April 26, 2021
Community Updates
Drug Take Back Day

Saturday was Drug Take Back Day in Howard County. HC DrugFree collected 1,494.5 lbs of unused medications in four hours, breaking last years amount of just over 1,200 pounds of medication.

Thank you Joan Webb Scornaienchi , Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, BOE Member Vicky Cutroneo, Wilde Lake Village Board Chair Kevin McAliley and the Howard County Police Department for their partnership with this important drive every year.

Remember, resident's may drop off unused medications at several locations across our county year-round at Howard County Police stations:
  • Northern District Station, 3410 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City, 24/7
  • Southern District Station, 11226 Scaggsville Road, Laurel, 24/7
  • Community Outreach, 10741 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, business hours
  • Gary J. Arthur Community Center, 2400 Route 97, Cooksville, business hours
  • MD State Police Waterloo Barrack, 7777 Washington Boulevard, Jessup, 24/7
Vaccine Administration News

Last week, The Baltimore Sun reported that Howard County was the first jurisdiction in the Baltimore area with 50% of residents at least partially vaccinated. This achievement is a testament to the grassroots effort to quickly vaccinate our seniors, essential workers and reach our most vulnerable communities.
Read the story: 
Recommendation for School Resource Officers

Since the implementation of the program here in 1996, the role of SROs has been multifaceted as we have worked toward an ideal of preventative mediation measures, mentorship and strengthening community relationships with law enforcement. 

After addressing community concerns and input from over the past year, my recommendations include: 
  • Withdraw SROs from all Middle Schools. 
  • Require SROs to wear body worn cameras when on campus. 
  • Transition to a softer uniform (polo and khakis) to enhance approachability. 
  • Ensure that SRO’s will not be involved in any school-based disciplinary infractions. 
  • Require combined equity training of SROs and all school system personnel. 
  • Establish an SRO community workgroup comprised of students, educators, community stakeholders and consideration of added HCPD representation prior to eliminating the current program and proposals. 
  • Require an annual review of the SRO program based on the established MOU between HCPSS and HCPD 

I wholeheartedly believe that our community can find the right balance to preserve safety, promote equity and make progress on our county's inclusive values and academic success. We can achieve that by moving forward with a specifically tailored approach to evaluating, modifying and maintaining our School Resource Officer Program.

Environment Town Hall

Howard County is passionate about protecting our environment and spending time outdoors. We understand that it is up to each of us to take the lead on making our world cleaner and safer for our current and future generations. We only have one planet, we all must be dedicated to do our part to save it.

Join us on April 29th at 6:00 p.m. for an important Environment Town Hall where we will discuss how we can ensure a clean and sustainable environment for all.

Register today here.

Ask questions in advance to
Beyond the Badge - Donation Request

Created four years ago by five Maryland police officers, the Beyond The Badge Foundation works to build and strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community, by making a difference in the lives of those in need.  

Now through April 30th, Beyond the Badge is collecting backpacks and other school supplies for elementary school students. To donate to this important effort, please contact PFC Raymond Peele to schedule drop off at
Increasing funding for Education

Through careful planning and thoughtful discussions, we’ve created our largest operating budget to date, with a record $633 million for schools. Education is remains our top priority, with historically high funding to the school system, community college, and library system. 

My proposed operating budget includes $20 million above Maintenance of Effort, the highest in the past seven years, and also includes record high funding for special education.

Read more about my proposed budget here.
HoCo Vaccine Progress

Since it has become available, our team has worked tirelessly to ensure residents receive COVID-19 vaccines quickly. In Howard County, 99% of our adults older than 75, 90% of our adults between the ages of 65 and 74, and 71% of our residents between the ages of 50 and 64 have received a vaccine dose.

To register for a vaccine, please call 1 (855) MD-GOVAX. Together, we will ensure that all our residents StayCOVIDSafe and receive the vaccine.
Total Residents 65+ Vaccinated

In Howard County, we are committed to ensuring our most vulnerable populations, including older adults, receive the COVID-19 vaccine as quickly, safely, and efficiently as possible. Howard County is currently leading the State with 80.7% of residents age 65 and older who are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health.

