Let's Catch-up: November 2021
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
Coach Potter Talks Candidly
About Mental Health
A very important conversation took place this week at CATCH's virtual event with Coach Mark Potter of D2UP and three courageous students from Glenbrook North High School - JR Flood, Renee St. John, and Reid Milkens.

On Monday night, they each talked about their own mental illness and the importance of mental health, and they urged everyone to reach out for help.
“I encourage you to share your journey with somebody else – with your family member or your friend - so they’ll know they are not alone. It’s ok to struggle."
-Coach Mark Potter

Our community took big steps toward de-stigmatizing mental illness and understanding that talking and connecting matter.

  • FIND a safe place or person.
  • BE a safe place or person.
  • We are not alone.
  • It's Okay Not to be Okay.

Thank you:
  • Coach Potter and Nanette Potter for speaking openly and honestly
  • JR Flood, Renee St. John, and Reid Milkens for sharing your personal stories and moderating this event
  • GBN Lacrosse Program for co-sponsoring this event and showing everyone that mental health matters

You made a difference and our community is grateful.

The recording of this program will be available until December 18th.
We appreciate the support of school districts 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, and 225. 
Coffee Talk
Holiday Lunchtime Series

Join us for a get-together in the spirit of the season!


Come for all three or as often as you can.

Bring a warm blanket, a friend, and your lunch, if you'd like.

We’ll provide hot chocolate and the bonfire.
12/1 The Value of Gratitude
Let’s teach our kids to appreciate giving as much as receiving.

12/8 The Gift of Grace
There are a million chances everyday to find it.

12/15 The Power of Joy
You are enough.

Sign up, and we’ll send you the address.
CATCH Coffee Talks are confidential conversations where we listen, support, and share. Everyone is welcome.
NEW: Learn from Experts: Social Anxiety
Social situations can feel awkward for many people. But for some, that discomfort can become extreme. That's social anxiety.

In the latest Learn from Experts series, Megan Hoffman, LCSW, Compass Health Center, Northbrook, talks about the signs of social anxiety, treatment options, and how to support a child who is diagnosed with it.
Visit the CATCH YouTube channel for more Learn from Experts videos on various topics including Eating Disorders, School Refusal, and Depression.
Remember CATCH on Giving Tuesday
Did you know giving is good for your mental health?

When you put other people's needs before your own, you reduce your stress, improve your mood, feel a sense of purpose, and create belonging.

On Giving Tuesday, November 30, give to CATCH and support our community's mental health as well as your own!
Messages of Gratitude
If you aren't following CATCH on social media, now is the time.

Starting tomorrow on social media, we're sharing messages of gratitude from our friends in the community as well as the CATCH Board. You're sure to see some familiar faces, and we invite you to share your own thoughts in the comments throughout this Season of Gratitude.

Gratitude... it's also good for your mental health.

Thank you for joining CATCH on this journey of building a community that prioritizes mental health.
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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