Hello dear friends,
What a strange world we are now living in, so different from what we might have imagined even a month ago. Our planned April newsletter was filled with events and activities, and now, until further notice, all activities are cancelled or postponed. My heart goes out to all of you, trusting that we will all shelter for whatever period is necessary for the good of everyone. I have enormous gratitude for those in essential jobs, who continue to take the risk and keep working for the best of all.
I share with you a poem by a Madison poet named Kitty O’Meara. A hopeful look on the future, as only an artist can describe.
And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.
Our hope is that you will stay safe, and well.
Our galleries are closed until further notice.
Eclectic Mix:
The Art of Barbara Heitzman
Barbara’s beautiful work is on our walls, but we are presently closed. We hope to extend the run of this exhibit so everyone can be able to see and appreciate her work.
Barbara Heitzman, a celebrated, award-winning artist and founder of Plein Air Painters of Dubuque, is a retired teacher of Expressive Arts and Creative Drama.
This show includes a variety of painting genres such as still life, landscape, and people in specific settings.
She also uses a variety of media consisting of acrylic, watercolor, and hard and soft pastel. The work was created both in the studio and plein air. Barbara has been working recently in cold wax and oil, which is also included in the exhibit.
Broad Ideas Scholarships
While we had to postpone many of our Broad Ideas events,
we managed to interview our scholarship applicants.
The Scholarship Committee of Broad Ideas received many quality applications and held great virtual interviews. We were so impressed with our artists that we increased our funds in order to financially award seven of the applicants. Although we could not give out the $500.00 to everyone, we were able to show our strong support for each of the recipients’ artistic journeys.
Those receiving the scholarships are Mary Jane Schweihs, a homemaker who used to be a graphic artist in Chicago, for her project to honor her grandmother by learning how to do encaustic painting, and Laura Valentina Cifuentes-Alamanza, a senior at Loras College in Dubuque, who will use her money to help her earn her MFA in art. Her goal is through film to tell the stories of those who are ignored by society.
We gave assistance to Mia Notrott, an artist who works at Creative Adventure Lab in Dubuque, who will use her award to purchase materials for her upcoming show at the Dubuque Museum of Art. We are privileged to help her with this great project-congratulations on your show! We also are assisting April Love, who is a professional photographer who wishes to learn encaustic painting through an online class.
Acknowledgement for their artistic journeys goes to Kaitlin Kilgore, who is a student at CTE in Elizabeth, and will use the award to help her attend Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design to study Illustration, Advanced Studio Concepts this summer. Linzy Friedlein, a student at Highland Community College in Communication, will use our award to help buy a good digital camera so she can enhance her knowledge of photography. Jude Benson, also a student at CTE in Elizabeth, will use his award to purchase the Adobe program to help with his artistic endeavors.
We are so proud of these people and wish them the best of luck. We look forward to seeing all these wonderful artists participate in the 2021 Broad Ideas exhibit.
Thank you all who donated to Broad Ideas.
You made this wonderful project possible.
Sites that you might visit to
improve your time “in shelter.”
While we have been sheltering at home, we have engaged in research into online resources so that you can stay connected with the arts. We have several lists below. Please check them out, share them with friends, and let us know which ones are particularly valuable or inspiring. We will continue to share resources as we find them.
Click here for our Galena Center For The Arts Facebook page
Here are some museum virtual tours you can take while cooped up at home. If you're practicing your social distancing and need something stimulating, how about checking out some of the world's museums?
Museum Virtual Tours link
Arts Resources! If you are an artist, and are hard hit economically by this pandemic, check out this website. They have resources that might be able to help you.
Arts Resources link
Interesting ideas from the whole world!
Virtual School Activities for all ages link
has webcams, virtual tours and virtual field trips. They have an incredible number of choices…you can visit the Louvre or other museums, hear a Chamber Concert, visit the Country Music Hall of Fame, take a virtual safari, or see an enormous number of other areas of interest. Check it out!
Got kids at home that need schooling? The public educational company Scholastic came up with a way to keep kids busy and learning while school closures keep them home during coronavirus pandemic. Scholastic set up a
Learn at Home website link
with four categories: PreK and Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2, Grades 3-5, and Grades 6+. Each section is already equipped with one week of content for students with 15 additional days on the way. Each day of content is filled with exciting articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges. The students can even go on virtual field trips or meet best-selling authors.
Songwriters Showcase is cancelled for April, but we thought you might enjoy going to these YouTube links to hear a few of our favorite Songwriters in the past.
Click on each image to play
“Cowgirl” live from the Galena Center for the Arts
Cowgirl Pearl and Scott Guthrie perform "This Cowgirl Ain't For You" and other songs at the Galena Center For The Arts. March, 2017 with Medicinal Purposes. Scott Guthrie, guitar, bass and vocals. Cowgirl Pearl Olson on bass, guitar and vocals.