We will continue to StayCOVIDSafe by working together. To register with the State, please call 1 (855) MD-GOVAX. To register with the Howard County Health Department, please call (410) 313-6284.
Population Vaccinated by County - First Dose

According to the Maryland Department of Health, to date, 50.4% of Howard County residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine. This percentage includes those who may have received a first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. the only way we can go back to normal is if we look out for one another and StayCOVIDSafe.
Population Vaccinated by County - Fully Vaccinated

To date, 36.7% of Howard County residents are fully vaccinated according to the Maryland Department of Health. We continue to work with the Howard County Health Department and the State to ensure residents receive the vaccine safely and efficiently, as we receive supply.

Let's StayCOVIDSafe and get vaccinated!
Mobile Testing Sites - NEW HOURS!

Our Mobile Testing sites are now open from noon through 7:00 p.m. These mobile sites are more accessible to our community, provide quick test results, and improve our ability to contain COVID-19. 15-minute rapid testing and 24-hour PCR testing is available to residents at no cost at each of these five locations:
  • Long Reach Village Center 
  • North Laurel Community Center
  • Recreation and Parks Headquarters 
  • The Elkridge 50+ Center
  • Normandy Shopping Center

lease StayCOVIDSafe and get tested!
FY22 Operating Budget

Last week, I presented by Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Operating Budget to the County Council. Through careful planning and thoughtful discussions, we’ve created our largest operating budget to date, with no tax increases for our residents or businesses.
This balanced budget provides broad based support for our priorities, and directs one-time savings towards critical public infrastructure, such as road resurfacing, repairing sidewalks, and flood mitigation projects. Education is still our top priority, with historically high funding to the school system, community college, and library system.

This budget also includes record high funding for special education. Despite the fiscal challenges amid the pandemic, this budget funds our strategic priorities while continuing the strong fiscal discipline that recently earned the County its 24th consecutive AAA bond rating. 

NACo Calls with the White House

On bi-weekly calls with the White House, we're discussing and coordinating the quick distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine with all levels of government.

We're joined by three officials, Intergovernmental Affairs Senior Advisor Luke McGowan, COVID-19 Intergovernmental Affairs Director Eduardo Cisneros, and White House Vaccine Coordinator Dr. Bechara Choucair.

I encourage residents to send questions for the White House Vaccination Team to that I can direct to officials during these calls. Residents should put “Question for White House Vax Team” in the subject line of their emails. The next call is Thursday, April 15, at 2:00 p.m.
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
Residents can now walk up to several State Mass Vaccination sites to receive their vaccine:
  • M&T Bank Stadium
  • Hagerstown Outlets
  • Wicomico Civic Center
  • Baltimore Convention Center
  • Greenbelt Metro Station

Please note, the process for no-appointment lines may take longer and there is no guarantee of receiving a vaccine. To pre-register at a State site, please call 1(855) MD-GOVAX or visit
Vaccinating Our Youth

Currently, residents as young as 16 are approved to receive the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer is the only vaccine, at this time, that can be administered in the United States to people under 18. State Mass Vaccination Clinics are more than likely to administer the Pfizer vaccine. I strongly urge parents and guardians to ensure our youth ages 16 and 17 get vaccinated.

We need to do everything we can to keep our families and community safe. We encourage residents age 16, 17, 18, and older to register for a vaccine TODAY by calling 1 (855) MD-GOVAX or visiting Please note, you must specify your age when creating an appointment.
Maryland Vaccination Sites

While there continues to be limited vaccine allocated to County Health Departments, we encourage ALL residents 16+ to visit one of many available locations to receive their vaccines. The State has implemented several Mass Vaccine sites to administer vaccines to residents. Pre-registration is now available to residents in all phases and all residents 16+ are eligible to receive the vaccine.

How to Register:
  1. Visit and click on “Pre-register for a vaccination at a mass vaccination site” tab
  2. Answer the required questions and enter the necessary information
  3. Fill out the health screening
  4. Select your preferred mass vaccination site
  5. Certify your information is true by checking the final box.

For more information and to register at any mass vaccination sites or pharmacy, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Confirming your Vaccine Registration with HCHD

Our Howard County Health Department is working to ensure every resident can receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Once you register, the Health Department will reach out to you within seven days to confirm your registration. If you have received your vaccine elsewhere, you may unsubscribe using the link in your confirmation email.

