Why are we sharing this information?

We base our outreach calendar articles on each community’s reporting requirements. The monthly articles, photos or social media topics can be used for stormwater (MS4) or end-of-year reporting. If you choose to post one of these topics, make sure to note the date and information shared to your community. If Franklin Soil and Water helps out in your reporting, we will need this information to include in each end-of-year report.

Click to view or print our full 2020 Monthly Outreach Schedule
June Outreach Article
Doggy Doo's & Don'ts
Remember to PUP (Pick Up Poop)!
Dog Poo FAQ

What should I do with my doggy doo?
Pick it up! Use a bag or a poop scooper, and throw your waste in the trash. Not only is it environmentally healthy, but it is the courteous thing to do.

Is it better to bag waste, or leave it on the lawn?
It is better to bag your waste! It will still end up in a landfill, but the overall negative impact is lessened as fewer bacteria are left in the environment. 

Isn’t poop good lawn fertilizer?
No, uncomposted poop is not good lawn fertilizer. In addition, due to the protein filled doggy diet, dog waste is acidic and leaving it on your lawn will kill the grass and leave dry brown spots!

Does dog poo really affect stormwater that much?
In 1993, the US EPA reported that 95% of fecal coliform bacteria found in urban stormwater was of non-human origin!

Are there other options other than disposing of pet waste in the trash?     You can install in-ground pet waste composters; flush the waste down the toilet; or hire a pet waste pick up service that has new uses for pet waste such as a source for energy.
If a bear poops in the woods then why can't my dog?
Wildlife poop contains the remains of things found in the wild! Wild animal poop is part of a natural cycle, and can actually help support the ecosystem by spreading seeds of native plants that have passed through the animal's digestive tract!

In contrast dog's poop is made up of remains of dog food ingredients that originated far from where they poop. Dog poop throws the natural cycle out of balance by introducing excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as large amounts of bacteria, into the ecosystem when it's not picked up! These nutrients and bacteria can be washed away into our rivers and streams.
Social Media
  • FACT: There are 277,000 dogs in Franklin County! Each dog creates an average of .75 pounds of waste daily. That’s over one ton of dog poop each day that can pollute our water when it rains. Visit www.franklinswcd.org/pup to learn more and take the pledge to always Pick Up Poop!

Upcoming Outreach Calendar

July- Stream Stewardship
August- Proper Waste Disposal and Reporting

Click to view or print our full 2020 Monthly Outreach Schedule
If you need any additional information, photos, or graphics, please contact me and I will send you the original files.
Kristin Hilson
Marketing & Public
Outreach Coordinator
(614) 486-9613, Ext. 111

Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District | (614) 486-9613 | www.franklinswcd.org