Trash Talk!, our youth education publication, is getting a new look! Like you, we work to keep our communications relevant and fresh as we compete with the vast amounts of information received by those we need to reach. Messages about current best practices and programs in solid waste and recycling have a lot of competition for attention, even among young students!

Key to being relevant is to make sure publications and social media posts include representation and diversity as we reach out to all members in the communities we serve. Starting this fall, Trash Talk! is moving its artwork from illustrated characters to photography of diverse, young people engaged in relevant activities.

When we spoke with our client, Amy Sieferman of Hendricks County Recycling District, about the Trash Talk! update, she enthusiastically explained how this change benefits a community’s young people: “Kids seeing actual pictures of peers (especially doing environmental activities) would be very impactful and would draw them into the articles. Fostering a sense of ownership is a huge part of behavior change with any age. Additionally, representation is important and I welcome diversity.”

We couldn't say it any better! For this reason, we are excited to announce this update for Trash Talk! coming this fall. Check out our feature article below to learn more. We would love to work with you to refresh and update your solid waste management messages. Please give me a call.
Keep on educating!

Elizabeth Roe
Eco Partners Inc.
Trash Talk! gets a new look!
Trash Talk! is getting an update! Starting this fall, our 4-page newsletter targeted to upper elementary school students is moving from illustrated characters to photo images. This publication is a key part of solid waste and recycling education for the solid waste management districts and service providers we serve.

We were inspired to make this refresh for all our Trash Talk! publications thanks to Knox County Recycling and Solid Waste Management District Executive Director, Michelle Smith. Michelle asked us to create a new look for their 6th grade newsletter. The Knox County edition using photo artwork is pictured here as a sample of the new design.

Each issue of Trash Talk! is packed with educational activities and local waste reduction and recycling information and comes with a teacher guide. We would love to work with you to incorporate the new Trash Talk! into your youth education programming. Please contact us! We would be happy to send you a sample pdf of the new Trash Talk! for your review. Read more about the new design here.
Eco Partners helps you deliver local environmental educational information 
cost-effectively and efficiently. 

We do all the heavy lifting. You get all the credit!