PBA To Distribute Face Masks to Operators 
This week and next, PBA will be distributing 25,000 masks to operators at 4 locations throughout PA.  We thanked both FEMA and FMCSA for providing these for our operator members and their employees.  For those who signed up, please look for an email today confirming your location selected and times masks will be available to pickup.  Thank you!
PBA Travel Suppliers - Are You Open for Business? 
A week ago, we sent travel supplier members an email asking to complete a short survey form to let us know the status of being "open for business".  So far, 70 members have responded!  We will share this information with operator members.  We also asked for contact updates for our database.  We extended the deadline to Wednesday, June 24th.  Missed the memo?  Here's a link to complete the form.  
Bailey Coach Employees Volunteered 315 Hours
Over the past 9 weeks, Bailey Coach had a FREE first responder vehicle disinfecting station set up at their location. In the beginning weeks, they averaged disinfecting 50+ vehicles a day. During the 9 weeks, their amazing volunteers disinfected over 800 vehicles! The volume recently dropped, so they concluded the service. THANK YOU to their volunteer employees who made this possible and donated over 315 hours of their time to operate the disinfecting station. 
2020 Safety Preparedness Workshop
August 11, 2020
York Springs Fire Hall
York Springs, PA

Human Trafficking Coalition Build
Date TBD

PBA 2021 Marketplace
March 23, 2021
York Expo Center
York, PA

PBA 2021 Annual Meeting
June 2021
Wind Creek | Bethlehem
Bethlehem, PA

PBA 2022 Marketplace
March 2022 (22 or 29th)
The Liberty Arena
Williamsport, PA
Do You Have News?
We would love to hear from you.  Share your news via email to .
Discover Lancaster Hires New CEO 
PBA member, Discover Lancaster, with the tourist industry it promotes at a critical juncture, has hired an experienced tourism and consumer-product marketing executive as its new president and CEO.

Filling the post is Edward Harris, age 41, who's been chief marketing officer at the Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board since 2014.  Read more...
MCI Provides Tools to Clean and Disinfect 
PBA member, Motor Coach Industries (MCI), a U.S. subsidiary of NFI Group Inc., ("NFI"), one of the world 's largest independent global bus manufacturers, is going the extra mile to help motor coach operators increase rider confidence for a successful restart.

Over the past several weeks, MCI's engineering and field support teams and colleagues from sister company NFI Parts have been meeting with suppliers, talking with customers and serving on industry task force committees. As a result, MCI has been providing guidance, establishing best practices in cleaning, disinfecting, distancing and other protection protocols to share with its customers.  Read more...
Prevost Updates
Prevost Pre-Owned Welcomes Veteran Salesperson Janet Cathey 
PBA member, Prevost is excited to welcome Janet Cathey to the pre-owned sales team.  Janet will cover eight states as the South East Regional Sales Manager for Pre-Owned Coaches.  Cathey is a familiar face to many operations and brings over 30 years of industry experience in the cutaway and motorcoach industries.  Read the full press release.

Prevost Releases "Ready To Go" Program With Easy To Use Tools To Help Operators Restart Business
Prevost expanded its Clean + Care program with the release of "Ready to Go", a package of easy to use tools designed to help operators restart their business. The new program includes messaging and marketing for bus and tour businesses including many new processes and procedures to support operators with reassuring riders that they can safely resume group bus travel.  Read the full press release.
Resorts Introduces Plan to Welcome Back Guests and Team Members 
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, PBA member and gold sponsor Resorts Casino Hotel has developed a Play Safe, Work Safe plan to responsibly welcome back guests and team members to the most comfortable, fun and safe environment. "We want our guests to be able to enjoy the friendly and warm experience that has always been part of our core values but with the addition of new health and safety measures," said Mark Giannantonio, president and CEO of Resorts Casino Hotel.  Read more...
PBA Election Results
With the Annual Meeting being cancelled due to the pandemic, the Board of Directors carried out the annual election process via proxy ballots.  The slate of candidates, circulated electronically to all voting members, yielded the following election results by majority vote (details below):  Operator members whose terms were due to expire this month, were re-elected for a 2-year term and new operator members were elected to the Board of Directors for a 2-year term and one travel supplier was elected for a 1-year term.  The Board welcomes new members Todd Campbell, Ryan Nicklin and Brad Decker.  John Bailey and Tammy Wolf-Baker were re-elected for officer positions of Chair and Vice-Chair.  We thank the Nominating Committee for their work.  Congrats to all and thank you for your time and contributions on behalf of all members.  For a copy of the press release, please click here.
Operator Members:

