Mans winner and Bugatti test driver Andy Wallace reached the top speed of exactly 490.484 km/h (304.773 mph) on August 2, 2019 on the test track at Ehra-Lessien in Lower Saxony.

Contest Rules
1.       All participants must be 18yrs old or younger.
2.       Drawings should be submitted in PDF (Portable document format) if possible. Mailed in entries should be mailed to the club’s post office box and arrive no later than June 30, 2020. Emailed entries should be emailed to
3.       Submitted drawings can be submitted using PCA’S coloring pages or a drawing of any Porsche model freehand, traced or any method but must not infringe any copyright.
4.       Judging will be performed by the Drifter Editor and Webmaster.
5.       Four (4) prizes will be awarded. One for each age group.
6.       The grand prize of having your drawing used as a cover for the drifter will be selected from the four groups. Each group will be judged using appropriate criteria for the different age groups. No group has a better chance of winning.
7.       The winners will be announced with the publishing of the July Drifter.
8.       All drawings will be posted to our club website.
1.       First place prize winner will have their drawing used as the cover (mast head) of the July issue of the Drifter.
2.       The winner of age group eight and under will win either a kids meal gift certificate or a beginning art set .
3.       The winner of age group nine to twelve will win either a beginners art set or a gift certificate for a go kart race. Note to be eligible to accept the go kart certificate, the winner must fulfill the requirements of the facility, including height.
4.       The winner of age group thirteen to sixteen can also win either a go kart race or an art set. The winner must fulfill the requirements of the facility, including height.
5.       The winner of the age group seventeen through eighteen will win a day of autocross introduction, riding with an instructor. Note in order to be eligible to ride and attend an autocross event, the winner (in under 18 yrs) must be enrolled in the PCA Junior Program and fulfill the requirements of the autocross team.

President's Message
Steve Barker

Greetings to all members of the Sacramento Valley Region PCA! 
We have made it to another month and I’m sure most are adapting to the look of masks and longer locks! I’ll continue using my picture from earlier in the year rather than the one with a beard and long hair! Members of the BoD know what I mean. I’ve heard the salons are beginning to open and on my essential trips to Costco and Safeway traffic is picking up and the check-out lines are getting longer. 

Recently PCA has sent out a new waiver we all will becoming familiar with. There are lots of names we are giving it including the “Corona Waiver” or the “Cover Your Butt Form” or as PCA called it the “PCA Communicable Disease Waiver Form.” Of course after reading it which version 1 had 2 pages it was clear there is a lot of legal concerns with holding events that have a potential of people becoming ill from the virus. Part of the requirements is that we need to keep copies in storage for 95 months, something I’ll be handing over to a future president! Both Bill Fargo and Mike Willis have included the form and details on the Web and in the Drifter blast.  Rik Larson also included it in his blast. I’ve included the link to the latest version that came out this week.

After receiving the form many questions were asked throughout the country and PCA responded. Here is one of the points that was addressed by Tom Gorsuch, PCA President, “The CDW will only be required at events that are held in controlled access spaces. This eliminates the complication of managing waivers in a public space such as a parking lot at a coffee shop or at a concours. Controlled access events are moving car events or social events where you have pre-registration and collection of registration fees.”
Here’s the link:  CDW

Collin Fat, our Zone 7 Representative has been in close contact with our BoD and PCA getting answers to all our questions. He continues to keep us updated as well as the other regions and doesn’t hesitate to get on a call.  Thanks Collin!!

I know many are wondering about our events and I got this from Jerry Alter regarding the Brookfield’s Monthly Breakfast. Jerry and Ramona recently went to meet with the manager and indicated it was very different on this trip to Brookfield’s. Table spacing is set up to maintain social distancing and group sizes are restricted to parties of 10, but those 10 must be family members. As we look to July Jerry will keep in touch with Brookfield’s and keep us updated on any additional changes.

John Leet, our AX Chair, recently sent out an update on the AX Schedule and it looks like there is a June 27 th event planned at Thunderhill. Look for his revised schedule.

Speaking of New Members, I want to welcome Mike Simpson, Steve Nelson, Linda Viscardi, and Scott Skougard who have joined SVR over the past month. Thank you for joining SVR, it’s great to see the interest continue even during these times that we can’t meet and welcome you in our more traditional way. Under more normal conditions we do hold New Member dinners and tours. You should hear from our Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde and New Member Chair, Sue Sanders to help bring you on board!

