Welcome to Quilting News
September 2022
Message from Lisa
WOW what a month can do to you. Recovering from my surgery just a month ago, I have been very tired and groggy from being put to sleep. I feel almost back to my full self. Business has been busy and trying to catch up from a week being down sometimes take me a little extra time to catch up. I think I'm almost there.

Last week while waiting at the cutting table at Joann's I struck up a conversation with a lady about quilting. By the time I left the store I had a new customer who gave me 7 quilts from the trunk of her car. You never know where you are going to meet your customers and I try too make new customers wherever I go.

Our Daycare group has grown to maximum capacity. Right now I ask all of my friends to please NOT invite anyone else. If we were to have everyone attend on the same day, there would not be enough seats to go around. I'm so glad that everyone loves our Thursday group and wants to share it with everyone, but I can't expand any more and I can't add another day right now. I do offer a 3rd Saturday event that you can bring your friends to and we have plenty of seating at these events. So MUMS the word for now.

My Wooley Friends group had our first meeting last month. We have lots of seats available for this group. We have show and Tell and then we work on our projects that we bring. And please bring all your questions and we will help you with the answers. This new group has started off with so much help for new people. I actually finished my first project at our last meeting since I had a few days down after surgery. Looking forward to seeing new things at our next meeting. See details below.

We had a wonderful Barn Painting class with Wende Hughson. We learned a lot about different boards and what type of paints you can use and how to seal these projects. We will be having another class the first part of the new year. Keep an eye out for details.

What to look forward to in September? Our wool group will meet on the 20th and we have a Sip and Sew on the 24th. Also as of today, you can sign up for the 13 spots available for Spooktacular on October 29th. See details below.

Well, enjoy reading the rest of the news and I will see you very soon. Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend as I plan to go away and clear my head before the fall arrives!!

Lisa and Trixie
Save the Date:
September - 2022
1 - Quilter's Daycare
5 - CLOSED for Labor Day
6-7 - OPEN
8 - Quilter's Daycare
12-14 - OPEN
15 - Quilter's Daycare
19-21 - OPEN
20 - Wooly Friends Group
22 - Quilter's Daycare
24 - Sip and Sew Day
26-28 - OPEN
29 - Quilter's Daycare

October - 2022
3-5 - OPEN
6 - Quilter's Daycare
10-12 - OPEN
13 - Quilter's Daycare
17-19 - OPEN
18 - WOOLY Friends Group
20 - Quilter's Daycare
24-26 - OPEN
27 - Quilter's Daycare
29 - Spooktacular
31 - OPEN
Wooly Friends Group
Welcome to a very new and special group of ladies. Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 20th. Doors open at 9 AM. We had our first meeting last month and had a great time. We had a few show N tells and we talked about new sites to look for new items and products. We hope that our folks who were on vacation last month will be with us in September. Let's fill our room and see some spectacular projects that we are working on. Please reach out and invite your friends who might need a location to attend for Wool projects. I'm hoping that we can work on a small project together once we get into a groove with our group. See you in a few weeks.
"Sip and Sew"
On Saturday, September 24th we will be having our third Sip and Sew day. This is a fund day of working on projects and eating food. It is just a refreshing time of cool drinks and eating while working. I will provide the Strawberry drinks and everyone else just bring a snack food for the table. You can bring a hand project or a machine to sew with, Heck you can just bring food and eat all day! Mark your calendar and Join US! $5pp
This is open to our Wooley Friends too!
Spooktacular Special Event
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 29th for our 7th annual event. What happens at this event our new folks might want to know. I pick a special project from a book and then I pre-cut a kit for only 13 people. Each person will receive a project box with all fabric needed to make the top of this secret project. It is always cut from my stash of Civil War reproductions. There will be only 13 of these spots available at the same cost of $45.00 per person. They go quick so don't hesitate if you Think you want to participate. Lunch is included on this special day along with door prizes and a visit from a special dog TRIXIE in her costume. It is just a fun filled day. Your MONEY holds your spot. Need more details, just give me a call.
Quilters Daycare Group
Quilter's Daycare is a Thursday sew group. We are FULL right now with lots of ladies. SO please don't invite anyone else to our group Please make sure that you slide over and make room for everyone that wants to sew. We have an additional room that can hold only 4 sewers. We want everyone to feel welcome. We have missed many of you. Your $5 covers your seat charge each Thursday. See you soon! Reminder the door opens at 9 am not earlier. (I'm with mom getting her up and ready for her day)
Prayer Box for my customers
I have many of my customers who have recently had medical or family health issues arise or just traveling mercies. Many of my friends are prayer worriers and I think we could all use a little extra help about now. Delma Kemmet, Cathy Wells and husband, Sue Cook and husband, Joy Yoshino, Mom and myself. Please also keep Sister Angelia in your prayers. She prays for our group all the time. Praying for each of these listed for God to touch and heal their needs in specials ways. AMEN.
Thank You!
Please continue to bring a bag with your project when leaving it for quilting services. This helps me to keep all of your items together.

Payment is accepted by Cash, Check, Venmo and/or Zelle.

See you soon! Trixie and Lisa