July 2020
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NGCP Updates:  Brite Logo
In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, the World Science Foundation, National Girls Collaborative Project, and The Hello Studios are joining forces to launch a new STEM-centered program called Brite, a bold, interdisciplinary program for girls ages 13-16. Beginning on July 13, 2020. Brite will offer three new courses with unique topics, such as the intersection of art and science, the strategies of women working in dangerous situations, and the challenges and possibilities of conducting experiments on the human brain. Each week features keynote speakers from cutting-edge fields, such as Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya, Art Director at Primacy, a full-service design agency, and former neuroscience researcher. Amanda combines her background in neuroscience and her passion for design through projects such as Beyond Curie, CREATIVE HABIT, and Ship Your Side Project. She is the founder of The Leading Strand, which aims "to bring the disparate worlds of design and science together to
Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya
Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya
serve the greater good by translating important research through visual experiences". During week one of Brite, girls will engage in an interactive dialogue with STEAM professionals like Amanda, getting an inside look at the power of crossing disciplinary boundaries, and the endless possibilities for combining art and science. To learn more, visit the Brite web page and watch for updates as we announce additional speakers each week.
NGCP National Webinar: Participation in Structured and Unstructured Out-of-School-Time (OST) Activities
August 18, 2020; 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern)
What types of STEM activities are today's youth participating in outside of school? The informal science community can easily document enrollment in structured activities, yet less is known about participation in non-structured activities like hobbies, reading science fiction, and online experiences, including games and social media. The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian surveyed over 15,000 college students in introductory college English classes nationally - a mixture of students in STEM and non-STEM majors - about their participation in a variety of precollege structured STEM activities (both in person and online) including group REGISTER organizations, like Scouts, lectures or talks, and internships, and non-structured activities, like tinkering, stargazing, and watching online STEM videos. Join us to find out which activities are particularly attractive to young women and underrepresented minorities.

Afterschool will be critical to recovery. National survey needs your input!
COVID-19 has impacted afterschool and summer programs across the country, with many programs having to switch to virtual programming or closing down entirely. In an effort to help programs and the communities they serve, the Afterschool Alliance has partnered with Edge Research to conduct a national survey of the afterschool community to collect information to better understand the current situation as well as concerns for the future. Hearing directly from programs will help inform policy makers, education leaders, and the overall public when it comes to considerations for guidelines and the reopening of programs. The survey consists of 30 questions and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete; all responses are anonymous. Read more or take the survey.
Each month, this spotlight will highlight new programs, resources, and role models that are part of the IF/THEN Initiative, an initiative from Lyda Hill Philanthropies designed to activate a culture shift among young girls and introduce them to STEM careers. 
Terri Burns
Terri Burns
Meet IF/THEN ® Ambassador Terri Burns. Terri is a principal with the GV (Google Ventures) investing team as well as an international speaker focused on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the technology industry. Terri is a board member of Brave Initiatives, a nonprofit providing high school girls with coding and leadership training, and an advisor at All Raise, a nonprofit on a mission to accelerate the success of women founders and funders in tech. As a freelance writer, Terri's work on the connections between tech, diversity, and inclusion has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Scientific American, and Teen Vogue. Terri earned a computer science degree from New York University and was president of Tech@NYU, the largest student technology organization in New York City. We are pleased to announce that Terri will be joining the Board of Directors for the National Girls Collaborative Project in July 2020! Keep up with Terri on Twitter , Instagram , and her website .
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Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
CSTA Conference  
Online, July 13-14, 2020
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) conference is now a virtual conference. While participants will not be meeting in-person, CSTA will still put on the same conference you've come to love - created by teachers, for teachers. Visit the new FAQ page for more information about this virtual event and what this change means for participants. Register.

STEM Leadership Alliance Logo STEM Leadership Alliance Summit
Online; July 13-16, 2020
This global leading education conference on Integrated STEM education brings together some of the most influential leaders in STEM education from both industry and academia to help inspire and shape integrated STEM into learning experiences for all students. Register.

Online; July 27-30, 2020
This National Science Teaching Associatin (NSTA) virtual event will feature an engaging array of sessions, panels, and presentations focused on the latest developments and insights on the most important topics and issues affecting the STEM education community today. Each day of the four-day event will concentrate on a different grade level. Register.

CSforALL Summit
Memphis, TN; October 13-15, 2020
The Summit will focus on the next 10 years with the '2030 CSforALL Goals'. The three goals are to prepare and encourage the movement to adopt, guide, and measure their computer science education efforts. Summit will include conversations, actions, and priorities around these goals to substantially stride towards the national CSforALL mission. Call for 2020 Commitments submission deadline is July 31, 2020.

BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference 
Palm Springs, CA; October 26-29, 2020
The BOOST conference has been rescheduled for October 2020. Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming. Register.

ISTE2020 Logo ISTE Conference & Expo
Anaheim, CA; November 28 - December 1, 2020
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has rescheduled ISTE20. Recognized as the most comprehensive educational technology conference in the world. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, exchange ideas and network with like-minded thinkers seeking to transform learning and teaching. Early bird registration ends July 30, 2020. Register.
Hello Summer ClipartThe Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for program providers that helps them find partners based on interests, and showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families.

Summer is here and The Connectory is heating up with online summer STEAM programs, clubs, and camps! Have you added your STEAM opportunities for youth? Our Getting Started Guide makes it easy! Here are just a few examples of summer online learning opportunities:
1st Gen Scholars Virtual Summer STEM Club: SPACE: Custom tailored summer STEM learning for kids (grade 6-8) that will engage and challenge them to think critically, help build inquiry, employ communication skills with peers, and provide opportunities to make real world connections while activating prior knowledge. Focus: Space and Aeronautical  Engineering.

Mindbytes Summer Program: A variety of creative and skill based summer programs for children in grades K-12. Focus: Coding/Programming, Computer Science, General Science, and Technology.

Virtual Taliesin Summer Camps: A hybrid of live virtual sessions and off-screen activities that will engage youth in a community of their peers through interactive video conferences, hands-on  activities, a digital portfolio, and both live and recorded instructional time. Focus: Architecture and Design, Technology, and General Science.

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STEM ResourcesResources
npower research report logo Breaking Through, Rising Up: Strategies for Propelling Women of Color in Technology
Tech training programs can create life-changing economic opportunities for young women of color while creating a more inclusive technology industry. A recent research report from NPower outlines the ways program practitioners, employers, and funders can collectively take action.

July is Park and Recreation Month
The National Recreation and Park Association's (NRPA) 2020 theme is "We Are Parks and Recreation." This July, NRPA will begin to redefine the field of parks and recreation as an essential, vital necessity by sharing how park and recreation professionals are frontline staff, confronting our most pressing health, environmental and social challenges.

Make the Future Campaign
The NAPE Education Foundation's Make the Future program aims to encourage women and girls, especially those of color, to take part in STEM education and pursue advanced manufacturing careers. The program provides free methods and tools to help educators, counselors, administrators, and recruiters break down barriers. These barriers limit females and other historically underrepresented student groups from taking education paths that can prepare them for high-demand advanced manufacturing careers.

NCWIT: Let's Talk About Gender, Race, and Identity
Use this slide deck from National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), with its short videos and discussion questions, to learn about the complexity of gender, the concept of intersectionality, and how to have productive discussions about race.

SWENext Awards Program
SWE Next LogoThe Society of Women Engineers (SWE) strives to recognize the successes of SWENext students and SWENext Clubs that do exceptional work in developing a community for students to explore engineering and other STEM fields. Four award programs to choose from: Community Award, Global Innovator Award, Clubs Best Practices, and Clubs Challenge. Application deadline is July 31, 2020.

Global ResourcesGlobal
greenlight for girls logo greenlight for girls
The mission of greenlight for girls is to inspire girls of all ages and backgrounds to pursue STEM subjects by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways. To achieve this, they carry out events and activities around the world, with a special focus on reaching less-advantaged communities.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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