From everyone in SVR, I want to pass along a speedy get well to Bob Peake, our Treasurer, and expect he’ll be balancing our books soon!

As a reminder, we still have some SVR Chair position openings that we are trying to fill. They include Historian, Charity, Social Media and Technical Chair. If you have an interest or want to speak for another member please feel free to contact me or any of your board members!

If you have any comments or would like to tell us your story of what it’s been like to be a member of SVR please drop me a line!

 We’re all here to make our club a fun place to be a part of, meet others and enjoy our cars, and SUV’s!

Stay healthy and be sure to wear your mask!
Rob Lee
Vice President
Please contact me for recent calendar changes.
Also verify that event is happening with the event chair.

PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member

All of the SVR events in June have been cancelled except for the board meeting (June 10th with Zoom) and the AX on June 27th at Thunderhill. It appears that events are happening at Thunderhill Raceway and this is likely the first type of organized motorsports appearing in Northern California. Our AX event on June 27th will also be the first event on the 2020 Zone 7 AX calendar. Registration is open now. See the registration link at the end of John Leet's column a little later in this newsletter.
Another Waiver to sign?
PCA has issued their own liability protection waver known as the Communicable Disease Spectator and Participant Release. Expect more details shortly…… fact a slightly updated form is due any day now. This form is in addition to the normal PCA release form that we have been using for years. We have it on the SVR website……….
SVR Coloring Contest for Kids
Check out the details later in this newsletter. Have your kids show us some of that creativity they have developed over the past couple of months.
Monterey Car Week
Yes, the traditional week is still on ---- but with 70% of the 30 events cancelled. As mentioned last month, the big concours at Pebble Beach is cancelled. As are all but one of the auctions. The PCA Werks Reunion on Friday, August 14th survives as do the big races at the WeatherTech Raceway (Laguna Seca). And the Concours on the Avenue (Carmel) is still one of the events listed as happening. You can check out the status of all of the events at a great website………..
356 Speedster?
So it seems that the featured car photo of the week in the May 12th edition of e-Brake News is a replica. At least that is what SVR member Bob Cannon says. So when you receive the PCA e-Brake News May 2020 Recap in your e-mail box on June 1st, be sure and check it out when you vote.
PCA Raffle
June 5th is the final day to get your raffle ticket ($50) to win a Taycan 4S (plus $25,000). If you win you can spend some of that money on the electrical charging station you will need at home.
PCA YouTube Channel
They have some great Porsche and PCA web content. You will need to hit the SUBSCRIBE button when you get there…… .
Free A/B Gimmick Rally
Here is something you can do from your computer on Saturday, June 6th. You do this from the comfort of your home/chair. It is the Rallye to the Far Side. It runs from 3 pm to 8 pm. Wine, Beer, Snacks and bathroom breaks are optional. It obviously uses some of the Far Side humor. They will use Google Maps, Zoom, and e-mail. Here is the flyer              

Our Thoughts
by Bill Fargo, Webmaster

I did not write a column last month. I decided I was going to refuse to write anything that mentions the…. Instead I went on with my life, mostly in a normal way. Yesterday I went out painting with a friend of mine at a nature preserve.

If you caught the recent PCA news flyer they had a link to Porsche at Home. In it they included a few coloring book pages of Porsche models. Yes, adult coloring books. I thought that maybe this would make a good activity for our Porsche “kids.” no matter what age they are. Further thoughts produced the idea for a contest. Let us come up with Porsche art for the cover of our Drifter. So here it is in short. The full contest rules and description will be coming out with the June Drifter. Age groups include 8 and under, 9-12, 13- 15 and 16-18. All groups get a chance to with prizes with the grand prize of being the designer of the Drifter cover. Probably the August issue. You would also get a prize. So, you know, the prizes are awesome.

