
Friday, July 24, 2020 from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM EDT
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Cathy Allen 
The Board Doctor 

Governance Webinar 6: Highest and Best Use of Our Time: Strategic Planning That Sticks 


"No one knows what the future will bring. Why spend time planning?"

 "We're too busy to spend extra time working on a plan. We're just volunteers.

"We put in all kinds of extra time two years ago to write up a fancy plan, but we haven't looked at it since."

The Board Doctor has heard it all! These and many more excuses are regularly given by those who have turned sour on strategic planning, often for good reason. But when planning is done well, it brings alignment around values and priorities, informs the budget and other resource allocations, and provides great motivation for all involved.  

Strategic planning is not the problem - doing it poorly is the problem. Let's crack that open and talk it through.

Presenter: Cathy Allen is a BoardSource-certified nonprofit governance consultant with a passion for helping volunteer boards of directors understand and embrace their unique role, and organize their work for maximum effectiveness and minimum headache.  Cathy is pleased to be making these workshops available virtually and at no cost during this time of COVID social distancing.