April 2020
Happy 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day!!
How do we celebrate and give back during social isolation?
During these uncertain times, one thing we can focus on is making it through and creating a more earth-friendly society on the other end. Connect with nature and others virtually to celebrate the advancements of the last 50 years and plan for the significant changes we can make together over the next 50 years!

Looking for ideas to celebrate Earth Day from Home? Try one of these suggestions:

  • Join EARTHRISE: Earth Day goes digital
  • Get kids outside - even in the back-yard or patio. Enjoy the fresh air and talk about the beautiful world we live in.
  • Plant a tree or veggie garden
  • Start composting at home
  • Do a litter cleanup walk on your street or neighborhood (use gloves and/or litter picker)
  • Have a blackout party - turn off all the non-essential electricity in your home to give the power grid a break. Light candles, have a nice drink, relax or play a game with your family.
  • Create an inspiration board or list for yourself or family of things you want to do when life returns to "normal" with an earth friendly focus.

SVR is doing our part.

  • We have closed our admin office and employees are sheltering in place at home.
  • We are rotating our staff and maintain social distancing at all of our facilities.
  • We are sanitizing all commonly used areas, such as recycling drop off areas, public restrooms, walk areas, & handrails. We are also spraying the roadways to avoid possible tracking the virus into personal cars.
  • We have portable hand wash stations free for public use, strategically placed throughout the facility. This is an addition to our pre-existing sinks.
  • We are continuously monitoring the situation and adapting to the situation to maintain community and employee health.
We are here to serve you and maintain vital public services through these uncertain times.
Times are Crazy. Things are Different.
SVR Cares about you!

Monterey County’s shelter in place has be extended until at least May 3rd limiting activities outside the home to those defined as “essential.” This seems like a wonderful time to do some home projects. However, some have taken their spring-cleaning project beyond the confines of home to the next step, like a trip to the landfill for disposal.  

“We are seeing evidence of these ‘Corona Projects’ at our facilities,” states Patrick Mathews, General Manager for SVR. “What appears to be non-essential home and yard cleanup chores is culminating at recycling and disposal centers. Normally this would be a welcomed and encouraged occurrence, but under the current conditions it’s an unnecessary health risk for the public and for our workers.”
The landfill trip by a self-hauler who does not subscribe to regular curbside pickup services may be considered essential as they are providing the same service the curbside hauler would to maintain sanitary conditions at their home or business. However this does not include finally getting rid of the old rug in the garage or catching up on the “honey-do” list.
Help keep Yourself and our Essential Employees Safe.
Avoid or limit your self haul trips. 
Keeping our staff healthy and less exposed helps ensure we will be open and ready when you have an essential need to visit our facility.

Got Kids?
We realize you are probably overwhelmed by the amount of online resources for kids right now. With that we've updated our website and you can visit anytime and don't have to remember where this email is. To find links to a free school assembly by Rock Steady Juggling , online games and kids learning tools check out our website .
Wally answers one readers question about how to report litter from vehicle. Please check out this installment of Dear Wally to find out more. Please email us at media@svswa.org with your questions.
Events have been cancelled for April and May
to help flatten the curve.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Stay Home. Wash Your Hands. Maintain Social Distance.
Main Office
128 Sun St, Suite 101
Salinas, CA 93901
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Ph:(831) 775-3000