What's Up KEA?

Secondary Conferences Update

KSD and KEA have agreed that secondary conferences are a bit of a challenge due to online schooling.  As of now, conference night, which was scheduled for Tuesday, November 24 has been cancelled. Secondary teachers have the following options:
  1. Schedule a total of 3.5 hours outside contracted hours on Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 to be available for parents.  This will allow secondary teachers to be finished on Wednesday, November 25 at the moment students have completed synchronous learning.
  2. Work regular contracted hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, November 23rd-25th. 
Teachers will continue to be available for parents who want to contact teachers during asynchronous time that week. 

NEA Member Benefits:
Financial Essentials Workshop

Ever wondered about how your state pension actually works?  Learn more about the various plans, the decisions you need to make, how all of that will impacts you today and in retirement.  Do not leave your future on autopilot! Take advantage of your association member benefits and manage your financial security starting now.  Regardless of how far away or close retirement may seem, this workshop will help you feel better about what's around the next corner.  This workshop can help you better understand:
  • Why you need private savings in addition to your state pension
  • Your options for retirement savings and why they matter
  • What you can do to plan for an enjoyable retirement

Boundary Updates

KSD has contracted a Florida company, MGT Consulting Group, to help plan for school boundary changes once the new elementary school is built.  KEA was made aware last week that new boundaries will be created for the 2020-2021 school year.  It is our understanding that the MGT group interviewed admin and some labor groups for input.  They are now getting feedback from the community through a survey.  KEA was not considered a stakeholder for the purposes of receiving input, but we will be negotiating the impact of boundary changes on our members this Spring.  If you are a parent in KSD, please respond to the survey.  It will be our only opportunity to give input. 
Looking to Retire Soon? Attend the WEA Pre-Retirement Seminar

This is part one of a two part seminar. Topics covered will be: Important Contacts, DRS, Social Security and things to consider prior to retiring. This seminar will be about 1.5 hours and will allow for questions. 

You must be a KEA member to attend. If you are not a member, you can join here

After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link once membership is verified. Register Now

Questions? Contact Regina Redmond

Educators of Color Network, Allies/Accomplices/Co-Conspirators and LGBTQIA+ Members

Over the last year, we have continued to build our network and we continue this work. If you are LGBTQIA+ and looking for other folks to network with and want to be informed of our separate meetings every other Thursday, please use your home email to let Alan Sutliff know and your name will be added to our communication list.
If you are a BIPOC educator, or a white staff member who is working to be antiracist, you can also email Alan Sutliff and we will add you to our communications and calendar invitations. The full network meets the first Thursday of every month from 4:30-6:00 p.m. We would love to see you there if you have time and interest.
Upcoming Events

October 26
Navigating Your Student Debt
Pizza and Conversation

November 4
KEA Board Meeting

November 5
Kent Educators of Color Network

November 16
Financial Essentials Workshop

November 19
Pre-Retirement Seminar

Be sure to check the KEA calendar for upcoming events
KEA Classified Ads

Looking to purchase or sell a home? Contact your fellow KEA member and Relator, 
Melissa Schuldt

Post here, look here! 

Visit Our Website

up-to-date info on issues that affect you
being a member has lots of benefits! Check them out. 

read your contract online

frequently asked contract questions

check out PD classes

 KEA Classifieds:
buying, selling, renting? Look here, post here!

KEA Teachers Rock Events: 
great events offered at discounted rates just for you- why? because you ROCK!