A Message from the Acacia Network Leadership
Another life has been taken senselessly. Last week, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officers after they detained him for reasons that remain under question. Once again, the ruthless disregard for Black lives in the United States has been put on display, for all to see, as if we hadn’t witnessed this horrific scene play out in front of us one too many times already. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade. Four Black lives taken, all in the past few weeks. How many more during the past few months, years, decades? 

As our Nation and our City grapple against the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded that there are even greater battles that we must face as a country if we want to truly come out stronger. To do so, we must eradicate racism and inequality at every level, beginning with the social and public institutions that are meant to serve every individual, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

As an organization that is 90% Black, African American and/or Latinx, serving primarily low-income black and brown communities, we stand firmly with our colleagues, clients, friends, families, and neighbors in repudiating these horrific acts of violence against people of color.

Today and every day, Acacia Network reaffirms its commitment to lead change and uplift the lives of those we serve, and we vow to continue working to dismantle the structural barriers that perpetuate oppression and injustice against our communities.
About Acacia Network
For over 50 years, Acacia Network and its affiliates have been committed to improving the quality-of-life and wellbeing of underserved Latino communities by providing access to integrated health and housing programs, and by reinvesting in communities through innovative programming, employment opportunities and affordable housing ownership, among other initiatives. Acacia Network’s offices are located in New York City, Buffalo, Albany, and Syracuse in New York State, as well as Florida, Maryland, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Connecticut, and Puerto Rico. Acacia Network’s extensive array of community-based services are fully integrated, bilingual and culturally competent, while ensuring easy access and actively incorporating consumer and community level input. For more information, visit: