"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.
1 Timothy 6:18-19 NRSVA

This week, we sent out our annual pledge cards so that the vestry could plan the budget for next year. I humbly ask you to pray about your stewardship at St. John’s, fill out your pledge card, and send it to the office. Stewardship should be a joyful celebration of giving back to God what God has already given us. “God’s initiative is always to bless, and that blessing is never earned, it is freely given. Christians primarily know the blessing of God’s grace in the gift of our baptism. The Book of Common Prayer tells us that in our baptism the bond that is established cannot be dissolved. We share the same blessing given to Jesus in his baptism: 'This is my beloved, in you I’m well pleased.' By virtue of our baptism, we are blessed to be a blessing. We, in turn, bless God by offering praise and thanksgiving for the goodness of gifts given. To worship God is to offer something of value. We offer praise and thanksgiving not only with our lips but with our lives. The annual pledge campaign can be an opportunity to bless God and bless the community from the offerings of the labor of our lives. Through our commitment to proportional giving, we offer a pledge of thanksgiving for all we have received and for all we will become as we grow into the image of Christ” (Blessed to be a blessing). 

Give of your time, talent and treasure to God because you truly believe that Christ died that you might have abundant life. When a heart is filled with the love of God, the desire to give a portion back comes from deep within, not from a rational sense of obligation. We use the gifts that God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do. God will never ask you to do anything unless God provides the means for you to do it. You should give proportionately to God what God has given to you. If you have time, give of your time. If you have talent, give of your talent. If you have treasure, give of your treasure. God wants to bring you to wholeness in your life. Give from your heart and St. John’s will serve this community with generosity as we have for the past 275 years. Both for the individual and for the community, stewardship is a joyful act for the sake of God's world. Please give joyfully from your heart. God is well pleased when we give in this manner and will provide everything we need to do the work that God calls us to do.

God’s abundance is a feeling that what you do matters and that your life has meaning. God’s abundance includes our worship, our music, our pastoral care and our physical buildings and property. In a time of despair and worry, God offers hope and contentment. In a time of enmity and separation, God offers love and unification. In a time of uncertainty, God offers us eternal life. By the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we know that God’s unending love for us is real and that God’s promises are true. I urge you to see your life as a precious gift from God and to give of your time, talent and treasure accordingly.

In Christ’s love,
Rev. Duncan Burns
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist in the Garden of Blessings (weather permitting).
Face masks, social distancing, and registration required. Limited to 25 people.
Register online: 8AM REGISTRATION FORM

8:00 am - Rite II Morning Prayer
8am Service Bulletin: Pentecost19_8am

9:15 am – Rite II Morning Prayer with Music
9:15 am Service Bulletin: Pentecost19_9:15am

10:15 am - Sunday School via Zoom

11:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist in the church
Face masks, social distancing, and registration required. Limited to 25 people.
Register online: 11 AM REGISTRATION FORM
Please join us for a ZOOM coffee hour this Sunday at 10:00 am. Grab a cup of your own coffee and a snack, share some time with your friends at St. Johns. This will be an informal remote gathering where we can enjoy each other's company. Join Zoom Coffee Hour:

Join us at 9:00 am for Morning Prayer, Monday - Friday, via Zoom (New Meeting #):
Meeting #: 83021762936
Please follow along with Mission St. Clare
This year’s ECW Harvest Fair will be on Saturday, October 24th, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Your time, talent and treasure are needed! Annual Harvest Fair plays such a vital part in our outreach in the community. While we cannot expect to hold our usual crowds in the building, we are looking for new, creative ways to offer some of our favorite highlights in person and remotely.

Here is what is happening at the church on Saturday, October 24th:
  • Raffle Baskets
  • Silent Auction in our newly renovated Guild Room (Closes at noon on Sunday, October 25th)
  • Thrift Shop
  • Designer Boutique
  • Christmas Shop
  • St. Hilda's Guild Crafts
  • Vermont Cheese

Here's how you can participate remotely online:
  • Raffles (Drawing on Sunday, October 25th at noon)
  • Raffle Gift Baskets (Drawing on Sunday, October 25th at noon)
  • Benefit Concert with Alex Pryrodny on Facebook Live on Saturday, October 24th

Ways you can donate/help:
  • Make a craft, woodworking items, Christmas decorations, homemade soap, sachets and potpourri are just suggestions. Use your creativity!
  • Offer your vacation home/timeshare week for the Silent Auction.
  • Donate new, unused gifts you have received to the Silent Auction.
  • Donate items for the White Elephant or Christmas Sale.
  • Request a donation for Corporate Sponsorship from your place of work.
  • Design a gift basket, give items or gift certificates for a gift basket, or donate $ to create one.
  • Plan on spending the day working a table or helping before or after with set up/clean up.
  • Invite your friends and families to shop and visit our beautiful, historic church.
  • Purchase raffle tickets!

