June 2020 Monthly Byte
A Case Today for Dental Education: Midwestern College of Dental Medicine
Dr. Tom Sullivan (left) presented Dr. Harold J. Haering, Dean of the Midwestern College of Dental Medicine with a $5,000 check from the ISDS Foundation's Case Today program. 

Midwestern will use this money to purchase a high quality, mobile camera/computer system which will allow their faculty to record lectures. 
This will help the university convert to distance learning for interactive training. The COVID-19 experience has allowed us to embrace online learning, which will definitely be incorporated into our curriculum from this point forward.
A Case Today for Dental Education: SIU School of Dental Medicine
ISDS Foundation Members, Dr. Keith Dickey (left) and Dr. Gary Fischer (middle) present a check to Dr. Bruce Rotter(right), Professor and Dean at the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine for $5,000 from the ISDS Foundation's "Case Today for Dental Education" program. 

The school will use these funds for their children’s health and sealant program. Many of the children served by this program are either not covered or not adequately covered for their procedures. The funds will help provide care for many deserving children.  
In 2020, the ISDS Foundation is awarding $5,000 from the
Case Today for Dental Education's endowment’s earnings
for each dental school in Illinois to worthwhile projects.
To donate to this amazing program, click here .
Win Big!
Purchase a raffle ticket!
2020 Raffle
Chance to win $5,000!
Only 250 tickets to be sold! 

To purchase a ticket via mail:
Enclose a check for $50 made out to the Illinois State Dental Society Foundation. Include your Name, Phone and email address. Mail to: Foundation Raffle, PO Box 376, Springfield IL 62705. A stub will be mailed back to you with confirmation of your purchase.

To purchase via credit card by phone:
Call Misty at 800/475-4737!

Donation: $50.00,
Proceeds to benefit Oral Health in Illinois
Dentists Support Program Needed Now More than Ever

The emotional effects of the COVID-19 crisis are far-reaching, with increased depression, suicides, and alcohol and substance abuse. If you know of a dentist who is struggling with emotional distress, addiction or substance abuse, please help them to reach out to the ISDS Foundation’s Dentists Support Program at 312/318-8810. 
Show your support!
Order your socks now!
Every pair of socks purchased will help our mission is to improve the oral health of children, families, and individuals throughout the state by supporting initiatives that expand access to care and increase dental health education and awareness. Socks are $20/pair.

Record Applications for Student Scholarships
The ISDS Foundation Board of Directors announced they will award three dental student scholarships – one to a D3 at each Illinois dental school – at $6,000 each. Scholarship recipients will be announced on July 1, 2020. All dental students were notified via email, along with the dental school deans. The application deadline was May 31, 2020. We had a record 31 applications this year!