TUSD Weekly Update
On the Road Again
Dolores Flores, Transportation Department
Director of Transportation Dolores Flores and her TUSD Transportation Department staff have hard at work the past few weeks preparing for a future reopening of schools. Some of the health and safety measures they have put in place to reduce COVID-19 risk for students and staff:

  • Alcohol free-hand sanitizer will be provided in dispenser, located behind the driver’s seat. Students should sanitize their hands when boarding and departing bus.
  • Students will be required to maintain physical distancing in school buses.
  • Seating will be assigned seats to maintain physical distancing. Students may sit with a family member.
  • Seats not authorized for use will be labeled with a red “X”.
  • When boarding the bus, students will be seated from the rear of the bus to the front of the bus.
  • Students will disembark from the front of the bus.
  • Windows will remain open as much as possible in order to increase circulation of outdoor air.
  • Bus drivers and students (grades 3-6) will be required to wear face coverings.
  • All buses and vehicles used to transport students will be disinfected utilizing EPA certified products after each use.
  • All high touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Bus drivers will be provided with extra face coverings for students who lose or forget to bring their face coverings.
  • All buses and vehicles used to transport students will be disinfected after each use.
  • EPA approved products will be utilized for the cleaning and disinfecting of buses.

Two TUSD buses have already been deployed to provide transportation for small, learning groups at Brown, Cunningham, and Earl and they fives buses are being utilized to expand Child Nutrition meal distribution sites. Keep up the great work!
Tech in TUSD
Marshall Beyer, Coordinator of Educational Technology
TUSD EdTech Byte A new segment I would like to introduce is called TUSD EdTech Bytes. In these segments, we provide quick ed tech tips to hopefully make your life as an educator navigating this digital world a little easier. In our first installment, we are going to look at Google Forms. When creating a Google Form, do you hate having to toggle on the “question required” for each question? There is a fix for that! When in a Google Form, go to the vertical ellipsis in the top right-hand corner and then choose “Preferences”.
From there, check the box next to “Make questions required”. Now, any question you create will automatically be marked as required!
Also, these settings stick so any form you create after turning this setting on will mark a question as required automatically.
Sitara Ali, Ed Tech Coach
GoGuardian: Safe Digital Learning for Schools

What is it? GoGuardian is a program that the district has purchased for each teacher, which allows us to see our students' screens while they are working on their district chromebook. GoGuardian helps teachers to manage digital learning, helping students stay focused and safe. Teachers can filter out websites, eliminate distractions, and even use interventions like opening up tabs and websites for students, making distance learning easier for both students and parents, allowing teachers to keep students focused on today’s learning goals.

How Do I Access? GoGuardian is already loaded onto your Teacher Clever Page! Log into Clever with your turlock.k12.ca.us email and password you set up, then look for the GoGuardian Logo! If it is your first time entering GoGuardian, you will need to follow some quick guiding directions in order to get started with monitoring your class and keeping your students engaged and focused during distance learning. Watch a quick video below on how to get started!

Now What? Ready to explore and find out what more GoGuardian has to offer? Talk to your site Lead Tech Teacher! They are trained and ready to go and to help you with all of your needs. If you need some specific 1 on 1 time or want to set up a PLC training, feel free to reach out to me, Sitara Ali, your EdTech Instructional Coach at sali@turlock.k12.ca.us and we can set up a time to meet, either virtual or in person!
The 'US' in TUSD
Charlotte Burnam, Turlock High School
How long have you worked in TUSD? 8 years

What is your job title? 10th and 11th grade English teacher

Where did you work prior to TUSD? I worked as a nanny.

Any info you would like to share about your job? Average day?
I teach 10th grade Bridge and 11th Grade College Prep English and am the advisor for the Black Student Union. In an average day I’m working hard to find ways to help my students connect the content in English to the content of the own lives and the world around them. 

Things you are most proud of? I’m incredibly proud of my family and the resiliency and love we show for each other. Last year I completed my Masters while pregnant, working full time, and being a mom to three littles at home. I’m not sure how we survived but I’m proud of myself and family for making it through!

Challenges? Finding the time and energy to maintain my favorite self-care practices like yoga and watercolor painting.

Favorite memory/story? A number of former students have been involved in activism and organizing within our community this past year. Showing up to an event and being able to participate side-by-side with them was deeply moving to me and something I will never forget.

What are you reading?
Non Fiction – Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain by Zaretta Hammond
Fiction – Wild Beauty by Anna Marie McLemore

Any favorite shows you’re watching on TV?
I’m pretty thrilled that there is finally a new season of The Great British Baking Show on Netflix.

Fave movies?
The early Harry Potter movies and the film, Chocolat, are always my go to pick-me-up movies.

Anything surprising we may not know about you? My husband and I are also in the process of turning our backyard into a mini farm and would really like to have a couple mini goats, but 4 children, 6 chickens, 2 dogs and 1 cat is probably enough to take care of.  

Anything about your personal life you’d like to share? I love baking and I love spending time outside with my children (7, 5, 4, and 7 months old.) Pre-COVID one of my favorite things to do was host porch nights. Each week I would take a poll on Instagram l to see what dessert I would bake to share with friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and graduated students who would could hang out in our front yard and just enjoy a sense of community. 
Pitman High School Comms Visit
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Share Your Awesome!

Marie Russell
Chief Communication Coordinator

We would love to have ALL staff help share our TUSD story to the world, but if that is not really your thing, just email Marie Russell for an opt-out form.