Caught Up
At 12:52 a.m. on May 22, I hit send on a manuscript. At 7 a.m. on May 25, I reordered my father's grave marker (long story, he died back in 2002 and was cremated and scattered; his wishes). And all of a sudden, that to-do list, other than some prayers to be written by June 11 and another manuscript due November 15, was done. That's right. Done. D-O-N-E.

It's a great feeling--more time to pray! More time to read! More time to sleep! But it's also a little unsettling. I thrive on to-do lists, of keeping things from moving from Important but Not Urgent into that awful category of Important and Urgent.

My area of the country is a covid hot spot, with full reopening far in the future. For now, I'm looking forward to a summer of replenishment and recharging... and a glass of wine on the veranda every once in a while. I hope replenishment is on your to-do list as well!
Friends in Faith: Melanie Cameron
"Never see a need without doing something about it," Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop used to say. My friend Melanie Cameron puts that into action. In addition to being a devoted wife and mom, Mel always is answering needs. She is the executive director of St. Anthony's Bridal , a non-profit in my area that helps brides on a tight budget have weddings to remember (and provides a good home for used wedding gowns). More recently, she's galvanized women across the Diocese of Arlington, VA, to make masks for Catholic Charities. ( Want to sign up to sew or donate? ) Mel's example reminds me of the value of hands-on service.

On the Nightstand: Seven-Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
Twice, I've started this memoir, billed as "one of the most famous books ever written about a man's search for faith and peace." But then well, I got busy... I ran across it in late May as I was cleaning my bookshelves, and I swear, this will be the time I finish it.
Just Because It's June (June, June, June)
Why yes, "Carousel" is my favorite musical! And June is my favorite month, which is no surprise given my birthday is the first day of summer. My sister will be making one of her yummy low-country boils to celebrate.

It's also a special month because Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century officially comes out. People seem to like it so far; Amazon's even been out of stock at a couple points.

So, here's the deal for e-lettter subscribers! My publisher, Franciscan Media, is offering a 25% discount! Please use this special link, and use the code Radical25.

I'll be on a do-it-yourself-retreat June 12-14. Please let me know how I can pray for you! In Christ, Melanie