Week of May 9, 2021 With St. Martin's

Please sign up for in person worship using this link:

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Wednesday's Healing Service at Noon is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the link above.
St. Martin's Welcomes the Fowler Family

Hello everyone!

We’re Logan, Jacie (pronounced Jackie), and Miles Fowler. We are a recent family of three that is friendly, loving, and outgoing. We enjoy the outdoors, anything geeky, and spending time as a family. We are excited to become a part of a congregation that seems very welcoming! We look forward to growing as a family as members of St. Martin’s!
Can you speak another language and would be willing to read from the Book of Acts on Pentecost? Contact Fr. Rob at
Sunday School Get-together
Heather, Judy and I are organizing an informal gathering at Burnt Mills Park in Bedminster as a way for our Sunday School and Youth Group Families to safely get together outdoors as a very unusual Church School Year nears a close. Burnt Mills Park is only 3 miles down the road from Saint Martin's (heading West on Washington Valley Road).
  • Who: Saint Martin's Families (families with kids or with dog kids or kids at heart)
  • What: Informal Outdoor Gathering (water and pre-wrapped snacks provided)
  • When:  Sunday, May 16th at 4pm
  • Where: Burnt Mills Park (
  • Burnt Mills Park has a small playground, ball fields, access to a long bike/walking path and a dog park so dogs welcome!
  • Why:  Fellowship!  We wanted to find a safe and casual way for our church families to get together outdoors. Meeting outdoors at a park will give grown-ups a chance to catch up while kids have a chance to play outdoors together. Masks requested when social distance not being maintained. Burnt Mills Park is not currently reserving facilities, so we will just show up and have some fun! 

Christine Kellam 
Last Sunday's Service
Last Sunday the church's internet was down, and we were unable to hold our regular Zoom service. Hopefully, you were able to log onto Facebook Live to view the service. The internet is now working, so we will be back to our regular service this Sunday. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Prayer Concerns and Blessings
  • From Nicole Swain - My friend Joe's Mom died Wednesday and my friend, Tammy's, Dad went on hospice last night. Prayers for the Perales and Telymonde families
  • From Linda Senesky - healing for her daughter, Sandy
  • Randy and Alison will celebrate their 27th wedding anniversary on May 14th
  • From Jane Linn -  her grandson, Jacob, is very weak following his last round of chemotherapy
  • From Barbara Butler - Jean Hagan for continued healing and Lorna in hospice
  • From Juanita - Gloria and her daughter for pancreas and vaccination issues
  • Peggy Irwin
  • Linda Virtue - continuing to have leg circulation issues
  • Mary Irwin
  • Elsie Francis
  • Denise Carpenter - suffering from afib
  • Fr. Rob's son, Zac's, grandfather in Japan died, and a high school friend of Fr. Rob, Stephen, was diagnosed with liver cancer.

We are trying a new procedure for the Prayers of the People. If you have a special intention for prayer that you would like to have included in the Prayers of the People on Sunday, please email your prayer request to Br. Philip Muniz at by Friday afternoon of each week. 
Coffee Hour
Yes, you are not seeing things?! Our first coffee hour will be held outside the church after Sunday service on Pentecost, May 23rd. Even if you have not attended service, you can come and enjoy coffee and goodies with your fellow parishioners.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or