Spotlight on Christiane Oana:
Devoted to finding a cure
September 2022
Richard Oana at his first Montreal Multiple Myeloma March in 2011. He was so proud of himself for being able to accomplish the 5 km walk.
My husband Richard was diagnosed with myeloma in the spring of 2008. He was 54 years old. At the time of his diagnosis, we knew absolutely nothing about myeloma.
Richard’s journey began when he injured himself by picking up a box. He immediately felt pain in his upper back and after weeks of living in excruciating pain, Richard went to see an orthopedist who requisitioned an MRI. That’s when the tumour on Richard’s spine was discovered. A bone marrow biopsy was done, and Richard was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. 
We had never heard of this blood cancer, so Richard immediately started his mission to find out everything he could about this disease. It was only after we started looking into myeloma that we found out there was no cure. As you can imagine, we asked numerous questions to the oncologist and nurse practitioner.
Richard’s first year was very eventful. The chemotherapy was very hard on him, and then came complications like pneumonia and lymphedema (which is also known as water retention in the legs). The worst and most frightening however, was when Richard contracted an infection that led him to intensive care for several months.

Thankfully, Richard survived all of these traumas and went into remission for 2 years. During that time, he really took charge of his life. Richard continued his mission to learn as much as possible about myeloma, available clinical trials, new medications, etc. that could help patients live longer and give them a better quality of life while living with this disease.
In 2011, our family found out that there was an organized walk
for myeloma in Montreal. We immediately signed up.

We’ve participated in the annual walk ever since.
At first, our main reason for doing the Multiple Myeloma March was because it was one of the only things in our power that we could do...raise funds for research into new therapies to help patients cope while living with this disease, and in hopes of finding a cure. But Richard still wanted to do more.
In 2020, our family did our own individual walk
because of Covid
One day while we were waiting for Richard to get his treatment, he met John Lemieux who, along with Aldo Del Col, was a co-founder of Myeloma Canada. At the time, John was also Chairman of the Board of Directors. John started to talk to us about Myeloma Canada, its Board and its mission. Richard was intrigued, and a breakfast meeting was planned for the following week.

After a few weeks, Richard became more and more involved with Myeloma Canada. This led to his meeting Aldo...and the rest, as they say. is history! This was in 2012.
Richard joined the Myeloma Canada Board as a Director. He hoped to get answers to his questions and to see what more could be done to help find a cure.
Richard never gave up! He lived life to its fullest with a smile, a joke, incredible strength and positivity, despite the many obstacles thrown his way.

Unfortunately, Richard passed away in December of 2015. We, his family and friends, continue to honour Richard’s memory and have made it our mission to participate in Myeloma Canada’s [Multiple] Myeloma March every year in the hope that a cure will be found in the near future.
At the 2021 March in Montreal with family and friends who've always participated with us.
We definitely have to keep walking for myeloma and encourage others to do so because this disease affects more and more people each year. A lot of progress has already been made in finding new treatments; we have to continue to support this cause so a cure will be found!
The March keeps my husband’s memory alive.
Our family at the 2011 Montreal Multiple Myeloma March.
I am positive that Richard would be so proud to know that his family and friends are continuing his mission to keep walking, raise money and awareness for myeloma so that one day, we’ll be able to say we’ve finally found a cure. 
With friends and family before the Montreal March in 2016
Thank you!
Editor’s Note: We hope you enjoy meeting our 2022 Spotlight Stars and your fellow Myeloma Canada community members. The Spotlight section of Myeloma Matters features stories and reflections supplied by members of our community - those living with myeloma, caregivers, healthcare professional - in their words. The views expressed and shared are those of that individual. We recognize that everyone’s journey and experience with myeloma is different.
To all of you who have shared your stories in the past, and those of you who continue to do so today, we are are an inspiration.  

If you would like to share your experience in a future issue of Myeloma Matters, please contact us at
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Myeloma Canada's mission: To improve the lives of Canadians impacted by myeloma through awareness-building, educational efforts, advocacy, fostering an empowered myeloma community and support of clinical research so that a cure may be found.