Elected for Term June 2020 - June 2022
John Bailey, Bailey Coach
Sandy Borowsky, Starr Tours
Amy Brooks, Susquehanna Trailways
Todd Campbell, Campbell Bus 
Robert Chepalonis, Martz Trailways
Michael Dull, Fullington Tours
Nelson Floyd, Perkiomen Tours
Jim JeBran, Trans-Bridge Lines
Ryan Nicklin, Anderson Coach
Alison Sherman, Klein Transportation
Gary Shimshock, Budget Charters
              Tammy Wolf-Baker, Wolf's Bus                
Officer Positions:

Elected for Term June 2020 - June 2022
Chair: John Bailey, Bailey Coach
Vice Chair: Tammy Wolf-Baker, Wolf's Bus

Supplier/Associate Member:

Elected for Term June 2020 - June 2021  

Brad Decker, Wind Creek

PennDOT Corona Virus Webpage
In response to COVID-19, PennDOT has implemented a variety of operational changes and maintaining all of the CDL updates on their corona virus site
ABA Launches Sample Policies for Post-Pandemic Cleanliness and Safety Protocols
ABA brought together a Task Force of industry peers to discuss sample protocols for the industry when buses are running again. This document covers Employee Protections, Bus Maintenance and Cleaning, Remote Travel Protocols, Emergency Evacuation Protocols, Customer Care, and Public Relations.  For a copy of the report and fact sheets, please click on the links below:

Several PBA operator members participated in the Task Force, including Doug Anderson (Anderson Coach), Pete Borowsky (Starr Tours), Al Smith (Greyhound)and Tom JeBran (Trans-Bridge Lines).  Thank you!
Member's Questions
As we make our way to "green", we receive questions daily from members.  One question we are highlighting is about drivers wearing masks.  The topic was outlined in Governor Wolf's Business Operating FAQs.  We were able to receive clarification on this matter:

Gov. Wolf FAQ Website Question & Answer: Must transit operators, bus drivers or others  who operate vehicles wear masks?   Yes. However, an employee does not need to wear a mask if it impedes their vision, if they have a medical condition that precludes the wearing of a mask, or if wearing a mask would create an unsafe condition in which to operate equipment or execute a task.

PBA Clarification Received via Milliron Goodman:  "The driver doesn't need to wear a mask while driving. That would fall under the exemptions of "obstructing your vision" or creating an unsafe condition. Wearing a mask while interacting with passengers would be appropriate".

If you have questions about this or other operating questions, please email us.
Court Agrees To Hear Case Regarding State's Emergency Declaration
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has agreed to hear a case regarding the state's emergency declaration.

The State General Assembly voted to end a statewide emergency proclamation the governor enacted in March, to help stem the spread of the coronavirus. 

Senate GOP leaders Joe Scarnati and Jake Corman filed a petition in Commonwealth Court asking that Wolf be directed to end the shutdown order. Governor Wolf's petition asked the state's Supreme Court to use King's Bench jurisdiction to rule in his favor immediately, saying the Legislature is misrepresenting what the concurrent resolution means and that they don't have the constitutional authority to end the declaration.  Read more...
Rep. Katko Talks About Industry Devastation During House T&I Hearing 
During the last House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Hearing, Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) spoke about the importance of assisting our industry. #BusesMoveAmerica    Watch clip.
Revised Hours of Service Rule 
On June 1, 2020, FMCSA revised the hours of service (HOS) regulations to provide greater flexibility for drivers without adversely affecting safety. Motor carriers are required to comply with the new HOS regulations starting on September 29, 2020, not before.  Read more...
DOT/FMSCA Grant of Waiver For Drug Testing
In case you missed it, here is the  official announcement  for the pre-employment drug test waiver for furloughed drivers. Part of the notice states:

" As employers begin to recall drivers who were furloughed, laid off, or otherwise not working for the company for more than 30 days, the cost and logistical barriers of testing a large influx of drivers in a short timeframe are significant, at a time when the commercial trucking and motorcoach industry is facing unprecedented economic challenges. This problem is further compounded by the reduced availability of controlled substances testing resources due to continued facility closures or other testing impediments caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

