How Has the COVID-19 Outbreak Affected Parents 
Caring for a Child with a Rare Genetic Diagnosis?

Families with ASD and a rare genetic disorder may experience unique challenges during the COVID-19 outbreak. Access to both educational and essential medical services are being dramatically disrupted. 

ASF is partnering with Patient Advocacy Groups and the Caring Clinic at UCLA to gather experiences from families across the world through a new survey. The survey will ask about experiences and service utilization in order to better target interventions and support for families in need. The survey will take 10 minutes to complete. Scientists want to gather families input as soon as possible, so please fill it out and circulate widely.

For more information and how to participate, click here.
Let's Get Resilient 

Families with autism have always been resilient, but how does that happen? ASF is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, April 22nd at 2:00pm EST to discuss the power of resiliency.

Join us as Meng-Chuan Lai, MD, PhD, a psychiatrist and expert in the topic, reveals factors that help families become resilient to major trauma.

Click here to register for free .
Managing Seizures During COVID:  
Traditional Medications and CBD

ASF is hosting a webinar on Friday, April 24th at 1:00pm EST to discuss seizures and how to manage them during the COVID-19 emergency. Dr. Orrin Devinsky, Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at NYU, will be presenting the newest and latest research on traditional medications for the treatment of seizures, as well as the use of cannabidiol.   

We will include 30 minutes of scientific updates and 30 minutes for an audience Q&A, so bring your questions! Click here to register for free.


For a full list of ASF's upcoming COVID-19 Webinar Series and recordings of past webinars, please click here .