April 10, 2020   

First Edition  
Let's Journey Together!   
What's Up With Pastor Todd?
The resurrection story in the Gospel of John is famous for its recounting of Mary's personal encounter with Jesus "in the garden" near the tomb. John is the only gospel that contains this story. It's vivid in detail, and it inspired the schmaltzy hymn "In the Garden." For those of you not familiar, it goes like this:  

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear 
falling on my ear
the Son of God discloses. 

And he walks with me
And he talks with me
And he tells me I am his own
And the joy we share
As we tarry there
None other has ever known.

The joke in my family was, "Who's Andy?" (You know, "Andy" walks with me. "Andy" talks with me . . .)

You probably love this hymn. A lot of people do. And I'm not immune to schmaltz, but this particular hymn was always a little much for me. 

That's why I've chosen to preach on this text this week. I wonder if there's something vivid and powerful underneath the layers of sentimentality that have been slathered on this particular resurrection scene that can speak to this time of crisis.

If I had to guess, it might have something to do with the garden and gardening itself. John tells us that when Mary encounters Jesus she at first mistakes him for the "gardener." The image of the garden reminds me of the Biblical Garden of Eden and all that transpired there: creation, disobedience, the curse of Adam and Eve, and the promise of redemption. It also reminds me of the famous pronouncement following creation: "God saw all that God had made, and behold it was very good." 

As coronavirus wreaks havoc across the planet, does "very good" still apply? Had resurrection really happened back when Mary encountered "the gardener" so many centuries ago? More importantly, can it happen now?
Grab your lunch and hop online to connect with your South Church and First Church Friends for support and encouragement during this challenging time.  We can all be apart together...or together apart! Hope to see you soon!

Sandra Fischer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Fridays at 12:00 noon.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 628 860 634

Fridays at 5pm - TGIZ (Thank God It's Zoom) happy hour! 
Join us  Friday, April 10 at 5pm (note the new time) for an hour of conversation and community.

Here's the link:
Join Zoom Meeting


Easter Sunday's worship service will be held online. You can access the Facebook live stream at 10 a.m. here. Do not worry if you do not have Facebook, you can also access live stream on the First Church Granby website.

You use this Order of Worship
 to follow along with the service.
And join us following worship for Zoom Coffee Hour.
Bring your own beverage of choice for fellowship time via Zoom following Easter worship. Simply follow the link below to log on with your computer or smartphone.   
Topic: Bring Your Own Coffee Hour
Time: April 12, 2020 11:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 336 969 474
Password: 783011
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,336969474#,,#,783011# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 336 969 474
Password: 783011

Wednesdays at 12pm, Prayer Group with Pastor Todd via Zoom. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Thursdays at 1pm, Joint Bible study with South Church via Zoom. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Stay tuned for updates on events and new opportunities to stay connected as all of us adapt to new information on coronavirus and mitigation recommendations from local, state, and federal authorities.
The building is closed for all activities. 
Please call with any questions.
Voicemail messages left at the church will be returned promptly.
Walks at Wilhelm Farm
If and when the weather cooperates, Ann Wilhelm has offered to take small groups 
on afternoon walking tours of the Wilhelm farm property as it awakes to spring.
For more information and to sign up, please email Ann at   annwilhelm@cox.net

Volunteers needed
Volunteers needed to make "check in" calls on church members. Contact Pastor Todd for instructions.  And we encourage anyone who is planning to do errands, grocery shopping, etc., to contact others who could use help in these areas. The less traffic outside the  home, the better!

Spirited Readers - next ZOOM virtual meeting Meeting April 14
All are welcome! The book is Mrs. Everything by Simsbury author Jennifer Weiner
" Do we change or does the world change us? ...   In her most ambitious novel yet, Jennifer Weiner tells a story of two sisters who, with their different dreams and different paths, offer answers to the question:  How should a woman be in the world?" - Amazon

Zoom link: 
Spring Retreat will now be a Summer Retreat - July 17-19 
Theme: Come to the Water!
"All you who are thirsty, come to the water." Isaiah 55:1
at Mercy Center, Madison, CT  led by Rev. Donna Manocchio
Healing waters, deep waters, well waters, rough waters, still waters and waters of Baptism, we'll explore these waters and much more through times of creative worship, shared reflection, healing silence, community conversation, engaging with Scripture, and moments of relaxation and fun!  COME AND JOIN US!!
Contact Anne delCampo, 860-653-2946
One Great Hour of Sharing - Ongoing Collection
This year we are again participating in the UCC collection, One Great Hour of Sharing. The OGHS works  by providing assistance to people and communities affected by disaster, violence and poverty. Among  the support given, water, sanitation and adequate nutrition top the list. New wells for clean water,  seeds, irrigation systems and training in modern farming techniques help provide more food for those in  need. Latrines allow for sanitary conditions that alleviate illness and allow for a better life. The many  storms that have ravaged communities during the past few years have wreaked havoc with these  systems for many in their paths. The OGHS organization steps in to help communities rebuild their  infrastructure so that life can go on. Today, projects are underway in over 100 countries. We are running  this collection until 4/19/20 to give people more time to donate. Please consider donating to this  important offering by mailing a check to First Church Granby, 219 North Granby Rd, Granby CT  06035, and note: OGHS in the memo line. Thank you.

Maternal Infant Outreach Program Update
Once again this Congregation was very generous in supporting the MIOP Car Seat and Gift Card Drive. This is such a great way to directly impact the lives of parents and babies in the greater Hartford area. They are so thankful to receive these gifts. As you know, babies may not leave the hospital without a car seat and since used car seats cannot be donated this is a big expense that some families cannot afford. This year we were able to purchase twenty-one car seats and $500.00 in Target gift cards! This Congregation Rocks!!!! If you have any questions regarding MIOP or would like to be involved in future projects please give me a call!   Gail Pillow   860-559-4776 (cell)

Opportunity - Make Face masks  **NEW LINK**
Consider making cloth face masks to donate to hospitals in need. 
This link will provide the instructions/requirements for face masks acceptable to Hartford Healthcare and Trinity Healthcare:

Please think about donating to the Granby Food Bank!
Please Note: although the Food Bank is closed until further notice we have a system to provide goods for "urgent needs" so donations are still needed. Non-perishable food and other items can be placed in the shed outside the Food Bank entrance.
Thank you!
Granby Food Bank Needs:  APRIL 2020
Peanut butter/jelly
Baked Beans/Chili
Canned tuna
Canned fruit
Assorted box cereals
Toilet paper/paper towels
Sanitizing wipes/products
Dish soap

Puerto Rico Mission Trip has been postponed until Autumn 2020
Watch for more updates on mission trip plans this summer.

Rise Against Hunger Event at First Church POSTPONED
Ann Wilhelm, Vicki Saunders, and Hank Prussing have been in contact with the Rise Against Hunger organizers and the event has been postponed.  When the situation does improve enough that people can again gather in groups, they will work with them to reschedule. There are options we can take to limit the group size and still host a meal packaging event. The committee will keep us informed and if you have any questions, feel free to email Ann.
Southern New England Conference News

5 things to share this week: here
FCC Calendar

Church Office  Hours: Closed Until Further Notice
Church Office Phone: 860-653-4537
Church Office Fax: 860-653-4538 
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