December 2021
Community Update
News and Information from the District of Lantzville
Municipal Hall COVID-19 Hours - Masks Mandatory
Monday to Friday
By phone or email: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
In-person payment and document drop-off: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Call or email for appointments for other services
Closed Friday, December 24, 2021 to Monday, January 3, 2022, inclusive, reopening on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
After-hours Public Works emergency call 1.888.826.8271
All other emergencies dial 911
Wednesday, December 1st - 6:00 pm Regular Council
For meeting information, including meeting livestreaming and electronic participation, visit and click on the meeting date on the calendar to access the meeting agenda package, minutes and video recordings. The start time of the open portion/livestreaming of the meetings may vary if a closed portion is required at the beginning of the regular Council meeting. Please refer to the Council meeting agenda, published the week before the meeting, to confirm the open portion/livestream start time.
Until further notice, Council meetings are presided over in-person by the Mayor with Councillors participating electronically or in-person (per the Community Charter and the Council Procedure Bylaw). The public is encouraged to view the livestream of the open portion of the meeting online via the District’s website. Members of the public attending in the Council Chamber must remain seated unless invited to address Council. Under current Provincial Health Orders, masks are required in indoor public settings for all people aged 12 and older, and proof of vaccination is not required for essential government activities and services, including Council meetings. Prior to attending, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Meetings recorded by the District of Lantzville may be viewed at The public is prohibited from recording Council meetings unless authorized by Council.
Here Comes Santa Claus…Sunday December 5th
Watch for the Santa Drive By from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm on Sunday, December 5th as Lantzville Fire Rescue drive the fire trucks through your neighbourhood with Santa Claus! Visit to view Santa’s route. Please keep your pets indoors, the kids back a safe distance, and follow COVID limiting practices – physical distancing, masks, and stay home if ill. Expect to hear sirens and Christmas music heralding Santa’s arrival in your neighbourhood on December 5th. Please do not approach the fire truck and remember to forewarn your household so no one is alarmed by the sirens. Thank you for your patience.
Annual Lantzville Food Drive Sunday December 12th
Lantzville Rotary volunteers will be picking up canned, dry and baby food donations and hygiene products at your house on Sunday, December 12th between 10:00 am and 12:00 Noon. Please leave your donation so volunteers can see it from the street. Thank you for your generosity and a special thanks to Lantzville Rotary volunteers for picking up your donations, and Lantzville Volunteer Firefighters Association for delivering the hampers to those in need. There is also a “drop-off” bin at Municipal Hall.
2022 Business Licence Required by January 1st
It’s time to get your 2022 Lantzville business licence! With the July 2021 adoption of Business Licence Bylaw No. 167, 2021, effective January 1, 2022 it is unlawful for a person to engage in or carry on a business within Lantzville unless that person holds a valid business licence issued by the District of Lantzville. The requirement to hold a District of Lantzville business licence includes non-Lantzville-based business operators who also hold a licence in the municipality where their business has an office, business address or is normally based.
The Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 26 establishes the business licence fee ($100/each premise in Lantzville for non-Lantzville-based and Lantzville-based business except home based business whose fee is $50.00) and renewal fees. Subject to annual submission of renewal form by December 31st for the next licensing period, the annual business licence renewal fee is $50/each premises for non-Lantzville based business and no fee for Lantzville-based or home business.
The City of Nanaimo Winter 2022 Activity Guide is online at and registration is open (winter swimming lesson registration is delayed until December 15th).
The annual Winter Wonderland takes place again this year on December 24th and December 26th to 30th at Frank Crane Arena. The arena will be transformed into a Winter Globe theme with all skating sessions either free or only $1. Check for specific session times.
There are two "Skate with Santa" events: Wednesday, December 15th, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Frank Crane Arena and Thursday, December 16th, 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre.
Explore 12 local parks and trails during the school holiday break to win some great prizes with the “Frosty Bucket Sticker Search”. Participants search for clues to find the Golden Bucket Stickers.
Planning is underway with details released soon for the New Year’s Day Family Event called “Activate 2022”. There will be swimming, skating, games, sports and other activities for the whole family as a way to “launch” into the new year with lots of movement and fun.
Beban Pool’s main tank is still closed for repair, the Leisure Pool and weight room are open. Due to this repair, the aquatic schedule at both Beban Pool and Nanaimo Aquatic Centre are not following the regular operating hours. Please be sure to check the temporary schedule posted online to be sure of when the pools are open.
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) facilities are open and programs are running in accordance with current Public Health Orders. Be sure to visit the REC Connect webpage to register for activities, subscribe to the Active Living Guide and find free activities and resources.
Winter Wonderland on Ice is back December 14th to 31st. It’s a holiday tradition to take part in the magical skating event at Oceanside Place Arena. View the public skating schedule online at New Year’s Eve Free Family Celebration Tickets are required and are available for pick up at Oceanside Place Arena beginning December 10th.
Vote for your favourite festive window at Ravensong Aquatic Centre. Winner will be announced December 21st.
