FBC Raleigh News • October 4, 2022

Per the bylaws, the election of deacons will take place during the month of October. Ballots will be available each Sunday and each member may vote for up to eight men and eight women. Ballots are in the library, the Gathering Room, the narthex, and at the Throne; you may also obtain an electronic version below. The box for ballots will be on the long counter in the library. If you choose to mail yours in, please do so well before the end of the month. On Sunday, October 30, the tellers appointed by the Chair will gather to count the ballots, and the Chair and Vice-Chair will then notify those selected.

Please see the attached deacon election ballot for a current list of deacons
and their spouses who are not eligible based on the bylaws,
as well as others who have asked not to e considered for election.

Please give thoughtful and prayerful consideration as you participate in the deacon election process.

On Thursday, October 6, One Wake will be hosting an assembly to meet with the candidates running for Raleigh City Council. One Wake is a non-partisan, multi-ethnic, multi-issue group of religious congregations, associations, and other non-profits in the Wake County area. One of the goals of this gathering is to ask the candidates to publically commit to supporting solutions to address the affordable housing crisis in our community. This will include a new proposed plan for a homeowners assistance fund as well as a chance for all gathered to raise questions and concerns to the candidates. The assembly will take place from 7:30-9pm, at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church (813 Darby Street, Raleigh). We hope you'll make plans to attend, as we seek to speak up for the critical issue of housing in our city.


Toy Joy began many years ago when some of the Clothing Ministry volunteers saw a need to help the clients provide Christmas gifts for their children. Over the years it has grown in size to the point where we are able to provide gifts for hundreds of children, birth through age 18! Each child receives a nice toy, a stuffed animal, books, and a well-stuffed stocking, and each family receives a game or puzzle and a Food Lion gift card. We continued to operate during the pandemic by having guests shop online and then come to the church to pick up their gifts that had been chosen and boxed for them. The Toy Joy team is happy to say that we feel comfortable about inviting families into the church to select gifts for their children this year! The event will be held on November 12 with both a morning and an afternoon session. 

As we have done the last two years, we have wish lists for both Walmart and Amazon that you may use to shop from home for needed toys and have them shipped directly to the church. If you wish to make a monetary donation and have us shop for you, you may write a check to FBC and put "Toy Joy" in the memo line.

This Sunday, October 9, we will have our last donation drop-off after worship from 12-3pm for new or gently used toys, games, puzzles, stuffed animals, and books please make sure that all used items are in very good condition and have all of their pieces and parts included. This date is the only time that we can accept donations.

Volunteers for the event are very important we can't do this without you! There will be an online signup for the event coming out in the next few weeks. We ask that only middle school and high school youth and adults sign up to work the day of the event. Masks will be required of all volunteers and guests while in the building.

We hope to serve around 900 children this year and look forward to your help and support of this ministry! Questions about volunteering? Email Anne Cooke or call her at 919-986-9465.


The next Theology on Tap will meet on Thursday, October 20, at Clouds Brewing (126 N West St), starting at 6pm. Join in for dinner, drinks, and good conversation!

For years, FBC has participated in the local CROP Hunger Walk. Funds raised support these local agencies: Catholic Parish Outreach Dorcas Ministries, Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, North Raleigh Ministries, and Urban Ministries of Wake County. In addition, global efforts are supported through the work of the Church World Service, which has a huge refugee ministry and works locally with the Welcome House. There has never been a greater need as each of these agencies is stretched beyond belief to address hunger insecurity as we come out of the pandemic but face rising food costs. Support our October mission project and the CROP Walk by either donating or walking . . . or BOTH!
The Greater Triangle Area CROP Hunger Walk starts and ends at Pullen Park, on Sunday, October 30. Registration/sign in is at 2pm with the Walk beginning at 3pm. You may register and join our team here. You may also donate on that page or through the FBC electronic options. If you prefer to write a check you may make it out to FBC and write CROP Walk in the memo and place in the offering plate or mail to the Financial Administrator FBC. 99 N. Salisbury, Raleigh. NC 27603.

A fun activity to do with children, and adults, too, is to use the CROP Walk Calendar of Blessings found here. As you count your blessings each during the month you are encouraged to set aside an amount of money for each blessing and then donate to the CROP Walk at the end of the month.
Registering makes it easier for our team leaders to contact you with supportive emails and to distribute information you may share to increase your fundraising for CROP. One very effective fundraising tool is to post a Facebook fundraiser with just a few clicks on your personal page (established when you register). Facebook charges CROP no fees on the money raised through the Facebook platform


The theme for Centerpoint this fall is Communicating Faithfully in a Divided World. Our society is divided on a number of issues and contemporary culture pressures us constantly to join in ideological battles between polarized positions. How can we communicate our values faithfully on things that matter and engage in genuine dialogue with people of differing convictions without either avoiding important issues or being drawn into acrimonious disputes? During October and early November, we will hear from speakers who will provide resources for faithful communication and dialogue.

This Wednesday, October 5, our speaker will be Professor Jon Powell of the Campbell University School of Law. Jon is the director of the Restorative Justice Clinic. He will speak about how the practices of restorative justice can help us to approach important conversations. 

On October 12 and 19, Dr. Chris Chapman will lead a two-week program entitled “Creating Safe Space for Challenging Conversations.” The program is based on work Dr. Chapman has done with faculty and practitioners in the field of pastoral care to nurture a healthier environment for civil discourse in congregations and faith communities. 

5:15-6:15pm - Supper line is open
6:15-6:30pm - Prayer time and announcements
6:30-7:15pm - Adult program
(Zoom will not be offered every week)


5:15-5:45pm - Supper line is open
5:45-6:30pm - Children's music
6:30-7:15pm - Children's missions
We invite you to join us for a mid-week fellowship meal this Wednesday at 5:15pm. Reserve your spot at this link to the page on the church website or by calling the church office.

The menus for upcoming Wednesday night suppers are as follows (all meals come with salad and bread):
October 5: Sloppy Joes, fries, apple sauce, and mixed veggies; non-meat option: vegan Sloppy Joes
October 12: Breakfast for Supper! sausage, eggs, grits, and pancakes; non-meat option: mock sausage
October 19: chicken and pastry with cabbage and glazed carrots; non-meat option: mock chicken and pastry; kids: pizza rolls
October 26: Stew Night: beef or chicken stew; non-meat option: vegan veggie stew: kids: chicken nuggets.
Mark your calendar for the following 2022 dates for Church Conference:
October 26, November 16, and December 14.
  • Tuesday, October 4: Psalm 3; Habakkuk 2:5-11; 1 John 5:1-5, 13-21
  • Wednesday, October 5: Psalm 3; Habakkuk 2:12-20; Mark 11:12-14, 20-24
  • Thursday, October 6: Psalm 111; Leviticus 14:33-53; 2 Timothy 1:13-18
  • Friday, October 7: Psalm 111; Numbers 4:34-5:4; 2 Timothy 2:1-7
  • Saturday, October 8y: Psalm 111; Numbers 12:1-15; Luke 5:12-16
  • Sunday, October 9: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 and Psalm 66:1-12; 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c and Psalm 111; 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19
  • Monday, October 10: Psalm 61; 2 Kings 5:15-19a; Acts 26:24-29
October 2–9 • Cindy DeFoor (919-801-0446)
WEEK AT A GLANCE •October 4–12
Tuesday, October 4
7pm Properties Committee meeting (Zoom)

Wednesday, October 5
5:15pm Meal served (FH)
5:45pm Children's music
6:15pm Adult programming (FH)
6:30pm Children's missions (PS/CS)
6:30pm Handbell rehearsal (302)
7:30pm Adult choir rehearsal (310/S)

Thursday, October 6
7am Band of Brothers (Zoom)
10:30am Thirty-Niners (FH)

Sunday, October 9
9:45am Sunday School
11am Worship/Deacon elections (S/YouTube)
11am JBC worship (226)
12pm Toy Joy donation collection (FH)
5pm Youth choir (choir room)
6pm Youth supper (FH)
6:30pm Youth Program (Blue Room)
Monday, October 10
10am Clothing ministry
6pm HS Bible study (Wade home)
6:15pm Finance Committee meeting (Zoom)
6:30pm MMiH rehearsal (302)

Tuesday, October 11
10am Staff meeting (CR)
10:45am WMU Group 2 (Springmoor)

Wednesday, October 12
5:15pm Meal served (FH)
5:45pm Children's music
6:15pm Adult programming (FH)
6:30pm Children's missions (PS/CS)
6:30pm Handbell rehearsal (302)
7:30pm Adult choir rehearsal (310/S)

Each week, we post And Also With 'Cue's weekly schedule here in Rose Window Weekly as well as on our Facebook page to let you know our lunch schedule and if there will be outside events on the weekend for you to attend.

Come eat with us this week,
October 47!

• Lunch •
church parking lot (11am–1:30pm)


A link to the entire prayer list may be found below.
Please use your church directory for mailing addresses.


On Sunday, October 2, we welcomed
Camie Ward and Curt Reffner
into the fellowship of our
church family through transfer of letter.

Join us in welcoming them to First Baptist!

I want to thank the congregation for the cards and kind words in remembrance of my brother's death.
Sterling Brickell
As of September 29, 2022:
Current Week Revenue: $7,580.24
Month-to-Date Revenue: $89,163.38
Year-to-Date Revenue: $1,112,261.30
Month-to-Date Expenses: $119,453.94
Year-to-Date Expenses: $1,086,957.84
Heck Jones: $5,867.00

To facilitate your giving to FBC, use the QR codes below to link to the website
for our main electronic giving, VANCO Faith, and the page that lists
all our e-giving options and instructions.        
Use this QR code to e-give
to FBC on line.

Use this QR code to e-give through
Paypal and other options.


Do you have an announcement that you would like to include in the Rose Window Weekly? All information must be submitted by Thursday at noon, to be included in the following Tuesday's edition. Just fill out the Google form in the link below, and we'll make sure to include it in next week's publication. For any questions concerning the Rose Window Weekly, contact Jennie Herrick. Email Jennie here.