New Dan Beard Council DBC Logo 2021
Spring 2021
A trained leader is better prepared to make the Scouting program all it can be!

This quarterly newsletter is designed to enlighten and inform our scouting community
about all the training opportunities available to help volunteers prepare to
provide quality programming for our youth and families!

Research shows the importance of trained leaders in the Boy Scouts of America. A trained leader is knowledgeable and more confident in the role being performed. Trained leaders exhibit a knowledge and confidence that is picked up by people around them. Trained leaders impact the quality of programs, leader tenure, youth tenure, safety, and a whole lot more.

Register for one of our exciting trainings today!
For updates and more, check us out at:

Never miss an edition of the DBC Training Times!
Sign-up to be on our distribution list by clicking here.
Reminder to take your Youth Protection Training!
Reminder to take your Youth Protection Training!
Every adult Scouter must take the Youth Protection Training every two years. Maintaining the training is easy, and should be completed before your current training expires.

If your training is expired, or will expire before May 31, 2021, you should update it now.

You can renew your Youth Protection Training at
All Aboard the Scouting U Train! Register Today for DBC Express Training Sessions!
Register for the next DBC Express! These fun virtual training courses are made up of
2 to 3 one-hour destination “stops”, including Commissioner College Degree classes,
to help you expand your Scouting knowledge!

Click here for more information and to register.
Wilderness First Aid
Are you planning a trip to a High Adventure base this year? Do you need Wilderness First Aid training?

[check out one of these classes offered by neighboring councils by clicking here:]

Unit Leaders – Interested in offering a Camping component to your Pack activities? Sign up for BALOO!
BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies are taught along with the discovery of the
necessary tools to help units conduct a fun and successful camping experience!

Check out the available course listings here!
Attend the Wood Badge Dinner!
The Wood Badge Dinner will be held at the Camp Friedlander Dining Hall on Saturday, May 15th, 2021.

This fun event is for anyone interested in learning more about Wood Badge! It includes fellowship, recognition, food, auctions and more!

Cost: ~ $10 if registered by Saturday, May 8th (guests half price). Details/Registration here.
Register today for Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) gives adult leaders in Scouts BSA the practical knowledge they need to help Scouts to learn outdoor skills.

May 22-23, 2021 (Camp Craig)
June 4-5, 2021 (Camp Craig)

Click here to register!
Click on the image to learn how NYLT can help develop the leaders in your Unit.

Attend National Youth Leadership Training at Camp Michaels in 2021!
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting and powerful program designed to provide members of the Boy Scouts of America (ages 13 and over) with leadership skills and experience they can use to lead themselves and others.

We offer 4 individual Summer sessions, along with a fifth course which takes place over two weekends in the fall. The NYLT course centers on the concepts of what a leader must BE, KNOW, and DO.

Click here to learn more.
Learn More About Leader Specific Training
It has been said that “Every youth deserves a trained leader”.

Position Specific Training is a course required for registered leaders of all Scouting programs levels (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA & Venturing) to earn their “Trained” status. The Position Specific Training program is tailored to the specific position that the leader holds. It provides the specialized knowledge a new leader needs to assume a leadership role.

Position Specific Training is available online at the BSA Learn Center through
Are You A Scout Leader?
I invite you to ask me about Wood Badge and attend our course this September!
I am excited and honored to be the Senior Patrol Leader for Wood Badge course C6-438-21 in the Dan Beard Council.

This training program has 5 central themes and classes cover hot topics like Listening to Learn/Learn to Listen, Managing Conflict, as well as Scouting skills like Leave No Trace, Campfire Planning, and much more!

The tools and skills, not to mention the social connections, you’ll develop over course will be invaluable to you, not only in Scouting, but in your career, and in your life!!!!!

I would love to see you there!!!!
-Jeanette Tacon

Click here to go to our website for information.
NEW! District Committee Basic Training
District committee training has been taught the same way for many years with a very dated course. By leveraging the BSA Learn Center, we can give the district committee a learning environment that provides them the content they need when they need it, and we can leverage professional training for consistency in district training. This new learning replaces the District Committee Workshop and will provide learning plans aligned with the various district committee positions and functions.

Position-trained status (D61, D62, D75) will be provided for those who complete their training.

Position training includes:

District Committee Chair
District Committee Vice Chair
Membership Chair
Fund Development
Training Chair
Member at Large
Activities and Civic Service Chair
Nominating Chair
Program Chair
Camping and Outdoor Chair
Advancement Chair

As the online training supersedes the District Committee Workshop, use of the District Committee Workshop syllabus for training should be discontinued. Find out more at
2020 Scouting U Patches Are In!
If you attended this year’s virtual Scouting U and College of Commissioner Science then stop by the Scout Achievement Center and pick up your patch at the front desk.
Thanks to everyone who made this year’s event possible ~ We hope to see you all next year!
Contact Us!
Meet your training teams here.

Our team is comprised of dedicated staff and volunteers who are eager to serve you and your training needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have a questions or need regarding training as our goal is to promote continuous learning through the scouting programs available.
We are committed to providing additional in-person training for leaders
once the restrictions are lifted. There are also many online trainings currently available through your account at

Never miss an edition of the DBC Training Times! Sign-up to be on our distribution list by clicking here.
The Boy Scouts of America, Dan Beard Council is a proud United Way Agency Partner