August 31, 2022


MAZEL TOV to the entire 2022 Maccabi USA Field Hockey team

for winning the program's first ever GOLD MEDAL!!!!

We are so incredibly proud of all of you! The talent,

dedication, and work ethic you all displayed during 

the 2022 Maccabiah Games was impressive and inspiring.

Thank you for representing your country and heritage so brilliantly!

Coaches' Corner

To celebrate Maccabi USA Field Hockey's historic win,

The Short Corner chatted with the 2022 coaches Jess and Candice. 

Scroll down to hear their perspectives on

the team, the tournament, and the sweet, sweet taste of victory!

The Short Corner: How did you both get involved with Maccabi USA Field Hockey?

Coach Jess:  I heard of the Maccabiah Games when I was younger but was not greatly involved. At some point in November 2019, I fell down the "rabbit hole" while clicking and clicking through whatever was popping up on my social media, and I happened to come across Maccabi USA looking for Jewish Athletes. I thought about lacing up my sneakers and putting on my goalie pads to join the team, but thought that my current experience as a Field Hockey coach in New Jersey was better suited for me. I applied for the position and after multiple interviews, I was provided the coaching opportunity and to be part of the team...and I haven't looked back since!

Coach Candice: I became involved when a parent approached me telling me that Maccabi USA was looking for Jewish Coaches for the field hockey program. From there I connected with Meredith Shifman and became a part of Maccabi USA!

SC: How would you describe the 2022 Maccabi USA Field Hockey team both on and off the field?

CJ: The team was very close knit from the beginning of our trip and throughout the games. Everyone clicked quite quickly which, as a coach, you are very thankful for! Typically, a team that clicks off the field will surely click on the field. Having the opportunity to attend training camp and Israel Connect was so important for establishing the foundation needed to build a strong sense of 'family' and 'community.' Having these early on opportunities allowed for the team to work together on the field. What is most important to note is that these athletes are all from various parts of the United States. They are often the top players from their school or area. With that being said, these girls were coachable and able to work together despite being taught a variety of different drills, skills, and techniques from their past field hockey careers. 

CC: On the field they were focused and wanted to play their best every day. Off the field they were kind, inclusive, and always laughing. 

SC: What 3 adjectives would you use to describe the team?

CJ: Determined, encouraging, and resilient

CC: Fun, energetic, and hardworking

SC: Any fun pre-game or post-game rituals? Did the team have a go-to pump up song?

CJ: The team really enjoyed pumping each other up in the locker room prior to games. We did lots of dancing, singing, and chanting in prep for our games. One of our pump up dance songs (among many others!) was Calabria 2007 by Enur. 

CC:  A pregame ritual we did was passing along a dance move to get hyped up. We also would get into a circle and hold hands to pass our energy. You squeeze the person next to you and pass it on. It is a great way to connect as one before we hit the field!

SC: Which game from the tournament was the most memorable?

CJ: Most definitely the final game versus Argentina. 

CC: The gold game against Argentina was most memorable. We were all so excited for the game, our energy was high, and we were ready to give it our all. The team played amazing and worked hard through two overtimes and into strokes.  

SC: What was the caliber of play like?

CJ: After having played Argentina on Thursday, July 21, we were aware of what we were up against for the final gold medal match on Sunday, July 24. We lost to Argentina 5-0 on Thursday, and we shifted our mindset tremendously for our gold medal match. The caliber of play was incredibly intense throughout the entire game. When we scored first, Candice and I were beside ourselves. We knew that scoring first was pertinent in keeping the momentum going and maintaining high spirits. Gianna, our goalie was a great leader on the field who kept spirits high starting at the defensive level and passing the positive energy up through midfield and toward and forward line. Even when Argentina tied up the game which sent us into double overtime, our Maccabi USA team did not let up. They were so determined to win and the energy on the field and sidelines was incredible. 

CC: The caliber of the game was high. The players all brought their best game and it was a great match up. It was one of the most intense games I have ever coached and watched.

SC: In your opinions what were the team’s top three plays of the tournament? 

CJ: It's hard for me to give up my secrets! Haha, just kidding. As a more general answer, anytime we were able to work the ball backward to the defense to swing and transition to the opposite field, we were able to reset as a group and attack the goal again from a different angle. It also allowed us to reposition in prep for scoring. I also felt that one of our corner plays that allowed for a quick slip at the top with a straight powerful shot on goal was successful for us. Lastly, our defense was solid. Their positioning, movement, and communication on the field was unmatched. 

CC: The top three plays of the tournament would have to be scoring against Argentina, Gianna (GK) keeping Argentina from scoring, and our team successfully scoring on the strokes!

SC: How does it feel to bring home Maccabi USA Field Hockey’s first gold medal?

CJ: Surreal is the word I use to describe this experience to everyone who asks me. It felt like a dream that I wanted to have over and over and over again. It was one of the best games I've ever coached let alone experienced in my entire field hockey career. I am so beyond proud of this team, so grateful for my fellow assistant coach Candice and our chair Meredith, and extremely thankful to our amazing fans consisting of families and all of our supporters from Maccabi USA. I am also so pleased to have met some wonderful field hockey players and coaches from other countries who supported each other throughout the tournament. 

CC: It is such an honor. It is something I am so proud of and feel so lucky that I was a part of this amazing team! 

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