Video production by Birdhouse 72
Jim Post - “Oh Galena!"
Jim Post has enjoyed a long musical career, with international acclaim as songwriter, folk and pop singer, and in recent years for his one-man musical shows.
Video production by Jan Lavacek.
Eric Lugosch
In 1984, Eric Lugosch won the prestigious National Fingerpicking Championship. At the time, he was the youngest winner of the accolade. The win launched him into the national, and later international, spotlight.
Video production by Jan Lavacek.
Summit Street Singers
Fever River Voices
Our choruses are on hold until further notice, and our May 7 concert is cancelled.
Sheltering in place is a challenge for each of us, but we will come out of this healthier if we do.
In these trying times, we thought it might to be a good idea to have some choirs to listen to.
Once there you can learn how to join an international virtual chorus by clicking on
How to Join
in the menu bar. You can register 24 hrs before the show. There is a limit of 500 participants per session.
Registration and event times on the signup page are in BST (British Summer Time) which is six hours ahead of CDT (Central Daylight Time), i.e. 6 pm BST = Noon CDT.
Sofa Singers is a free online singing event from
James Sills Music
that brings hundreds of people together from around the world to spark joy and human connection.
A group of Nashville studio singers harmonize on "It Is Well With My Soul." Each member recorded and filmed their parts from home.
The finished song was arranged and produced
David Wise
TenTwoSix Music Group
More music we think you'll enjoy
Appalachian Spring -
Musicians of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Sending love to everyone in Toronto and across the world. No matter what distance keeps us apart, we’ll still find ways to make music together and celebrate the gifts of spring.
Figure Drawing
Postponed until it's safe
To be advised
Recent Activities at the Center
Robyn and Ted Williams, singing at the opening for Broad Ideas.
The Broad Ideas Art Opening
The Broads committee getting silly at the selfie station
Lots of wonderful artwork
Stories to make one think
Enthusiastic volunteers make the event more fun!
Love, Loss, and What I Wore
Performance of
Love, Loss, and What I Wore
New work in the Regional Artists Gallery
Artist Kent Syverson with some of his creations.
Broad Strokes and
Kids Strokes
Sara Wentz (Broad Strokes facilitator) and
helpers from the National Arts Honor Society
Connie Warnsing teaching the enthusiastic Kids Strokes group.
Cancelled for April
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois.
- Bryan & Jenni Ackerman
- Amy Alderman
- Jan Alderman
- Susan Barg
- Deb Bertucci
- Elizabeth Boggess
- Julie Bruser
- Donna Davis
- Renee Dieschbourg
- Jean Dregne
- Cher Dyle
- Janet Eggleston
- Al & Cathie Elsbree
- Tiffany Fluhr
- Carrie Haas
- Sheila Haman
- Mary Carol Harris
- Becky Heil
- Richard Hess
- Terri Jackman
- Suzy Kania
- Jodi Knautz
- Kate Koziol
- Kim Kreiser
- Jan Lavacek
- Patricia Lehnhardt
- Kathy Leonard
- Mary Jo Losey
- Jay & Jen Nottrott
- Arlene O'Callaghan
- Stephanie O’Shaughnessy
- Emily Painter
- Robin Pearson
- Charlene Price
- Tom Saccomanno
- Nancy Schuldt
- Renee Simmons
- Carole Sullivan
- Deb Sullivan
- Cindy Tegtmeyer
- Dr. Keith & Irene Thraen-Borowski
- Karlyn Van Gelder
- Dennis & Leslie Waltman
- Randy & Connie Warnsing
- Ted & Robyn Williams
- Karen Wilson
- Sandy Winge
- Janet Zehr
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.
Here’s how to support the Center:
- Visit smile.amazon.com (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
- Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
- Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
- Begin shopping.
Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
for information about our membership program.
We'll advise when we need volunteers to staff again.
Gallery Volunteers
Volunteering is good for the soul, and it really helps us to keep the gallery open four days a week.
Gallery hours are 1-4 pm for the fall and winter seasons.
desk volunteers greet visitors, provide an introduction to the Center, accept payments for art and gift shop items (involves writing receipts, calculating tax, and processing online credit card transactions), and answer phone calls.
Please check out the available dates, choose a shift that works for you, and fill out the information at the bottom of the page.
After you fill in the form be
sure to click the “Sign up to volunteer” button at the bottom before you leave.
Thanks for all your valuable time and talents to share artwork with our visitors.
If you need help signing up, just call
and we can assist you.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially
supported by a grant from the
Illinois Arts Council Agency
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Have a preferred email address? Please let us know.
Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman