At 12:52 a.m. on May 22, I hit send on a manuscript. At 7 a.m. on May 25, I reordered my father's grave marker (long story, he died back in 2002 and was cremated and scattered; his wishes). And all of a sudden, that to-do list, other than some prayers to be written by June 11 and another manuscript due November 15, was done. That's right. Done. D-O-N-E.
It's a great feeling--more time to pray! More time to read! More time to sleep! But it's also a little unsettling. I thrive on to-do lists, of keeping things from moving from Important but Not Urgent into that awful category of Important and Urgent.
My area of the country is a covid hot spot, with full reopening far in the future. For now, I'm looking forward to a summer of replenishment and recharging... and a glass of wine on the veranda every once in a while. I hope replenishment is on your to-do list as well!