For more information, please visit or call (410) 313-6284.
COVID-19 Relief
Mortgage Relief for Residents

We are proud to announce a new foreclosure prevention program with $1.4 million supported through pandemic assistance funding. Residents impacted by COVID and not able to pay their mortgage payments should contact the Department of Housing and Community Development to complete an application for mortgage assistance. Applications are available here.

Residents with pending or approved forbearance plans with their mortgage lender are eligible to apply for assistance. Please note, the moratorium on filing of Notices of Intent to Foreclose also ends on 3/31.
Tax Resources

Applications for the Aging in Place and Senior Tax Credits are now available! These tax credits provide financial incentives to allow residents to stay in their homes while offering more affordable aging in place.

Homeowners can use the county's Credit Eligibility Calculator to explore all available tax credits and relevant information regarding the application and screening processes. The Credit Eligibility Calculator can be found here.

Please, share this information with an older adult in your life. For more information, you can also call the Department of Finance at (410) 313-2195.
Government Updates
Department of Community Resources and Services
Beware Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Cards

Our Department of Community Resource and Services’ (DCRS) Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is WARNING residents of scammers who are selling fake COVID-19 vaccination cards online. To avoid getting the vaccine, individuals are buying these fake vaccination cards as a card may be required by the travel industry in the future as proof of vaccination in order to travel. This false and deceptive marketing practice threatens the health of others.
Additionally, remember to NEVER post pictures of your vaccination card on social media as it contains your name and date of birth. This information can be used to commit identity theft and other frauds against you. For more helpful consumer protection tips from OCP, click HERE.
Best Buy Geek Squad Phishing Email Scam

In addition to the fake COVID-19 vaccination card scam, OCP is also alerting residents to a phishing email scam making its rounds. The email appears, which appears to be from Best Buy’s Geek Squad, although it is not, is regarding an automatic membership renewal. The email asks the recipient to call if they do not want to renew; HOWEVER, calling the number sets the scam in motion, potentially allowing the scammer access to your computer and your bank account. NEVER allow access to your computer or accounts to anyone that you do not know and NEVER buy gift cards for a business to cover a debt. If you get an email from a business or organization asking about a transaction you did not initiate, contact the business directly using a phone number you find on their website, NOT the number in the email.
If you receive an email phishing scam, you can report it to the Federal Trade Commission by visiting
Employment Scams in Howard County

In addition to the COVID-19 vaccination card and Best Buy Geek squad scams, OCP is ALSO sharing a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warning about a number of employment related scams currently being seen in our community. According to the FTC, scammers advertise jobs the same way legitimate employers do — online (in ads on job sites and social media), in newspapers and sometimes on TV and radio. They promise you a job, but what they want is your money and your personal information. Examples of job scams include work-from-home job scams; nanny, caregiver and virtual personal assistant job scams; mystery shopper scams; job placement service scams; and government and postal jobs scams. To learn more about these job scams and how to avoid them/what to look out for, check out the FTC's website today.
Stay Active, Try Something New this April with OAI

Howard County older residents, if you are looking for something to keep you active and engaged, check out OAI’s monthly Virtual Offering Guides! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, OAI has been working hard to provide older residents with various activities, from exercise and cooking classes to social engagement and lifelong learning classes, to help keep you moving, cooking and staying social while at home. To learn about the virtual offerings OAI has going on this month, check out its the April Virtual Offering Guide, available online now. for a list of this month’s offerings. For questions, contact OAI at
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Move Over Law Reminder

Our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS) is reminding drivers of Maryland’s 'Move Over' law. The law requires drivers approaching (from the rear) an emergency, transportation, service or utility vehicle, as well as waste and recycling trucks, with red, yellow or amber flashing lights that is stopped, standing or parked along the highway to, when possible, move over a lane. This movement should only be done if another lane in the same direction is available and the move can be made safely and without impeding other traffic. If the driver is unable to make a lane change, the law requires drivers to slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for existing conditions while passing the emergency or service vehicles.
Together, we can help ensure a safer work environment for our police officers, fire fighters, emergency rescue personnel, tow service operators, public works personnel and others while working along Maryland roadways.
Earth Day Safety Practices