Moving on, it’s now May. I suppose the Sacramento valley is now experiencing temperatures in the high eighties, maybe nineties. I have discovered that my wife has finally acclimated to the weather up here in the northwest. Just the other day she questioned why I wanted to do something or another because it was going to be too hot! I responded that it was only going to be 80 degrees tops. This is a girl who grew up in Red Buff and didn’t consider it swimming weather until it was 105. Growing up we didn’t have air conditioning. Since then our homes have always been air conditioned. We’ve now come a full circle and we now are without air conditioning again. We do have a basement which is fully improved, and which also houses my art studio. Its average temperature is in the high 50’s to mid 60’s. That is something I always missed in Sacramento, a basement although on the ranch they were called a cellar. They also weren’t improved and certainly didn’t include a bunch of wine.
A last thought. Last week we took a trip over to eastern Washington to get some sunshine. While the West coast was cloud covered and rainy, Wenatchee and the surrounding area was clear and a little windy. Lake Chelan was flat and fishing was fairly good. Who would think there would be King Salmon in a lake. There is a native population of them trapped in Lake Chelan. Though we tried, none of them appeared on the end of any of our lines but we did limit out on Kokanee. The government has issued an edict that fishing would be allowed as long as you don’t have too much fun and with too many people. Memorial Day weekend brought the usual boat fulls of young partially adults, whom I am sure were not drinking too much. Oh, social distancing I’m sure. At least as much as possible when riding in a boat made for six, with eight to ten.

Keep Driving
The Webmaster

SVR Autocross News & Updates
by John Leet
SVR Autocross Chair

H i Everyone –
I hope you are all well as we continue our journey through these very interesting times. Over the past months of sheltering in place, we have been keeping tabs on the situation and evaluating when and how we might be able to safely return to autocross. As the various counties start to move through the various phases of “re-opening”, we believe that the solo nature of autocross combined with implementing strict covid-related procedures for the events will enable us to safely proceed with the remainder of our 2020 season.
Dates and locations have changed from what was published earlier this year. All of our events will now be at Thunderhill. 
The current schedule is:
AX1: June 27th
AX2: July 18th
AX3: August 8th
AX4: Sept 12th
AX5: Oct 10th/11th (joint event with Redwood Region)
In moving forward with these events, safety is more paramount now than ever before. We will be implementing strict procedures to address the current situation, and we will do so with the confidence that we can execute an event that is both safe and successful. Drivers who register for our event will receive these procedures that will include restrictions over what you may be used to in the past. We will relax the cancellation policy to allow flexibility given a changing situation.
Registration for AX1 is open at the link below .

The article below was done in 1972 for the Panorama and was forwarded to us by PCA National Archives.

Intermediate Shaft Bearing Failure
aka IMS Failure

By Skip Quain, SVR Tech Chair Article submitted by Nick Lettini of Frank's Automotive ( Editor note this is a reprint from earlier drifter article. )

Some of the most frequently asked questions about early water cooled Porsche boxer engines are, “how do I know when my IMS is failing,” “does my car have an IMS problem, and if so, do I need to worry about it?”. These are all good questions. I could try to explain this to you in technical mumbo jumbo, but you’d get about half way through it and turn the page. I’m going to do my best to explain it to you in layman's terms based on my observations.

What is an intermediate shaft, you ask? An intermediate shaft is used to transfer motion from one component to another, via chains. In this case, it is transferring motion from the crankshafts to the camshafts. It also keeps everything in time and rotating in unison, like the gears in a finely clock.

Early air cooled Porsches had a short intermediate shaft that is driven off of the front of the engine, transferring that motion to the cam shafts. Both camshafts are driven at the front of the engine. The shaft is supported by bearings that are lubricated by the engine's oil system (Mezger Design). With the introduction of the Boxster, Porsche went to a long shaft. This configuration drives 1 cam at the front of the engine and 1 cam at the back. It is supported at the front by an oil fed bearing and at the back by a sealed, self contained steel roller bearing. That roller bearing has its own lubricant that is meant to keep the bearing lubricated for the life of the vehicle.

Here is where the problem lies . Over time, the seals on the bearing fail, the lubricant that is meant to last the life of the engine escapes. Now there is no lubrication, and the friction destroys the steel bearing. This allows the chains to become loose and come out of time. When the engine is out of time, pistons and valves “come into contact” (putting it mildly) with each other, causing catastrophic damage. Just like the gears in a clock, if they become askew, everything will come out of time quickly.

Which cars are affected? All Boxsters from 1997 to 2008, Normally Aspirated 911’s, 1999 to 2008, & Caymans 2006 to 2008. 996 & 997 Turbo engines are not affected by the IMS Failures. Their engine design is very similar to the air cooled engines (Mezger Design) and are not prone to failure.

What changed after 2008? With the introduction of the 2009 models, Porsche redesigned or retro-designed their engines. They scrapped the long shaft design and returned to the original short shaft design. Bearings are lubricated by the engine’s oil system, no longer relying on a self contained bearing.

