Home of the California Welcome Center
June 2, 2020
CHAMBER VLOG: Stronger Together
Day by Day, Week , Month and Beyond -
We are your Business Resource.
Advancing to Stage 3:
Dr. Nancy Williams, El Dorado County Public Health Officer, announced that El Dorado County met criteria to fully open Stage 2 for businesses and facilities, and is considering now advancing more. Read updates on our website's COVID-19 page
Helping Businesses stay Strong:
The EDH Chamber is working hard to help weather this COVID storm.
Important Links: The links below are the most up-to-date and comprehensive resources we've found. Please feel free to reach out at
chamber@eldoradohillschamber.org if there is anything at all we can do to help.
Western Slope Small Business Fund:
Supporting the reopening of businesses, more than $255,000 from the Coronavirus Community Relief Fund has been granted,
applications open
5.20.20 and
close TODAY 6.3.20 @ 7 PM
The El Dorado Community Foundation has teamed up with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the El Dorado County and El Dorado Hills Chambers of Commerce to create a fund focused on helping small business through financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Separate funding has been allocated for both South Lake Tahoe small businesses and Western Slope small businesses. We ask our community to please step forward and support our small business community by donating
All contributions will be held and distributed by the El Dorado Community Foundation and are 100% tax deductible.
Nonprofit Grant:
On behalf of the County of El Dorado Veterans' Affairs Commission, El Dorado Community Foundation is pleased to announce a funding opportunity for nonprofits that support El Dorado County Veterans
Grant applications of
up to $3,500 will be accepted through
May 31, 2020.
EDC & EDH Chamber Recommendations:
With the collaborative efforts of the El Dorado County and El Dorado Hills Chambers of Commerce, a proposal is being advanced to El Dorado County government with economic recommendations based on the most updated COVID-19 report when Dr. Williams announced it was safe to enter stage 2. The quick action on the part of local Chamber leaders demonstrates the depth of commitment and talents that have been and will continue to lead the way to a new chapter for El Dorado County.
New Federal Main Street Lending Program
Sacramento Business Journal 6.2.20
New Federally-Backed Lending Program:
A long-awaited federally backed loan program with loan limits from $500,000 to $200 million is set to launch soon.
Main Street Lending is "for companies that were strong before the pandemic. The loans are meant to help the companies maintain operations until financial conditions return to normal," according to the Federal Reserve’s website.
Get Paid to Shop!
These are challenging times for our community, as we deal with the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). While practicing social distancing to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, it is also critical that we continue to support our local businesses and organizations. With the generous investment of our
Premier Partners
, we are pleased to announce the
El Dorado Hills CHAMBER CA$H Recovery Rebate
where you get paid to shop!
For receipts dated 5.1.20 and later, every $100 you spend in 95762 or at
EDH Chamber Member Businesses
, you receive $10 cash back or can donate it to your favorite, local nonprofit, including the Chamber Scholarship Fund. Limit $200 per household and $15,000 in total funds. Thank you for supporting our local businesses and organizations now more than ever!
McClatchy Matching Fund:
The dollar for dollar matching campaign is backed by a one million dollar stimulus program from our parent company, McClatchy, and expires at the end of June or when the million dollars in funding is exhausted. Because funds are limited, please
reach out to Carrie
to see if you qualify. Print options include 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 pages and double the purchase of digital ads too!
Don't delay, call or me today!
Stimulus Package for El Dorado County Businesses:
To help promote your business through this time, The Mountain Democrat is offering FREE advertising to El Dorado County businesses. To learn more about this stimulus package,
contact Chris
at the Mountain Democrat for details.
Central Valley Community Bank is excited to announce its donation to ten food banks in its territory, while also challenging other business to join the effort to fund local food banks. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, many in our region did not have sufficient income to provide basic needs including food for their families. Since the pandemic, massive job losses due to the shelter-in-place mandates of nonessential businesses and school closures has created an unprecedented need for services provided by food banks. It is anticipated that this food insecurity will continue to escalate in the coming months and longer.
Central Valley Community Bank has a long history of giving to local food banks. To date, our 2020 Business Food Fund donation is $8,000 covering ten local food banks in our communities – but we want local business to join us in this effort.
Wells Fargo CA CRA Rating of Outstanding:
Wells Fargo & Company announced its most recent Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rating for California is Outstanding. Wells Fargo also received a national rating of “Outstanding” from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) as a result of the company’s strong performance on the exam’s components and the company’s proven commitment to serving low- to moderate-income communities. The bank’s strong performance on the exam’s components reflected positive results in California and other markets the bank serves.
Employment Opportunities:
Check out some Job Postings from Chamber Members on our website.
Send us your employment needs
, and they will be posted as a benefit of your Membership.
Employment Benefits during COVID-19:
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) takes effect April 1 - December 31, 2020. Our Chamber has the required flyers for legal posting next to the California and Federal Employment posters. We are offering these free of charge to our Chamber Members, so
contact us
to request your complimentary flyer.
Plan your future visit by exploring our beautiful El Dorado County online now
You as a time traveler
You deserve a getaway, and there's no time better than the present to plan your trips for the future
Where: Online
When: At your leisure
When our California Welcome Center in El Dorado Hills reopens, swing by for brochures, coupons, and amazing souvenirs from local artists. Let's #KeepItLocal365.
The Greatest Adventure Lies Ahead!
Tag Us on Social Media:
@ElDoradoHillsChamber and we will help with engagement, advertising, and promotion of your business or organization.
#KeepItLocal365 #StrongerTogether #ElDoradoHillsChamber
We are all ears.
We want to hear from you.
We are here for you.
Premier Partners - Members of Distinction
El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce
Home of the California Welcome Center
2085 Vine Street, Ste. 105
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762