This past Thursday, the world celebrated Earth Day! For its part, HCDFRS reminded residents that you can help our planet by doing your part to prevent brush fires. Remember, tossing cigarettes into dry grasses, leaves, mulch or other vegetation can easily start a fire. When disposing of smoking materials, be sure to discard them properly in a deep, sturdy ash tray away from anything flammable.
Youth Invited to Learn What it Takes to be a Firefighter at 1st Alarm Fire Camp

HCDFRS is NOW accepting applications for its 2021 1st Alarm Fire Camp. Hosted by the St. Florian's Brigade, the 1st Alarm Fire Camp is geared towards youth interested in learning more about the fire service and what it takes to become a firefighter. Campers will take part in a burn demo, CPR training, obstacle courses, running emergency scenarios and more, all while focusing on team building and developing life skills.
This year's camp will take part in two separate, one-day sessions based on age group:

  • Ages 8 to 11: Saturday, July 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Ages 12 to 14: Saturday, July 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To more information and/or for an application form, visit All CDC recommended COVID-19 safety guidelines will be followed at camp.
Vote Sowell for 2021 American Hero Dog

Have you voted? Now through May 6th, help us share our love and appreciation for HCDFRS’ accelerant detection canine Sowell, by voting for him for American Humane's 2021 American Hero Dog award. This is the highest honor in all the canine world, and we’d love to be able to recognize Sowell for a job well done. In case you need a little convincing on why Sowell deserves this awesome honor, here's a little background information on our four-legged co-worker.
In 2019, K-9 Sowell met HCDFRS Captain Craig Matthews and they bonded instantly. Since then, Sowell has been hard at work, responding to more than 70 fire scenes (including fatal fires, homicides involving fire and building and vehicle fires) a year across Maryland. With his keen sense of smell (one might say he has the nose for the job), Sowell is able to sniff out a wide variety of ignitable liquids often used to accelerate a fire. Thanks to his scent discrimination abilities, Sowell is able to quickly identify evidence within a few minutes compared to the countless hours his human fire investigator friends would spend digging through fire debris to locate evidence at a fire scene. When not working a fire scene, you can find Sowell training, making public appearances to raise awareness of fire safety deterring the crime of arson, playing ball or enjoying a good old belly rub.
Howard County Health Department

Howard County Medicaid Information

Medicaid provides coverage to 43,874 Howard County residents, including children, pregnant women, elderly adults, people with disabilities and low-income adults. It is funded jointly by states and the federal government. To learn more about Medicaid and how to apply, call Howard County Health Department (HCHD) at 410-313-5845 today.
Difficult Conversations About Race: A Discussion Series

Racism is a public health issue. Join HCHD as it explores how to have a difficult conversation about race and racism, plus practical tips on cultural competence and humility. This three-part virtual series, “Difficult Conversations About Race: A Discussion Series,” is a response to the civil unrest of the past year and beyond.
The series presenter will offer guidance and structure around conversations addressing racial injustice and confusion, as well as cultural competency, a critical topic that has emerged as more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each installment in the series will address a different, related topic:

  • April 30th –Difficult Conversations about Race and Racism
  • May 21st – Difficult Conversations with Children about Race
  • June 18th – Cultural Competence and Implicit Bias
I hope you’ll join HCHD as it explores how to have these conversations, how to include children in these conversations and how to practice cultural competency and humility. To register for this series, click HERE.
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records

Misplaced you COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Free COVID-19 Testing in Columbia

FREE COVID-19 testing is now available every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at HCHD’s headquarters at 8930 Stanford Boulevard in Columbia. Testing is performed using the FDA-approved Azova saliva test kit … yes, it is far more comfortable than traditional nasal swab PCR testing, but similarly effective. Once swabbed, results are available within two to the four days.
If you or a loved one believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, please get tested today. to book your appointment for this location, visit
Residents 16 and Older Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine

Maryland residents 16 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine from one of the State’s mass vaccination or 300 providers approved by the State to issue the vaccine. That said, residents age 16 and 17 are reminded that in accordance with the terms of the FDA's Emergency Use Authorizations, Pfizer is the ONLY vaccine that has been approved for your ages. The Moderna and J&J/Janssen vaccines are ONLY approved for individuals 18 and older. When scheduling an appointment, please make sure the vaccine you are making an appointment for is the Pfizer vaccine.
While the Howard County Health Department (HCHD) continues to prioritize those in earlier phases, when supply allows, it will open more appointments. To be alerted when HCHD clinic appointments become available to your phase/phase group, be sure to complete one of HCHD's pre-registration survey's on its "COVID-19 Vaccine" website,, if you have not already done so. In the meantime, residents are strongly encouraged to register/pre-register for the State's mass vaccination sites or other approved providers.
Department of Housing and Community Development

Housing’s Next MIHU Open Enrollment Period to Begin April 1st

Don’t miss out on your chance to call Howard County home. This is your last week to submit your application for our Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program April open enrollment period. Held quarterly throughout the year, this inclusionary zoning program provides individuals and families the opportunity to purchase quality new homes at reduced sale prices and rents to those eligible. Applications will be available online and completed applications can be submitted either online, mailed to 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 224, Columbia, MD, 21046, or dropped off at DHCD’s Patuxent Woods Drive office by appointment only. The DEADLINE to apply is 5:00 p.m. this Friday, April 30th.
Keep in mind, if you are interested in DHCD’s MIHU rental program, prospective renters may apply directly to a participating rental community at any time during the year. For more information on the MIHU rental program, including a list of participating communities, visit DHCD’s MIHU rental website.
For questions and/or more information about the MIHU program, contact DHCD’s Housing Opportunities Programs Division at 410-313-6318 and select option two, email or visit DHCD’s open enrollment website
Police Department
Don’t Make Your House an Easy Target for Burglars, Secure Your Doors

When spending time outside, whether playing with your kids or pet, just relaxing or doing yardwork, you might think it’s okay to leave your garage door open or slider unlocked while your right outside. However, HCPD is reminding residents to ALWAYS keep your doors, including garage doors and rear sliders, closed and locked, including that interior door in your garage.
In warmer months, HCPD typically sees an increased number of burglaries in which criminals walk into open garages and through the unlocked interior door leading inside the house. Detectives also see an increase number of cases in which burglars walk into homes by opening unlocked rear sliding glass doors. And while you might think leaving that sliding glass door in the back of your house unlocked is okay, this door has actually been a popular point of entry for burglars, who will move on from a locked door until they find one that is unsecured and easily opened.
In an effort to keep homes and neighborhoods secure, HCPD is offering up the following tips:

  • Always keep all doors, including your garage door and rear slider, closed and locked. Ensure that the door leading from your garage to the interior of your home also is locked.
  • Always lock your vehicles and remove valuable property. Remember that a garage door opener in an unlocked car is like a key to your home!
  • Keep valuables in an unexpected place. For example, don’t keep your most valuable jewelry in your jewelry box. Burglars want to get in and out quick, so don’t make it easy for them to find your valuable or sentimental items.
  • Always report suspicious activity or people by calling 911.
Also, HCPD is also reminding residents to always keep vehicles locked, whether at home or away from home, and never leave anything valuable in plain sight.
Applications Now Being Accepted for HCPD Youth Programs

In case you missed it, HCPD is now accepting applications for its 2021 Youth Police Academy (YPA) and P.L.E.D.G.E Summer Leadership Camp.
Geared towards 15- to 18-year-old who are looking for a one-of-a-kind experience, YPA is a FREE, one-week day-camp that gives participants an introduction into what it’s like to be a police officer. Campers train and learn like those in the police academy while exploring career and leadership opportunities and building life skills. This year’s camp will fun from June 27th through July 2nd and applications are due by no later than May 1st. To apply, click HERE.
HCPD’s P.L.E.D.G.E (Pride, Leadership, Education, Diversity, Growth, Evaluation) Summer Leadership Camp is a FREE, one-week day-camp that helps rising 9th graders develop leadership skills prior to entering high school. Lessons and activities challenge campers’ ability to make critical decisions, focus on core beliefs and values, recognize diversity and work toward a common goal. This year’s P.L.E.D.G.E. Leadership Camp will run July 19th through July 23rd and July 26th through July 30th. To apply, click HERE; applications are due by June 1st.
Help Identify Destruction of Property/Hate-Bias Suspect from Glenwood Middle School Incident