Please purchase those raffle books as they are a very important fundraiser for the fair. Additional books are available. Just contact the Parish Office ( or 631-427-1752) to receive more.

Also consider becoming a Harvest Fair Patron with an added donation. Or make a donation of any amount to Help Us to Help Others!
Raffle baksets are always a highlight our annual Harvest Fair. Even if you are unable to attend this year's Harvest Fair in person you can still have a chance to win!

Purchase your raffle tickets by sending a check to the Parish Office. We will then fill out the tickets for you and drop them into the basket raffles for you. Raffle basket ticket prices are:

2 Tickets = $10
5 Tickets = $20
15 Tickets = $50

Send your check made payable to "St. John's ECW" to St. John's Episcopal Church, 12 Prospect St, Huntington, NY 11768

The Harvest Fair is next week and the Vermont Cheese has arrived!

Since the Fair is different this year, the quantity of cheese has been reduced. There will be cheese at the Fair, but Nancy Feustel is taking special orders, precutting the cheese to your order. The cost of the cheese will be based on the weight of the cheese your ordered, with the cost based on $11.50 per pound. All special orders can be sent to Nancy Feustel at We can arrange a time for you to pick up the cheese, even if the time is not on day of the fair. In the email, please note the subject as "Vermont Cheese".
Our Altar Guild is asking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks in the church or at home to prepare our church for Sunday and special services. Please contact Barbara Hinton to volunteer or with questions at (

Also, if you would like to remember a loved one or give thanks for an imporant event with altar flowers or Perpetual Light, Please complete an Altar Flower Form and return it to the Parish Office with your check made payable to "St. John's Altar Guild."

The Thrift Shop is preparing for the Harvest Fair! If you are able to help, please contact Nancy Feustel at to volunteer.
Thursday, October 22nd at 4pm
via Zoom:
All are welcome to join St. John's Spirituality Group for our next meeting where we will discuss and reflect on the word "trust" and what it means to each of us.
If you are interested in exploring your spirituality and deepening your connection to others, consider joining us. To find out more about SJSG, contact Patti Aliperti (  
Our Techincal Producer, Samantha Burns, needs help on Sundays with live-streaming the Zoom and in Church services.

If you are interested in supporting this growing part of St. John's ministry, and would like to gain some experience in webcasting and production, all while helping others, please contact the Parish Office at 631-427-1752 or email
Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 11:00 am via Zoom.

For those who prefer an evening Bible Study, we have a session on Mondays at 6:30 pm. Join us via Zoom:

We are studying the New Testament, referencing N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird's The New Testament in Its World. This week we are studying Chapter 12.
St. Hilda’s Guild meets Tuesdays at 12:00 noon via Zoom. Join us using the link below, and make sure to bring your latest project and a snack:
"To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good" (1 Cor. 12:4-7).

During this time, we ask that if you are financially able to keep making your Stewardship Pledge payments. We have set up online giving. Using your credit card or a direct payment from your checking account, you will be able to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments.

Or send a check made payable to "St. John's Episcopal Church" to 12 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743.

To text your contribution (standard text message rates do apply):

Text SJEC1745 STEWARDSHIP $[Amount] to 73256.

Your stewardship is a commitment to sustaining St. John’s ministry today and going forward. Thank you for your continuing support!
You have not pledged but would still like to give? Make a Plate Offering.

We have set up online giving. Using your credit card or a direct payment from your checking account, you will be able to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments using our secure online syste. 

Using the below form, you can choose the types of contributions you would like to make a Plate Offering online:

Or send a check made payable to "St. John's Episcopal Church" to 12 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743.

To text your contribution (standard text message rates do apply):

Text SJEC1745 PLATE $[Amount] to 73256.
We pray for all our doctors, nurses, and medical staff who put themselves at risk to care for us during this corona virus epidemic.

We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders who put themselves at risk every day, especially during this time. May God keep them safe and healthy, and return them home to their loved ones.

We pray for those who work for justice. May God give us all strength and wisdom to act for change when it is needed.

We pray for the sick: Kathy, Lynn, Fred, Ellen, Lucille, Frank and Theresa, Spencer and Sue, Tom and Stephanie, Peter, David, Nils, Margaret, Cheryl, Carol, CJ, George, Nichole, Roelie, Tom, Nelly, Marty, Irene and Jim, Debra and Carol, Bette, Justin, Hagai, Cassie, Bill, Amy, Kate, Fr. John, Amelia

Recently departed: Robert Lee

Please submit your prayers to

For pastoral care and prayer, please contact Fr. Duncan or Claire Mis, directly.