Polar Bear Splash on January 1st, 12:00 pm, at Parksville Community Beach is back!
Strong communication plans are one of our best tools for staying calm and organized during an emergency. We’re all used to being well connected over the phone and internet, but does your family have a disaster communication plan if the power goes out? Where will you get the latest information and updates about where to go and what’s happening?
Here’s some things to think about when creating a Disaster Communication Plan:
- Register for the RDN and District of Lantzville Voyent Alert System. This is the fastest way to receive official updates by phone, email or text message.
- Talk to your family about an out-of-town emergency contact – somebody you can call outside of town to let your family know you’re safe.
- Don’t rely on hear-say information. Look to official sources like Voyent Alert, News Releases, and
- Don’t call 9-1-1 for information. Only call if you are in express need of Police, Fire or Ambulance. Listen to radio, television and watch for official emergency alerts instead.
- Keep a set of important phone numbers in your Grab and Go kit, including your out-of-town emergency contact.
- Keep a battery-operated radio in your Grab and Go kit, and keep a list of local radio stations.
- Talk to your neighbours and pool resources in your neighbourhoods!
Use these resources for more information on how to get you and your family ready for an emergency:
Bear Smart & Waste Collection Reminders
Vancouver Island bears are most active between early spring and late fall. Sadly, some of these bears may be put down if they become reliant on easy food sources like garbage and food waste. After recent reported sightings in Lantzville, here are some Bear Smart Tips from the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) about garbage and food waste:
- Store your garbage and food waste carts in a secure, locked location such as a garage or sturdy garden shed.
- Ensure the lids are securely closed.
- Use a spray bottle filled with a bleach solution to deodorize the lid and exterior of your food waste cart to prevent food odours from attracting bears and other wildlife.
- Put your garbage and food waste carts at the curb only on the morning of your collection day. Don't leave them at the curbside overnight.
If You See a Bear in a Residential Area
- Stay calm. Usually the bear is just passing through the area and if no food is available it will move on.
- Keep away from the bear and warn others to keep away. Bring children and pets into the house.
- If the bear appears to be threatening, persistent or aggressive, call the Conservation Officer at 1.877.952.7277.
Food Waste, Garbage and Recycling Collection
Watch for the 2022 Collection Schedule, published soon by the RDN, in your mailbox and at A friendly reminder that curbside days bump ahead for each statutory holiday and carts should be placed out at the curb by 8:00 am. Your collection days this holiday season are:
- Friday, December 17th – Garbage and Food Waste
- Friday, December 24th – Recycling and Food Waste
- Tuesday, January 4th – Garbage and Food Waste
- Tuesday, January 11th – Recycling and Food Waste
Open Burning – Until April 15, 2022
Open Air and Incinerator fires are permitted ONLY IF every reasonable alternative for reducing, reusing or recycling debris has been pursued first to minimize the amount of debris to be burned and subject to Bylaw No.185 regulations and the Ventilation Index. No prohibited materials may be burned (e.g. no demolition waste, household waste, treated lumber, etc.). Burn only clean, dry organic materials in a fire less than 1.2 m high by less than 1.8 m in diameter and subject to the venting index. Visit BC Air Quality or call 1.888.281.2992 to confirm the Ventilation Index category for the CNTRL VAN ISLD the day you wish to burn to confirm if venting is GOOD, otherwise burning is prohibited. NO LANDCLEARING FIRES ARE PERMITTED AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR except registered burns on ALR lands Oct 15th to Nov 15th. Small campfires used for cooking, heating or ceremonial purposes are allowed (except on beaches) subject to conditions. NO OPEN FIRES ARE PERMITTED ON ANY BEACH AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR; only portable propane campfire apparatus (CSA or ULC approved) are permitted on the beach between the hours of 11:00 am - 8:00 pm. For more information, visit to view Fire Protection Services Bylaw No. 185, 2019 and the Outdoor Burning brochure or contact the Fire Chief at
Fireworks Restricted – The District of Lantzville prohibits setting off fireworks, except on Halloween. No person under the age of 18 is permitted to possess fireworks. The sale of fireworks and use of firecrackers are prohibited in Lantzville. Fines start at $150. For more information, view Fireworks Regulation Bylaw No. 39, 2005 at
Community Water Service Update
The District of Lantzville Council Strategic Priorities includes “Bring water to most residents in Lantzville – Implement the Water Master Plan”. On November 17th Council passed a motion to provide this update to residents on the progress of municipal water service.
For many years, Lantzville’s community water supply has been insufficient to fully service existing residents and businesses in the Water Service Area (defined in the Official Community Plan) or to allow any new development in the community. A multitude of studies on water issues in the Lantzville area have been completed during the last 50 years for various entities, including the RDN, Lantzville Improvement District and District of Lantzville current and past Councils. Studies have reviewed water supply, storage, treatment, distribution, and various improvement options, including assessment of groundwater supply, surface water sources, connections to neighbouring communities and improvements to the storage and distribution system.
Progress in water supply began in September 2014, when the District of Lantzville and City of Nanaimo approved the Lantzville/Nanaimo Water Agreement that enables Lantzville and Nanaimo to work together to provide water from the Nanaimo Water System to service Lantzville per the terms in the agreement. View the agreement (& 2018 amendment) at In 2017, the District undertook a several months long process, including an extensive public process and study, that culminated in a Water Master Plan.
Also, Water System Bylaw No. 140, 2018, was adopted in April 2018, to establish the rates and terms under which water may be supplied and used in the District of Lantzville. The bylaw was amended in February 2020, replacing Schedule “B” – Design Standards – Residential Water Design. Then Subdivision and Development Works and Services Bylaw No. 175, 2020, was adopted in February 2020, updating the previous bylaw, establishing standards required for development, including reiterating the requirement for developers to provide, locate and construct water distribution systems within their subdivisions.
Water Master Plan
- Access to Safe Drinking Water for Residents
- Sustainable Future Water Supply
- Cost Effective Community Water
- Responsible Community Water Use
The recommendations in the WMP are intended to be considered on an incremental basis, in response to community changes and ongoing monitoring, providing a long-range plan. The WMP identified that several improvements should be carried out prior to expanding the District water distribution system. Those were:
- Maximize yield of existing well field
- Provide sufficient reservoir storage to meet project future demands
- Strengthen the water distribution system
- Continue replacement of asbestos cement watermains
- Facilitate potential servicing of additional properties
Some of those recommendations have been carried out, and others such as “Continue replacement of asbestos cement watermains” will be ongoing for some time to come. As more asbestos cement watermains are replaced, fire flows will be increased and the water system will be strengthened.
The WMP identifies which areas are priority and should be serviced first. Phase I of the expansion is identified as HW-1: The Winds Residential Area; AW: Clark Drive Area; and FW: Fernmar Road Area; in no particular order. Key to the expansion of the community water service is funding from other levels of government. The District has been successful in the past for other infrastructure projects which were partially funded through a grant, with the District portion funded through a local area service (funded by the benefiting property owners). The District applied twice to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program for the Clark Drive Area and once for the Winds Area; however, all applications were denied. Council has also authorized adding to the 2022-2026 Financial Plan an annual $5,000 reserve contribution for expanding the community water system. View the Water Master Plan at for detailed information and history.
December 2021 Grant Application
On November 3, 2021, Council authorized the District to apply under the “Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (Green Infrastructure – Environmental Quality Sub-Stream)” to expand municipal water service to the Winds Residential Area, which would facilitate water connections for approximately 136 currently unserviced households. If approved, the Federal and Provincial governments would fund 70% of the estimated $7,868,900 project, and the District of Lantzville commits to 30%, as well as cost overruns, all of which would be funded through a Local Area Service (with benefitting property owners repaying the District through an annual parcel tax for a pre-set term), subject to a petition against by the property owners. Check out the staff report in the November 3, 2021 Council meeting agenda, including Class C Cost Estimates and Figure 18 of the WMP showing the priority in which the water system expansion should be carried out. The District has received letters of support for the grant application, from Island Health, Snaw-naw-as (Nanoose) First Nation, and some residents of the Winds area. The residents shared their hopes for expansion of the municipal water service bringing a safe, secure drinking water, and an end to their inadequate water quality and supply, expense of bottled water, seniors struggling with 5 gallon bottles, expense of water purification systems, and higher house insurance due to lack of fire hydrants.
Next Steps
If the grant application is successful, a local area service (LAS) must be established by bylaw that must describe the service, define the boundaries, identify the methods of cost recovery (e.g. parcel tax) and the portion of the costs of the service that are to be recovered by the local service tax. After the bylaws are introduced, a notice is published and sent to the property owners within the service area. The bylaw is subject to approval by the taxpayers within the service area, as well as the borrowing bylaw through which the District borrows the funds required until the benefitting property owners repay the funds through the parcel tax. Such bylaws (LAS establishment bylaw and related borrowing bylaw) have been approved in the past in Lantzville through a Council initiative, with a petition against process, i.e., the bylaws cannot be adopted if at least 50% of owners representing at least 50% of the assessed value are opposed). With previous such bylaws, the detailed design that was required to determine the project cost which would be referenced in the LAS bylaw and in the borrowing bylaw, has been funded through the grant that would also pay for a portion of the project. If the cost of the project after tendering is more costly than approved in the bylaws, a bylaw amendment is required and is also subject to a petition against the process.
Piping and Storage - Currently the District has:
33.6 km. of water pipe
3 storage reservoirs
6 groundwater supply wells
2 pressure zones
5 pressure reducing valves
1 booster pump station
2 chlorination facilities
Connections - There are currently 927 connected customers.
Do You Have Questions About Lantzville’s Community Water Service?
Email us for additional information
Latest Council Updates
From the November Regular Council & Special Council Meetings
For more information, please contact the Director of Corporate Administration at 250.933.8082 or email