HCPD continues to seek the public’s help to identify the suspect in a destruction of property/hate-bias incident that occurred on March 12th around 7:49 p.m. at Glenwood Middle School. The suspect spray painted over the word “Black” on the school marquee that read “Black Lives Matter at GMS.” The suspect vehicle, seen in this video, is believed to be a gray SUV. Anyone with information is asked to contact HCPD at 410-313-STOP or email
Office of Procurement and Contract Administration

Expression of Interest Issued for Ellicott City Safe and Sound North Tunnel Final Design

My team and I are seeking responses from qualified firms with experience and successful completion of a rock tunnel, as our Office of Procument and Contract Administration issues Expression of Interest (EOI) for the final design of the Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan's North Tunnel. The extended North Tunnel is one of the most impactful projects in our Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan, keeping floodwater off the street and preserving the history of our town. Even as we deal with the challenges of a global pandemic, we continue to make progress to protect Ellicott City from flooding for generations to come.
Of note, firms will also be required to demonstrate success in construction cost estimating and scheduling. To view the EOI and/or more information, click HERE.
Department of Public Works
Our Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting this Thursday, April 29th starting at 6:30 p.m., to discuss plans to stabilize a portion of a significantly eroded stream located between Thunder Hill Road and Phelps Luck Drive, south of Broken Timber Way and Five Fingers Way. To do so, DPW will use wood and rock structures and bio-engineering planting to re-establish a more natural stream, reduce instream erosion and improve water quality. Finally, the area disturbed by the construction will be replanted upon project completion. The project is expected to begin this fall 2022.
The informal meeting will include an overview of the design followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 160 605 7986, and “Stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 160 605 7986.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Mr. Avinash Dewani with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-6417 or email  
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.

  • Columbia Gateway Drive Ramp Repair – Project to patch and repair the Columbia Gateway Drive on-ramp from Snowden River Parkway. During the project, the Columbia Gateway Drive on-ramp from Snowden River Parkway will be closed. Traffic will follow a clearly marked detour using eastbound MD 175, MD 108 (Waterloo Road) and westbound MD 175. Expected to begin on or about Wednesday, April 28th. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed within one day. A recorded message at 410-313-3637 will carry detour information and project updates
Past Project Updates – Completed
Ellicott City

To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Maryland State Highway Administration

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Virtual Public Meeting 4/30
In an effort to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries on Maryland roadways, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) is creating a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP). As part of its development process, SHA will be hosting a virtual public meeting this Friday, April 30th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., to allow Marylander's the opportunity to learn more about the PSAP and how to provide input on pedestrian safety. Participant feedback will help SHA create a safety plan that will lay the groundwork for improving bike and pedestrian safety across Maryland and ultimately save lives. To partake in the meeting on the 30th, click HERE or call in via +1 443-409-5228, Conference ID: 484 724 096#.
Additionally, per the SHA, as ts PSAP evolves, additional meetings, surveys and other community meetings will be scheduled. A recording of SHA's April 30th public meeting and information on future PSAP activities will be available on SHA's website at For questions and/or more information about this public meeting or plan, contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Two Miles of MD 103 to be Milled and Patched

REMINDER: The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) has begun work to improve the road surface of MD 103. Crews will be milling and patching two miles of roadway between US 1 and MD 100, as well as installing an underdrain at Kane Way to improve roadway drainage and safety. The work will take place Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and weather permitting, is expected to be complete by May.
Flagging operations, cones and signs will be in place to alert motorists of the road work and guide them through the work zone. While SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for its crews and customers, motorists are reminded to stay alert, focus on driving and, look for reduced speed limits, as well as other driving pattern changes.
For more information about this project, click HERE and/or contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Department of Recreation and Parks
Take the City Nature Challenge!

