In this month's edition:
- How Napa RCD is providing services during COVID-19
- Scholarship Deadline Extended to May 31
- Napa County Joins 2020 City Nature Challenge!
- March Rainfall Summary
- Earth Day Napa Goes Virtual
- April Conservation Champion: YOU
RCD Events:
- WILD Napa Online - City Nature Challenge & Citizen Science - April 8
- Sudden Oak Death Blitz - New COVID-19 Protocol - April 11
- City Nature Challenge - April 24 - 27
Partner Resources:
- Keep Open Spaces Open- COVID-19 Practices in the Outdoors
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
How Napa RCD is Providing Services
During COVID-19
In response to the County and Governor’s emergency orders relating to COVID-19 (coronavirus)
, Napa RCD
has made some changes to how we conduct business. These changes will remain in effect until the emergency orders are lifted.
Our team is working remotely and continues to advance our mission. We continue to conduct essential fieldwork as authorized by emergency orders, but have cancelled in-person gatherings (e.g., workshops, volunteer events). During normal business hours (8 am-5 pm) we are available via email, over the phone, and through online meetings (such as Zoom). The Napa RCD and NRCS offices are both closed to the public.
Napa RCD’s Board Meetings are now held only via tele/videoconference
Meeting agendas will continue to be posted on our website, as well as in our office window. You can also contact
if you would like to be notified of Board Meetings via email. We encourage public participation, and p
ublic comments will be accepted only in writing
ahead of Board Meetings
Additional information about the new format of Board Meetings will be included in the agendas
We are communicating activities through our
Weekly Digests
, our
Facebook Page
, and our
Instagram Page
. Follow along for pertinent updates and activities from partners in Napa County, the Bay Area, and around the country.
We hope that you are staying safe and sound,
The Napa RCD Team
Scholarship Deadline Extended to May 31
With schools out and students adjusting to the virtual learning experience, we have decided to extend the deadline for the Napa RCD's Scholarship for Emerging Environmental Leaders to
May 31, 2020
Napa County Joins 2020 City Nature Challenge!
During this time of shelter-in-place, you can still go outside for a walk, enjoy the natural elements of your neighborhood, and contribute to a growing body of biodiversity information from around the world. For 4 days, April 24-27, we encourage you to join people all over the world to log as many observations as you can of the nature that exists near you. These observations will feed into a global network that is available to scientists and researchers in many fields of study.
The best part? iNaturalist has an AI platform that helps you identify what's in your photo. Once you upload your photo, real scientists will work to officially identify what you have documented - and you'll be able to see their results!
To get started, download the iNaturalist app and watch a few of their
video tutorials
Then, join us on
April 8
for our first-ever online WILD Napa lecture which will showcase the
City Nature Challenge
! Alison Young, Co-Director of Citizen Science at
California Academy of Sciences
, will speak with us via Zoom and Facebook Live about what it means to be a citizen scientist, the importance of contributing to a global biodiversity database, and the importance of creating community through and with nature during stressful times.
Visit our
for more information about how to join us for the Zoom/Facebook Live lecture. We look forward to seeing you on April 8 at 7 pm!
March 2020 Rainfall Summary
Paul Blank, Napa RCD Senior Hydrologist
It was, unfortunately, not the miracle we hoped for. March brought four small storms and seven days of measurable rainfall to most of the Napa County ALERT monitoring stations (
) but rainfall totals were far below the monthly average. Water Year 2019-20 is on track to be the driest in the 18-year ALERT System record. The rain gauges recorded between 0.76 and 1.94 inches during the month, approximately 4.1% of mean annual rainfall (long-term March average is 14.2%). So far in Water Year 2019-20, we’ve received approximately 41% of our annual rainfall, well below the long-term average of 88% for this time of year. Seasonal rainfall totals at the rain gauges range between 10.3 inches (City of Napa) and 19.9 inches (Mt. Veeder).
Earth Day Napa Goes Virtual!
Celebrating 50 Years of Earth Day...
from a safe social distance!
Due to current public health restrictions, Earth Day Napa is going online!
Stay tuned, we can't wait to show you what we've put together!
April Conservation Champions:
All of YOU
This month, we want to send a huge THANKS to everybody in Napa County. These are trying times, and we are all having to adjust to new ways to go through every aspect of our daily lives.
Thanks to all those who are working and putting their own safety at risk to perform the essential services we need. Those that work in healthcare and public service, agriculture, restaurants and grocery stores, education and all of our other essential service providers deserve a huge THANK YOU. And thanks to everyone following the stay-at-home and social distancing recommendations set forth by our local, state, and federal agencies.
You all are making the transition to the current normal much easier on the rest of us. We're looking forward to the day we can shake your hands to show our appreciation.
Help support RCD Programs -
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |