Maryknoll Lay Missioners - April 2021 mklm news
Mural by Cerezo Barredo, C.M.F.
A blessed Easter!
Easter Greetings!
Amid this time of fractures and contradictions, we all long to uncover and affirm the depths of being one. The divine mystery of life, death and resurrection reminds us of Grace that reaches toward us and binds us.
As we celebrate Easter, we pray that our God of wondrous surprises breaks open our hearts, transforms our minds and amazes us once more by moments of hope and glorious resurrection.
We hold each of you in our hearts overflowing with gratitude for your commitment to mission, your generous love and the divine blessing you bring to places of struggle and contradiction.
Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter and a joyful Easter season.
Yours in mission,
Ted Miles
Executive Director
Marj Humphrey
Director of Missions
Joy and new life
How Maryknoll Sister Janice McLaughlin and Henri Nouwen help us discover the joy of being the brother or sister of all. Discovering this joy can transform both our living and dying.
More changes needed at the border
Lay missioners at the border welcome the recent initial positive policy changes at the border. But more needs to change, says Heidi Cerneka, urging the Biden administration to end Title 42 expulsions.
Are you a bridge builder?
Use your gifts and talents to build global bridges of solidarity. Come to our next webinar on Saturday, April 17, 2021 – 2 PM EDT, and see if Maryknoll Lay Missioners is a good fit for you.

Your donations enable us to
  • build the capacity of local partners to address the needs of their communities.

  • transform unjust structures and work for more compassionate societies.

  • accompany people in their daily lives, using our skills to respond to pressing needs. 

Thank you for including us in your Easter giving.