This waiver would extend, from 30 days to 90 days, the period under which drivers would qualify for the pre-employment testing exception under 49 CFR 382.301(b). This relief would allow employers to forego pre-employment testing for drivers who have participated in a controlled substances testing program that meets the requirements of 49 CFR part 382 within the previous 90 days of hire or rehire. Allowing employers to forego pre-employment testing for drivers who were in a testing program within the previous 90 days will provide relief from the administrative burdens and costs associated with administering tests and allow them to return drivers to the workforce in a more efficient manner, thus promoting job creation and economic growth." 
SBA is Accepting Applications for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program 
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, small business owners in all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and territories are able to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance of up to $10,000. This advance is designed to provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. This loan advance will not have to be repaid. Recipients do not have to be approved for a loan in order to receive the advance, but the amount of the loan advance will be deducted from total loan eligibility. SBA will begin accepting new Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance applications on June 15th to qualified small businesses and U.S. agricultural businesses.  Read more...
The Federal Reserve Opens Its Main Street Lending Program
On June 17th, the Federal Reserve opened the lender portal for the Main Street Lending Program as an alternative to the Paycheck Protection Program. Unlike the PPP, which was created as part of the CARES Act to deliver forgivable loans to small businesses through the U.S. Small Business Administration as long as they retain their employees for eight weeks during the coronavirus pandemic, the Main Street Lending Program's loans are not forgivable, although they are at low interest rates. 

The program is being offered through the Federal Reserve rather than the SBA and was originally aimed at large and midsize businesses. However, the Fed and the Treasury have been expanding the criteria. The Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced that the minimum loan size would be lowered from $500,000 to $250,000, and the term of each loan option has increased from four years to five years. Read more...
PA Turnpike To Lay Off 500 Employees, Make Cashless Tolling System Permanent
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission said it will lay off 500 fare collectors and other toll workers and make the cashless tolling system permanent.  The turnpike switched to all-electronic tolling in March because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Traffic has fallen almost 50% since March compared to last year, and revenue is down by more than $100 million for the fiscal year that ended May 31st, according to the commission.  Read more...
Insurance Panel Addresses Operator Concerns at UMA Town Hall 
A panel of three insurance professionals from leading companies in the motorcoach sector shared information with operators about what's on the horizon.  View the recording and slides.
Coronavirus Brings Tour Bus Industry To a Halt, Costing Companies Millions 
Buses that transport entertainers, tourists, commuters, sports teams and students are spinning wheels and losing millions as employees remain unemployed despite nationwide reopenings following coronavirus shutdowns.  Read more...
Reopening After Coronavirus 
While the coronavirus pandemic continues, much of the nation has turned its attention toward lifting restrictions and reopening the economy. But, as a passenger transportation business owner, are you prepared for the moment you get the green light to reopen?  Read more...
Groups Plan to Travel Again in 2020
Most travel planners expect to resume operating group trips in 2020, a new survey by The Group Travel Leader finds, and most travel industry organizations believe they will be ready to welcome groups to their destinations by late summer or early fall.  Read more...

Member Alerts are sent out to our Members as needed.  Here is a sampling of what has been sent recently:
  • Considering Contract Covid-19 Waivers?  
  • Pennsylvania House Resolution 836 & Small Business Assistance Grants 
  • Register Today! Take Action Today and Plan for Tomorrow Webinar Series
  • UMA Virtual Summit, June 17-19th
As a reminder, we moved our offices last July.  Please make sure your databases have been updated with our NEW address.  We are still getting mail forwarded to us, but that will expire in July.  
Trans-Bridge Lines, Wolf's Bus Lines, Fullington Trailways & 
Krapf Transportation  have coaches and other items for sale now! 

The Motorcoach PAC allows the Pennsylvania Bus Association to support legislators who work with us to promote, change or defeat legislation that impacts our industry. Contributing to Motorcoach PAC gives us a stronger voice in Harrisburg. Please consider giving $200, $300 or more.

Personal checks may be made payable and sent to:

Motorcoach PAC
200 North Third Street, Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Corporate funds are not permitted in any form. Unincorporated business checks are acceptable providing no owner or partner of the business is a corporation. Please contact Milliron & Goodman if you have any questions at (717) 232-5322. Political Action Committee donations are not tax deductible.

Download the solicitation form for more information.  

Right click and save our logo above to display proudly on your website.