A Message from ABS Executive Director
Don Scott Carpenter

“We are all in this together…” - Dr. Grant Colfax
Director of Department of Pubic Health, San Francisco

We  are  all in this together. It has been ten days since most of us were ordered to shelter-in-place and our lives were greatly altered. While in the short-term we may not know when sheltering will end, I believe that we will once again be able to gather to hear and experience great music.

At ABS, our administrative functions are continuing, but remotely, as our staff are all working from home so that they and the others around them remain safe. I hope that you are able to do the same! We have been overwhelmed with “social distancing,” but I read last night something that I very much prefer: “physical distancing.” We all need social interactions, especially right now. For example, just this past Saturday, many of our musicians, board, and staff had a “Bach Birthday Bash” party via Zoom simply to check in and celebrate Bach’s 335th birthday. We are looking into other ways to continue our social interactions, and we will notify you when the next opportunity arises.
We are concerned about the health of our ABS musicians, and their lack of work due to cancelations here and around the world that have affected so many, so quickly. Almost immediately following the cancellation of our "Faire is the Heaven" concerts, we created a Facebook fundraiser page, and a few of our generous ABS donors also contributed to our effort, so that we will be able to send a small honorarium to our musicians who had been engaged for this upcoming set.

Because we are confident that the end to this pandemic will come, Jeffrey and I are continuing to work on the Summer Festival (July 26 – August 9) and the 2020-2021 performance season including “Handel’s  Messiah  in Grace Cathedral” and “A Baroque New Year’s Eve at the Opera.” In a few weeks, when we can all think a little more clearly and a little further into the future, we will share these exciting details with you so we can all celebrate the next chapters in our lives. But for now, we simply want you to know we are thinking about you, and that we are excited to be together again soon.

With every good wish,
Don Scott

p.s. The final scene of one of my favorite movies,  Deep Impact  (1998) ends with Morgan Freeman sharing these words about the future; for me, they are both challenging and hopeful: 

“Cities fall, but they are rebuilt,
And heroes die and they are remembered.
We honor them with every brick we lay; with every field we sow,
With every child we comfort and then teach to rejoice in what we have been re-given…
Our planet, our home; so now, let us begin!”

We will rejoice, again! Let us all work toward more kindness, more concern, and more love to all people—from all parts of the planet—from every walk of life.
Our Next Concerts
Sweet Harmony
Bach • Handel
May 8–11
We Thank our Sponsors

The American Bach Soloists are grateful for the support of Individual Sponsors and these and other Foundations, Corporations, and Government Agencies: