Message from your Pastor
Year of the Eucharist

In his Pastoral Letter “The Work of Redemption: Eucharistic Belief and Practice in the Archdiocese of Seattle,” Archbishop Paul D. Etienne invites everyone to celebrate a Year of the Eucharist. Through this year of prayer and study, we will foster and strengthen our celebration of the incredible gift of the Eucharist.

Over the next year, we’ll explore different dimensions of the Eucharist, echoing the shape of the Mass: 

·         Gathering – What makes us community? (It’s the Eucharist, of course!)   
·         Word – How the Scriptures can come to life in our lives   
·         Presence – The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the center of
Church and of our lives  
·         Sending – Our mission to carry on the work of Jesus – serving the poor
and vulnerable, proclaiming the Gospel, and sanctifying the world
I encourage you to join in the celebration of the Year of the Eucharist.

 Listen to what the Scriptures are saying to us. Spend time with the Blessed Sacrament. Join in the Year of the Eucharist .
-Fr. Bill
Congratulations newly ordained Transitional
Deacon Michael Barbarossa 
Congratulations to the children who received
1st Communion last Sunday.
Stay connected with your
St. Vincent de Paul Community
Join us Wednesday, June 24th , from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
in the Parish Courtyard
Attendance will be limited to the first one hundred people.
There are still seats open for this evenings Baccalaureate Mass.

Please come support our graduates.

Check in begins at 6:30 pm.
St. Vincent de Paul Parish Live Streams Mass Sundays at 10:30
St. Vincent's Church is open for private prayer.

The main church building will be open for private prayer from noon to 2:00 PM on Sundays and Wednesdays.  If you are out and about for your essential tasks, stop by for a little quiet prayer time before the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Vincent's
Prayer Initiative

We invite parishioners to sign up for a 30 minute prayer period so that prayer is constantly being offered throughout the day for our parish, for those suffering because of this pandemic and for those on the front lines of caring for sick and engaged in essential businesses for the common good. Pray as you like. It could be a rosary, liturgy of the hours, silent meditation, scripture reading or just talking to God.  
Thank you
Sandwich Brigade
Since we began providing sandwiches to the homeless men sheltered at a hotel in Renton on April 27th, we have provided 1,389 lunches. Most of the lunches have come from parishioners who have made lunches and dropped them off at the parish every day. A special shout out to Christy Harris and her mother, who have provided 204 lunches! Also, a big thanks to Bev and Vince Mansanarez who have been at the drop off point almost every day for the past 8 weeks, organizing food and drinks, receiving sack lunches, and coordinating the pick-up and delivery of the lunches to the hotel. This program has been extended until July 6th. God bless our incredible volunteers!
Sunday Contributions
A big thank you to all our faithful parishioners who have continued to give, online, mail in or drop off their Sunday contributions to our lock box outside the parish office. Several of you have included notes of encouragement, thanks and prayers for Fr. Bill, the parish and the parish staff with your contributions, and it never fails to make my day. Your consistent support and generosity is a great gift and it is what makes this parish a beautiful place to worship, serve and grow.
A message fro m Deacon Michael Barbarossa 
June 16, 2020
Dear Parishioners,

As many of you know, on Saturday, June 13 I was ordained a transitional deacon here at St. Vincent’s. Since the ordination was private because of gathering restrictions, I wanted to share with you a little about this ministry and my progress toward priesthood. Although my journey is to priesthood, it is an ancient custom of the Church that each candidate for priesthood first receives the ministry of the deacon. A deacon assists at the Eucharistic celebration and focuses especially on the proclamation of the Word and the service of the poor.

As Luke tells us in Acts of the Apostles, the ministry of the deacon began very early in the Church when it was brought to the apostles’ attention that certain widows and others were being neglected in the daily distribution. The apostles decided to “appoint seven reputable men” for this task of service and charity, so that they could “devote themselves more fully to prayer and the ministry of the Word” (Acts 6:3-4).

A transitional deacon serves in the same way as a permanent deacon, but is preparing for priestly ordination. In other words, my ministry for this next year will include preaching, baptizing, and service to the poor just like Dcn. Juan Lezcano has done here for many years. These roles are then taken up into priesthood. It is not that I will cease being a deacon at priestly ordination. A priest is always a deacon too, for he is still called to the same works of charity but with an added sacrificial role.

For the summer, I will be serving first at Sacred Heart Parish in Bellingham. I will spend the second half of the summer in Vancouver WA serving at St. Joseph’s Parish. In the fall I will return to Mundelein Seminary in Chicago for my final year of studies and God-willing I will be ordained a priest next June.

I want to say a heartfelt thank-you to all who have supported me on this journey, especially our community here at St. Vincent’s. Thank you to our Knights of Columbus council for your very generous support and prayers. Thank you to Fr. Bill, Fr. Tom, and all the staff for your guidance and help with the ordination ceremony. In my faith journey I have also received continued encouragement from the St. Vincent’s School faculty and the various music ministry groups in the parish. And finally, thank you to all who have held me in prayer. Please know that I will continue to keep you in mine and I look forward to celebrating my priesthood ordination with you next year.

Sincerely in Christ,

Deacon Michael Barbarossa
Please Prayerfully Give
Next week, we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collection that supports the charitable works of Pope Francis. Funds from this collection help victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and become a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous.
Please continue to give:
Like you and your families, the church still has fiscal responsibilities, and your Sunday Contributions make up 90% of our parish income. If your household income has been affected by circumstances due to the corona virus we ask you to please offer up prayers for our church as your Sunday Giving.

Ways to give :
  • Online - signup to give onetime, weekly or monthly, click the link on the below to sign up.
  • Mail - you can mail us your contribution to 30525 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003.
For more information, or for assistance, please contact Diana at
Help Support our
Parish School

Parishioners can purchase scrip gift cards on Wednesdays. Call the office on Wednesday morning to place the order. When you arrive at school, call the school office and they will take the order out to your car.
Click here for Opportunities for more ways to help in our Community - lunch brigade, sewing masks, Hospitality House
Our parish's St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference could use the assistance of any Spanish speaking parishioners. They occasionally receive requests from families where Spanish is the primary language. The parishioner would become a member of the conference in order to access the data base.

For more information, contact  MICHAEL W FAY at