442 Washington Avenue
Bridgeville, Pennsylvania 15017
Under the March 19, 2020 business closure order in Pennsylvania, pet cremation falls into the life-sustaining business category. The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) assures that proper burial or cremation of pets contributes to public health, and that pet crematories should use proper procedures and hygiene when receiving and handling the deceased animal.

While I may not physically be able to give you a hug in condolence for your loss, my wish is that as you are struggling to deal with the loss of your pet, your family is spared any other loss of health or life due to this pandemic.
We Are Hoping For Better Times

The April Pet First Aid Certification class has been rescheduled for
Saturday, October 3rd, 2020. 
If you reserved a space for the April class, I will be contacting you. 
Please read our upcoming Newsletters for further details regarding our October class.

I hope you stay safe and healthy during this unprecedented time.