Which cars have serviceable IMS Bearings? From 1997 to 2004 all normally aspirated boxer engines have IMS’s that are serviceable. On the earlier cars, the most opportune time to replace them is during a clutch job, because in order to get to the IMS Bearing, the clutch & flywheel have to be removed. Unfortunately, on Tiptronic cars, there really is never an ideal time to do it. The transmission and flex plate will need to be removed. Later cars (2005 to 2008), require dismantling the engine to replace the bearing. This is because the bearing cannot be pulled through the case opening like the earlier cars. A boss prevents the bearing from being pulled out through the case opening.
How can I tell if my IMS Bearing is failing? This can be difficult. Monitor oil leaks, especially from the bell housing area. This could indicate that your bearing is or has failed. When the bearing begins to wobble, oil will leak from the support shaft. You should have your oil filter inspected at every oil change. By cutting the end caps off, opening the filter up you can look between the pleats. If you see any silvery metal in the pleats this could be a sign that your IMS is failing. The only problem with this method it is only a snapshot in time. Weeks or days later your bearing can start to fail, and you may have no idea. We have noticed that most failures occur with lower mileage cars, Tiptronic cars, cars that are driven in lower rpm range. This is not to say high mileage cars or manuals are exempt from the problem, but it is a trend that we’ve noticed over time.

What else can I do to be proactive? There are monitoring systems on the market. LN engineering (lnengineering. com) has developed an early warning system that can detect ferrous material in the oiling system. Once it detects the presence of material, it sets off a warning light. This allows you to shut the engine off, have it towed to a Sacramento Valley Region - advertiser shop to perform an IMS Update hopefully in time. LN Engineering is at the forefront of IMS Bearing failure analyst and solutions. They currently have 2 retrofit options available. The first option is for single row or double row bearings. It is a Ceramic Ball bearing design. Ceramic bearings are harder, more durable than steel bearings. This design is recommended to be replaced every 75,000 miles or 6 years. The second option is a plain bearing that is oil fed, like the main and rod bearings in your engine. This setup is a more involved, requiring a new spin on oil filter, oil line installation and modification to the engine case. It is a bit more involved, but it’s also designed to last the life of the engine.

How to extend the life of your IMS? First, DRIVE YOUR CAR! As stated earlier, the lower mileage vehicles seem to have the highest rates of failure. Second, drive your car like it was meant to be driven. Low rpm's tend to be detrimental to the IMS. The analogy we use is, “you own a thoroughbred not a plough horse.” They are meant to be driven at the higher rpm range. We recommend keeping the rpm’s up above 2500 rpm. This may lower your fuel mileage, but if you're concerned about fuel mileage, buy a hybrid. Lastly, ALWAYS do your routine oil changes. Splitting the recommended service interval in half, or changing your engine oil at least once a year allows us to keep an eye on debris in the filter, which is always beneficial.

So what can we take from all of this? The earlier design had some inherent problems, but even then, the failure rate hovers around 10%. It is a bit of hit and miss whether your car will be affected or not. If you own an early car (1997 to 2004), it is a good idea to have your IMS updated, especially when performing any clutch work or anytime your transmission has to be removed. Have your oil filter inspected at every oil change and have your oil changed more frequently. If you drive your Porsche as a daily driver, we recommend splitting that interval at least in half. If it’s not driven as much, have it changed once a year. Check for oil leaks noting where they are coming from. Finally, enjoy your Porsche! Drive your car, and by all means, drive it the way it was meant to be driven, Obey All Traffic Laws (wink wink), but keep the rpms up. SVR-PCA events, like tours and rallies, are a perfect way to stretch your Porsche’s legs. It may sound counter-intuitive, but you’ll find the more you drive your Porsche the fewer problems you will have. Neglect and under use are the enemies of all vehicles. Get out there, drive and enjoy!

SVR Chair Positions – Open
Steve Barker, President SVR-PCA

The SVR Board of Directors recently reviewed the club chair positions and there are a number of opportunities that need to be filled and would like to ask for anyone interested to let us know and we can answer any questions you might have to get you started.
We have 4 open chair positions that include the following:
·         Charity Chair
·         Historian
·         Social Media
·         Technical
Although these positions have an end goal, we are looking for members that enjoy working on a project that both serves the club and allows your creativity to shine!

