Presbytery of the Miami Valley

PMV Montage

March 26, 2020
A helpful resource on planning communion in these days
Many churches in our presbytery are preparing and celebrating worship, often using online, electronic resources during this period when we cannot gather as worshipping congregations.
Two recent advisory opinions from the denomination address some of the polity issues arising from the enforced separation we're now enduring. Especially important is the discussion of how to appropriately celebrate the Lord's Supper during virtual worship. The PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship has summarized some important reflections on those advisory opinions as we look toward times in the Sundays ahead and during Holy Week when we customarily celebrate communion. That summary reflection is here.
I especially commend to you the updated statements in the second advisory opinion that reflect a practical and still theologically grounded approach to communion in these times of emergency dislocation.
The presbytery continues to compile Coronavirus Updates and Resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and our responses to it as people of faith.
We daily keep you all in prayer, trusting in the Spirit's power to guide our lives and order our steps in these trying times.
Larry Hollar
Stated Clerk
Presbytery of the Miami Valley