News & Updates | April 2021
Dear Friend,
“Go tell his disciples and Peter, ‘Jesus is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you.’” (Mk 16:7) This is the message charged to the women at the tomb on Easter morning. They are to carry it to those who remain locked behind closed doors, fearful and sorrowful.
Battered down by the awful events of the Passion, the sequestered disciples need to receive this hope-filled message, leave that dark place, and return to everyday life, trusting in the promise that the risen Lord will indeed meet them there.
What powerful Easter news! Freed up by the vaccines but battered by the pandemic, by social and political division, by pervasive and systemic racism, and by our own personal sinfulness, we, too, are invited to re-emerge, trusting that all such death-dealing is not the end of the story.
Christ is risen! He opens the way before us, frees us from the power of fear and sin, and promises to meet us in our everyday lives.
So let us rejoice in his Resurrection. And in good Ignatian fashion, let us venture forth, keeping our eyes open for signs of his loving presence and ever choosing his way over any other, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Happy Easter.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. George M. Witt, SJ
Executive Director
Office of Ignatian Spirituality
Magis Program Now Accepting Applications
The Magis program is a structured and creative way for lay people to engage more deeply in Ignatian spirituality, learn about the Jesuit Mission and Way of Proceeding, and meet other committed lay colleagues on the East Coast.
The eighteen-month program consists of four 2-day seminars, one retreat, regular reading, personal reflection, and prayer.
Wednesday, April 14, 12pm
Learn More About CLA and Apply!
Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) is an Ignatian spirituality and leadership program for young adults (24 to 39) that offers a welcoming and inclusive community experience for them to deepen their spiritual lives, grow as inspired leaders in service to the world, and practice discernment.
Click here to sign up for one of three online info sessions being offered on April 14 (12pm ET, 12pm CT, 12pm PT).
Saturday, June 12, 9am (ET)
The Nature of Grace in the Conversion Process of the Spiritual Exercises
This presentation for Ignatian spiritual directors will examine more deeply the nature of grace (the presence and activity of God) in the conversion process as operative in the Spiritual Exercises.
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality remains committed to working for racial justice. As a staff we continue to prayerfully discern our roles in both the perpetuation and the fight against systemic racism. We invite everyone in our community to join us in praying for conversion of heart and in discerning how to take action. Each month we share what is informing our prayer and conversation among our staff.
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism
by Robin DiAngelo
The OIS staff recently read the book "White Fragility" as a team. We approached the book with open minds and an Ignatian sense of spiritual freedom, and had a fruitful discussion. We encourage you to read and reflect on this important book.
"In this in-depth exploration, antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively."
Let Us Pray for Fundamental Rights
This month, Pope Francis asks us to join him in praying "for those who risk their lives while fighting for fundamental rights under dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis."
Arc of the Covenant: From Ashes to Tongues of Fire
This series of reflections from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost continues with contributions for the Easter Season from the the Staff and guest spiritual directors at Gonzaga Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester, MA.
On the Quiver of Mystery: Pastoral Poems in Four Quarter Time
September 2021 – May 2022
Online Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation
Registration is now open for this online practicum led by Sr. Karen Doyle, SSJ, which will explore the content, graces, and dynamics of the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises. It will provide assistance and support to spiritual directors as they give the Exercises and deepen their experiential understanding of the "weeks" as they unfold in the everyday life of a retreatant.
Ignatius House,
Atlanta, GA
Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, Wernersville, PA
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Office of Ignatian Spirituality | USA East Province of the Society of Jesus