The following is a brief summary of each position:
Charity Chair
SVR provides its members a common interest to get together as a car club and also serves a bigger purpose. Many organizations have greatly benefited thru the contributions that SVR has made. Examples such as funding the Sacramento Children’s Home with their programs to promote child safety, positive parenting, education, mental health, and improve the healthy functioning of families, Ride to Walk to enhance the lives of children and young adults with neurological disabilities by providing innovative therapeutic horseback riding activities and most recently SVR supported Angel Flight West , for those that have a rare condition, require specialized medical treatment or surgery, have a difficult to diagnose condition, or have a child with a rare or serious illness, that may need to travel a long distance to a center of excellence facility. In addition the club supported the Friends of the Folsom Zoo whose mission is to preserve and enhance the lives of the animals living at the Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary.

There is a long list of organizations and especially the lives of people within our region that SVR has affected by the contributions made over its many years as a club.
The person we are looking forward to working with would be providing the leadership in bringing together the resources to hold a charity event and continue to contribute to a worthy cause that adds another shining star to why we are more than just a car club. The charity events have been held in back yards, online, or as part of a club event such as the SVR Christmas Party using auctioneers like Kirk Bradford and Kim Nelson to enhance the bidding process to silent auctions and even for the first time Lois Robert’s online auction. There’s no telling what can come out of the experience but you know one thing for sure is the people that benefit from your work will be extremely grateful for having an impact on their lives.
Historian Chair
The Historian Chair has traditionally kept track of the articles and documentation from the clubs past. As we pause to reflect on the history of SVR the role is now more project related in capturing the spirit and rich history that has been part of SVR’s past. From the history of the Logo to compiling an artwork of Membership Directory covers the person we are looking for would take this opportunity with a creative approach. The goal is to develop a way to restore and display aspects of the history of SVR that could be a part of SVR events such as CRAB, Xmas Party, Meet the New Members that would be informative to both long term members and new.
The goal that comes to mind is how to convey the spirit of the Sacramento Valley Region that defines who we are and what we do. This can be a collaborative effort to bring out the best of what it’s like to be a member of SVR.
Social Media Chair
With the advancement of technology and the speed at which information is shared, the Social Media Chair position was created to advance SVR into the social media spectrum in order to provide a way of both sharing and consuming information in a multi-media approach.  The SVR Facebook page has shown how events can be captured as they take place, allow members to interact and a means of sharing video and photographs.

We have members with experience in social media that are eager to work with the person that has an interest in developing new ways of spotlighting club events. The position oversees the use of social media as a means of increasing our regions interest for its members and prospective members that reaches a global audience. It helps augment the newsletter, The Drifter and the SVR Website, as a means of promptly announcing and updating members on social and competitive events.

As the Social Media Chair your role oversees the content developing a Social Media Policy Guideline.
Technical Chair
The Tech Chair position offers the chance for the right candidate to work with our sponsors in scheduling technical sessions and presentations and ensure the event is properly advertised. The responsibility of this chair person is to propose subjects for potential technical classes and sessions to the SVR Board of Directors and coordinate the schedule with the Social Director.

If writing technical articles is your interest, having them published in the Newsletter and on the SVR Website will get lots of attention.  This chair position opens the chance to work with the National Technical Committee that is available as a resource for articles and questions related to everything Porsche. 
So what are you waiting for! One of these chairs might be for you but you need to turn the key to get started.
Some have found their special Porsche in a barn or out in the open.

In The Zone
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
June 2020

Members Making a Difference:
I know that many of our regions and members are trying to figure out how to keep active and to encourage more club events during this unique time. One region that has stepped up to the plate in a very creative and community orientated fashion is Yosemite Region.

On Saturday, April 25 th, the region, under the guidance of club president Brian Sturkie and event chair, Larry Inman, hosted a food drive to benefit the Harvest Food Bank. They collected more than 150 bags of groceries and members from Zone 7 came from as far away as Redwood Region, Loma Prieta and Sacramento Valley to support the effort. I understand that 24 cars registered ahead of time for the event and with a volunteer staff of 8 members from Yosemite Region manning the drop off and logistics, the event was a resounding success. This is the way we as members of PCA can stay active and yet come up with an event that also benefits the community. We have all seen and heard about the thousands of citizens in our community who are in need and this event targeted just that need. Congratulations to Yosemite Region for a job well done! en are We Going to Get Back to Normal?
Your guess is as good as mine and based on the most current announcements by Governor Newsom the earliest we will be allowed out is June 1st. I am not sure if the state will do the back to normal gradually but I suspect it will happen in phases per the state’s plan. When I read between the lines, we will be living with some restrictions to prevent a flair up of outbreaks for some time or until a vaccine is developed. What does this mean? In my opinion, the professional baseball and football seasons may still play but in empty stadiums, fall college sports like football will be postponed or the season shortened as college athletic directors struggle with how to keep spectators as well as players and coaches safe. Not sure I can personally handle 1-2 year old repeats of games completed yesteryear! Sports including professional golf, motorsports, hockey, track and field, and others just to mention a few will likely present themselves in a different way and could follow in the footsteps of the Pebble Beach Concours, Porsche Parade, Treffen Broadmoor, PCA Club Racing schedule changes, and region dinners, tours, concours, track days and autocross. The pandemic is here to stay with us and put restrictions on any and all events our members have come to expect from their membership. There could be a resurgence of the pandemic as some experts have cautioned. I urge all members to be patient and to do their best to keep safe and healthy. Better times are certainly just around the corner.

Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that all counties in the state have started phase two in his reopening plan. Some counties receiving waivers to go deeper into phase two. Restaurants, shopping malls, casinos, and other businesses have been allowed to open on a limited basis. In addition, several tracks in Northern California have also will be opening or have already opened including Thunderhill Raceway Park and Laguna Seca. This bodes very well for future PCA Club Races and national events such as Werks Reunion Monterey and Porscheplatz at the Rolex Monterey Historics in August.

PCA national has responded to the situation and has developed or is working on procedures to deal with the additional safety required for our events to protect our members and is a fluid situation.
PCA to Require All Event Attendees to Sign New Communicable Disease Waiver:

In addition to an effort to protect our members from contracting or spreading covid 19 during events, PCA has also taken the step to protect the club and its volunteers from potential liability as it relates to this disease.

Effective immediately, all event attendees will be required to sign this new waiver. In addition to all moving car events, the waiver will also be required for dinner events, tech sessions, cars and coffee, monthly breakfasts, training schools such as the Zone’s annual concours judge’s school, and any other club sponsored gatherings. This waiver is separate from our standard PCA waiver that is required for all moving events. The waiver is good for one year and is available electronically for events and clubs who use MSR,, to handle event registration. However, please note that MSR will charge your club a monthly fee for this service. If you are using another platform such as Eventbrite and think you can get the waivers signed online on this platform please do not. PCA will not recognize waivers signed electronically on other event registration platforms as being in compliance with this new requirement. For those clubs who opt not to use MSR or to pay their monthly fees you can still provide the waiver for your attendees at each event or email attendees and have them bring a signed form. Remember, the form needs to be printed in color. The form states that it is valid for a year but the implications of managing who and who has not signed the waiver is a huge administrative burden at the club and national level. Having a national data base of who has signed the waiver is a huge undertaking and regions contemplating tracking compliance at the region level will face a huge workload in keeping up with activities and compliance moving forward. In my opinion, it is so much easier to just have members sign the form at each event.
It is likely that this will put a burden and require extra volunteers and different logistics for an event such as a cars and coffee to control entry and exit to insure compliance. Knowing what an inconvenience this will cause for our event chairs and volunteers, please know that PCA is looking at the best interests of the club and to reduce the risk of liability for volunteers, event chairs and your board of directors. A summary of the new release waiver is below as a link to download the form .
Attached is a Communicable Disease Spectator and Participant Release as liability protection for PCA. PLEASE BEGIN USE IMMEDIATELY.
  • This is required for ALL events, meetings, etc.
  • ALL attendees (members, guests, sponsors, etc.) must sign the Release to enter the facility/event or participate in the activity.
  • You may complete "Fill in Track/Facility Name Above" as "All PCA events" for a one-time signature for events held May 15, 2020 through May 15, 2021.
  • Attendees may print and sign the Release at home and give it to the Chair/Registrar on-site.
  • is working on a SpeedWaiver module where the region can load both the PCA waiver and the Communicable Disease Release, allowing a PCA-acceptable electronic signature (available around June 1).
  • Regions are to develop their own tracking system to ensure compliance.
  • Preserve the Release for 95 months from the date of expiration.
Thank you for all you do for PCA,
Cindy Jacisin
National Vice President

Autocross and DE Minimum Standards Update:
National is currently working on revisions to the minimum standards they have issued for guidelines for running autocross and DE events. Currently, with restrictions that have been imposed for social distancing, in car instruction is not in compliance with State of California guidelines nor currently allowed by PCA. It may and probably will change. For PCA DE’s around the country, many regions have considered the local guidelines regarding social distancing and have thought that perhaps a lead/follow format for novices and beginners would be a solution for in car instruction. However, following an initial rules review along with insurance coverage, this will not be allowed. The DE and AX national committee chairs are now trying to come up with a modification to allow lead/follow for DE events. Event guidelines for both DE and AX relative to coronavirus safety are in the works. The guidelines are expected to be released in several weeks.

