FaithBridge Family,

Here in the High Country, we are no strangers to unpredictable weather. As the local saying goes, if you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes and it will change. Well, we waited 10 minutes this past Sunday for the rain to subside, but it did not, forcing us to postpone all of our festivities including outdoor worship. With that said, I hope you are making plans to join in this Sunday (November 1) at our final outdoor worship service of the season! Bring your own picnic lunch to enjoy after the service, and stick around for a children's "parade" and fall festival. All the safety protocols and guidelines will remain in effect.

These are challenging times, but know that your church family is here for you and praying for you. You are a child of God and you are loved,

Pastor Ben

FaithBridge will be publishing our own Advent Devotional Booklet with YOU being the creative authors &/or artist! Start praying and thinking now about what you would like to share to celebrate the joy and anticipation of Advent this year so we may have this booklet published in time for Advent! Reply to this email to get involved or click here for more information.
Sermon "The Groaning of Creation" from 10/25/20
Teaching Tuesday with Pastor Ben from 10/27/20
Cali Colbert, the FaithBridge Director of Youth Ministries, is getting married to Christian on November 7th and we want to celebrate! You are invited to a double-card shower. One card of congratulations and a second card for Amazon of any amount that you would like to give. Please send the cards and or money (c/o Janet Specht and Jamie Wilson, Lay Leaders, 194 Aho Road, Blowing Rock, N.C. 28605) and we will present to her on November 1 at the Fall Picnic. Cali is a great part of FaithBridge ministry and it will be great to celebrate with her. Thank you!

Janet Specht and Jamie Wilson
Co-Lay Leaders, FaithBridge UMC
Casting Bread Corner

Casting Bread’s Give Thanks for 2020 Challenge is underway and you are invited to join in the effort to increase food security!

Casting Bread operates a food pantry, soup kitchen, and bakery. Historically, over 1,000 families per month rely on Casting Bread for food, compassion, and community. Since March of this year, the number of people served has increased each month.

The Give Thanks for 2020 Challenge takes place through November 20th and is simple: give $20, give 20 cans of food, and extend an invitation to 20 people to do the same.


Visit today for more information and to take the Challenge!
The FaithBridge 2020 Charge Conference for the purpose of discussing and accepting Charge Conference materials, church budget, pastors' compensation, lay servant applications and approving our church officers has been scheduled for Monday, November 16 at 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM.
Join in for our weekly Bible study every Wednesday at noon. Zoom link here:
Be sure to like our FaceBook page so that you can view all of our livestreams, including worship every Sunday at 11:00 and devotionals from our staff throughout the week!
Please be in prayer for: Scott Allen, Drew Beyer, Anna Critcher, Alex and Cara Marshall, Jerry Meyer, Diann Miller, Jane Sigmon, Sam Tate, Butch Triplett, Sonja West, and Jennifer Whittington. If you have a prayer concern, feel free to reply to this email or contact the church office at (828) 295-8333.
Be sure to like our FaceBook page and subscribe to our Youtube channel so that you can connect with us! And, as always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if we can pray for you or help out in any way.