Starting this Friday, April 30th, I invite you to join our Department of Recreation & Parks for the City Nature Challenge. What started in 2016 as a friendly competition between San Francisco and Los Angeles, has since grown into an international event, motivating people from around the world to find and document wildlife in their cities. Join us for this global competition, by helping to document and protect our community’s local biodiversity with the aid of the iNaturalist app. Howard County Park Rangers will be stationed throughout our parks this weekend (May 1st and May 2nd) to help you get started. For more information and/or to register to be a part of the Baltimore City Challenge, click HERE.
Catch Roaming Gnomes in Howard County Parks

Have you found the roaming gnome? Earlier this month, Recreation & Parks’ launched its Roaming Gnomes scavenger hunt. Each week, residents can find clues on Recreation & Parks’ Facebook page that will guide them to one of four Roaming Gnomes. Find the gnome, scan the special QR code and submit your entry form to be entered in a weekly prize drawing. Prizes are awarded each week, with a special grand prize to be awarded to the person or team who finds all four gnomes by the end of the month! Best of luck as we enter the last week of this month’s scavenger hunt.
Virtual Glow Dance Party Take-Home Kits Now on Sale
Join Recreation & Parks for a groovy Virtual Glow Dance Party next month with its latest take-home kit. Perfect for the whole family, each kit contains everything you need for a fun evening at home, including a LIVE virtual dance party, two personal pizzas, popcorn, glow necklaces and themed activities. Kits will be available for pickup from Recreation 7 Parks’ headquarters in Columbia on Saturday, May 15th. To reserve your kit today, click HERE.
West Howard Warhawks Football and Cheer

Sign up today for West Howard Warhawks Football and Cheer! Starting this August, your child can learn the basics of competitive football (with games and practices at Western Regional Park) or cheerleading (with practices held at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center), all while developing athletic ability, good sportsmanship and more. For more information and/or to register, click HERE.
Office of Transportation

Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Bike Lanes on Warwick Way and Birmingham Way

In addition to the proposed bike lanes along Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway, our Office of Transportation is also proposing to implement the recommendations of BikeHoward, for bike lanes on segments of Warwick Way and Birmingham Way in Marriottsville during current road resurfacing efforts. Transportation is proposing adding newly painted bike lanes on Warwick Way from Marriottsville Road to Birmingham Way and along Birmingham Way from Warwick Way to Dorchester Way. As part of its effort, Transportation invites the public to join them this Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual public meeting to learn more about and provide feedback regarding these proposed roadway additions. To register for the meeting, click HERE. In addition to the meeting, residents can also submit feedback to the Office of Transportation, now through May 12th, via email at
Celebrate Bike Month with Virtual Bike to Work Week Event and Love to Ride Challenge

Mark your calendars! This year’s annual Bike to Work week celebration will take place Monday, May 17th through Sunday, May 23rd. Organized by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) and its member jurisdictions, Bike to Work Week is a socially distanced cycling challenge to encourage commuting by bike.
Participating riders qualify for free t-shirts (limited to the first 1,500 riders), giveaways and prizes, all while discovering the advantages of a cleaner, healthier commuting option. Participants who register for the event may ride any time during the week and pick up their event shirt and other giveaways at participating bike shops throughout the region. To register, visit today.
To make Bike Month even more fun, BMC is offering cyclists a free online cycling challenge and encouragement program called “Love to Ride.” This fun, friendly and free competition between workplaces, clubs and individuals uses prize drawings, leaderboards and virtual networking to challenge users to get more people cycling. The program is year-round and features special prize challenges in May for Corporate Challenge participants. To register and/or for more information about “Love to Ride,” check out today.
Change Your Routine. Take the Bike, Instead of the Car
Pssst, have you heard? Howard County Bikeshare has launched a Car-to-Bike Challenge. Now through the end of May, Howard County Bikeshare is challenging you to switch up your routine and instead of hopping in your car to get to your destination, hop on your bike (or ours) instead. And when you get to your final destination, be sure to take a picture of your bike there and post it to social media using the hashtag #CarToBikeChallengeHC to be entered to win some awesome prizes.
Bikeshare Survey

Our Office of Transportation is looking for ways to improve Howard County’s Bikeshare system and is seeking to gather public feedback through a short survey. Your feedback will help Transportation improve its system now and in the future. To learn more about Howard County Bikeshare, visit