Zone Autocross and Concours Series Schedule;
The schedule for autocross and the concours series has been one of constant cancellations and changes due to the coronavirus. Please check the Zone 7 website or your local website or newsletter for the most up to date event schedules. Golden Gate Region as well as Loma Prieta regions are likely to secure a new site for their autocross events so please stay tuned.
Events of Interest:
1)      West Coast Race Series, June 6-7,Utah Motorsports Campus, CANCELLED
2)      Zone 7 Tour by Shasta Region; June 11-15; CANCELLED
3)      Zone 7 AX #1, June 27, Thunderhill, by Sacramento Valley Region, registration is open at MSR
4)      PCA Fall Treffen Registration opens July 15. See item below….event is September 16-19
5)      Zone 7 Concours #4, July 19, Carmel Valley Community Park, by Monterey Bay Region
6)      Mammoth Tour by Sierra Nevada Region; July 24-26;registration opens June 1st or so    pending coronavirus situation
7)      Zone 7 Concours #5, August 2, Reno, by Sierra Nevada Region
8)      Zone 7 AX #5, August 8, Thunderhill, by Sacramento Valley Region
9)      Werks Reunion in Monterey; August 14, featuring the Porsche 914; Registration will open June 1
10)   Porscheplatz at Monterey Historic Races, August 15-16, Laguna Seca, by Zone 7
11)   West Coast Series Races, August 22-23, Sonoma Raceway, by Golden Gate Region
12)   Zone 7 Concours #6, August 23, Porsche Redwood City, by Golden Gate Region
13)   Loma Prieta Region 50th Anniversary Gala; August 29; register at MotorsportReg with keyword search for 'LPR'
14)   Zone 7 Concours #3, September 13, Sacramento, by Sacramento Valley Region
15)   PCA Fall Treffen at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia; September 16-19; Registration will open July 15 at noon (Pacific Time)
16)   Zone 7 Concours #7, September 20, Ledson Winery - Kenwood, by Redwood Region
17)   West Coast Series Races, September 19-20, High Plains Raceway, by Rocky Mountain Region
18)   West Coast Series Races, September 26-27, Thunderhill, by Golden Gate Region
19)   West Coast Series Races, October 10-11, Sonoma Raceway, by Golden Gate Region
20)   Zone 7 AX #7 and #8, October 10-11, Thunderhill, by Sacramento Valley and Redwood Regions
21)   Zone 7 Concours #2, October 11, Porsche of Fremont, by Loma Prieta Region
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their growing popularity.
Note that several more Zone 7 AX's may be scheduled pending site contract signings.

Editors note - you might want to go back up
top and make note of Collin's new email.
This is a video of this tour. Since we are not really able to tour take a look.

Rebecca Plourde, Membership Director
SVR Member Anniversary May 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: . New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: -This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2020 SVR Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde , at or 530.210.9686.

Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at:

