Tell state legislators to fast track funding
to local water projects!
You helped us get House Bill 200 through House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee last weekend.
Now we need your support to pass HB200 through the House Judiciary Committee on Saturday.
Under the Arizona Water Settlement Act, the Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) determines how the New Mexico Unit Fund will be used “in consultation with the Southwest New Mexico Water Study Group or its successor.”
The NM CAP Entity claims that it is the "successor" group and wants to control how the $80 million remaining in the NM Unit Fund is allocated to water projects in southwest New Mexico. Although the state ended diversion planning last June, the Entity continues to prioritize development of a Gila diversion.
The NM CAP Entity’s lack of technical expertise, failure to get badly-needed funds into southwest New Mexico communities, and continued focus on pursuing a Gila River diversion show it is clearly not the right group to move this process forward.
HB200 (McQueen, Stewart, Small, Correa Hemphill) fast tracks NM Unit Funding to priority water projects, creating long-term water security and jobs in southwest New Mexico.
HB200 amends the NM Unit Fund Act (2011) by:
- Designating the Water Trust Board as the successor to the Southwest New Mexico Water Study Group to advise the ISC on how the NM Unit Fund is allocated to water projects in southwest New Mexico.
- Prohibiting expenditure of NM Unit Funds to evaluate, plan or construct a Gila River diversion project.
With $137 million in priority water projects in southwest New Mexico in need of funding, we can't afford to waste any more time and money. The ISC and the NM CAP Entity have wasted 15 years and $15+ million on the failed diversion planning process.
The Water Trust Board is the best entity to advise the ISC on allocation of the NM Unit Fund. The Water Trust Board has the diverse representation, organizational infrastructure, technical expertise in place, and experience to best advise the ISC on how to allocate the NM Unit Fund to critically needed water projects in our communities.
HB200 will be heard in House Judiciary Committee on Saturday, February 20th at 1pm.
Please help us make sure that this legislation passes by contacting committee members and asking them to vote "YES" on HB200.
Testifying at the House Judiciary Committee Meeting
If you'd like to testify at the hearing, you can connect to the Zoom webinar and click on the raise hand icon when asked to indicate that you'd like to testify. You will be unmuted when your name is called to testify. You will have 1 - 2 minutes to speak.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Fact sheets:
Thank you for taking action on behalf of our water future!