April  8, 2020
Daily Podcast

The daily podcast (15 minute devotional, recorded in my home study each day) is available.

It include music, scripture readings, daily thanksgiving, intercessions, and a benediction.
Daily Update

Long days at the church:  for several of us as we have been taping services for tomorrow (Maundy Thursday) Good Friday, the Easter Vigil (Saturday), and Easter Sunday.  We were taping for almost ten hours yesterday and another four hours today.  There are still about 3 hours of taping still to go.  

Before we can even begin recording, hours are spent writing and designing scripts, and preparing sermons and other presentations.

After all these recordings are done, then Mark Richardson spends time adjusting sound levels and taking out 'bloopers.'  Jordan then takes over and spends hours over his computer splicing and editing and combining video and audio and putting in titles.  Mark Richardson takes over again to crunch the files and get them uploaded and onto our website.  

Yesterday's "stars" included Jiafeng Yan (organ and piano), Val Gibson (piano), Jie Wu (singing and leading liturgy), and Dusty and Kaitlin Maninfior, preparing music for our Easter morning worship.  

Ardis dropped me a note yesterday to share some news about Norma Grisamore, via her grandson.  Norma is at Mattoon Healthcare, recovering very slowly.  One of the staff members there brought her to the piano in the facility and she sat down and was able to play some.  It was a joyful moment in the midst of a long struggle she is having.  


There will be an opportunity to share (virtual) communion at our Maundy Thursday worship.  The video will be posted tomorrow afternoon.  Plan to have bread and wine or grape juice handy so that you can partake during this service of worship...from the safety of your own home.
Life Goes On

Today, April 8, is Zoo Lovers Day, Day of Pink, and "Draw a Picture of a Bird" Day.

I do love the zoo...and look forward to being able to visit one again soon.  Day of Pink was started in Canada by students who were worried about how other students, particularly those who identified as LGBTQ+, were being bullied.  Wearing pink was a sign of solidarity...that no one, no matter what we think or understand about them, should ever be bullied.  I think Jesus would say Amen to no bullying...ever!

As for drawing a picture of a bird, I am not the artist in the family...when it comes to drawing.  If I were to draw a bird today...by tomorrow I would not be able to tell what it was.  My drawing is as abysmal as my handwriting.  But for those of you who CAN draw...birds it is today!