How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

MAY 13, 2020

Board Members: Steve Barker, President , Bill Fargo, Webmaster , Rob Lee, Vice President , Julie Lee, Secretary , Bob Peake, Treasurer , Gregg Plourde, Past President , Rebecca Plourde Membership Director , Mardi Quain, Social Director , Mike Willis, Drifter Editor , Greg Zajic , Competition and Safety Director
Guests: Colin Fat, Rik Larson, Dick Murphy, Al Price,
Call to order 7:05 p.m. 
Vice President, Rob Lee welcomed everyone.
Old Business:
Minutes from the April 7, 2020 meeting Approved via email vote on April 13, 2020, final Minutes distributed on April 13, 2020.
New Business:
a)       President’s Report: 
Steve Barker reported that he sent a letter to PCA HQ regarding the SVR club logo. The letter documents the history of the logo and where the club was “grandfathered in” for the use of the current logo. The revision of the club By-Laws will not be addressed until the logo issue is resolved. 
b)      Vice President’s Report: 
Rob Lee reported that the SVR Events Calendar (#15, dated May 13, 2020) has been updated and reflects the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on club activities:
-All events through the end on June have been cancelled or rescheduled. The Board will make decisions on July/August at the June Board Meeting.
-Colin Fat stated that the WERKS Reunion in August and other PCA events scheduled in July and August are still on the national calendar. PCA to publish guidelines soon on how clubs are to proceed with events regarding Covid-19. Additionally, Colin Fat will check on local guidelines for restaurants regarding Covid-19.
Insurance issues: Going forward, all insurance requests will require a statement regarding how the event will handle Covid-19 restrictions, e.g. social distancing, hand sanitizer, etc. 
Bottomline: All club events from Mid-March to the end of June were impacted.
c)       Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Peake reported on the P&L for the club and due to Covid-19 a consultant has not been hired to assist in reviewing club documents. 
-A check for The Friends of the Folsom Zoo was sent as a result of charity efforts in 2019.
Motion to approve the financial documents for January 1, 202 – May 12, 2020, made by Greg Zajic; seconded by Rob Lee. Motion Approved.
d)      Social Director’s Report: 
Mardi Quain reported that there had been no interest in the 4 Open Chair positions: Charity, Historian, Social Media and Technical. 
-Bill Fargo volunteered to write up a description of the Social Media position. Al Price stated that he would be interested in this position if no one else was. 
Mardi Quain also provided the following:
-All club activities have been canceled or rescheduled through the end of June 2020. See Vice President’s calendar for details. Event hosts for June are looking for available dates later in 2020. The following have been rescheduled:
Katherine’s Biergarten-Dinner            July 23, 2020
Bucks Lake-Tour                                     August 8, 2020
Ladies Day Tour                                      August 28, 2020
SVR Concours                                         September 13, 2020
Fat’s -Dinner                                           September 28, 2020
Detail Maniac Seminar                         October 17, 2020
-The River Cats game is still scheduled for September 5, 2020 but pending a decision on sporting events and Covid-19.
-Mardi Quain presented the Fat’s Dinner Budget on behalf of Alma Thompson. Motion to approve budget made by Bill Fargo; seconded by Bob Peake. Motion Approved.
-Mardi Quain also discussed the rescheduled Detail Maniac Seminar (budget previously approved). Insurance will be requested for this event.
-Mardi Quain and Steve Barker presented the idea of having a party for club members on October 24, 2020 at the California Automobile Museum, as a way of getting people back together, in a safe manner, after the months of staying at home. The dinner would be paid for by SVR and would include a Magician. Additionally, the Speedsters would play so members could dance and enjoy some music. Mardi Quain to research various caterers and present a budget request at a future Board meeting.
e)       Membership Director’s Report:
Rebecca Plourde reported that membership is down 2.3% from last year, with 26 lapsed memberships.
Membership Report for May:
Primary Members – 839
Affiliate Members – 522
Total Members – 1361 (includes 8 New Members, 1 Transfer In, and 2 Transfer Out)
f)        Digital Projector –Gregg Plourde stated that he has purchased this equipment.
g)       Webmaster- Bill Fargo stated he was keeping up on all the changes, updates and cancellations.
a)       -Bill Fargo presented the idea of a Drifter Cover Contest for children under the age of 18 to compete in. There would be 4 different groups: under 8, 8+-12, 12+- 16, 16+ -18. A winner from each group would be awarded a prize commensurate with their age. Motion to approve the concept and budget made by Mike Willis; seconded by Gregg Plourde. Motion Approved.
h)      Autocross – Greg Zajic reported that the Autocross School and events will be rescheduled for later in the year.
i)         Drifter – Mike Willis reported that there was a good open rate for the latest issue and that he has received good input for the next issue. Additionally, Mike Willis reported that they are looking at previously published articles to republish them in upcoming issues.
j)         Advertising – Dick Murphy reported that he is working on the rebates for overpayments from our advertisers.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:02
Next Board Meeting:
June 10, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted – Julie Lee, Secretary
TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.

PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
 Price: $72.99
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Price: $104.99
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Price: $33.99

SVR Event Calendar

2020 West Coast Race Series Calendar
as of April 17, 2020

May 22-24 th                 WeatherTech Raceway, POSTPONED
June 6-7 th                     Utah Motorsports Campus
August 29-30 th            Sonoma Raceway
September 19-20th   High Plains Raceway
September 26-27 th     Thunderhill Raceway
October 10-11 th          Sonoma Raceway
PCA Club Race Schedule Link:

Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter
is cited as the source.
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