October 12, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Today is Indigenous Peoples' Day!

The Peñasco schools sit within the tribal lands of Picuris Pueblo, and Picuris members and Native people from multiple tribes and nations are students and teachers at our schools. At the request of the Picuris Tribal Council, PISD is holding school today in order to create an opportunity for education about this land's long Native history.

Here are some great resources:

A great video about Picuris Pueblo, featuring several PISD students!

For a video about Taos Pueblo from New Mexico True, click here.

To read about the Eight Northern Pueblos, click here. (Includes links to each Pueblo's website.)

The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian has many great online resources
The Smithsonian will be hosting a presentation at 11 a.m. today.
"Youth in Action: Conversations About Our Future
Mascots, Monuments and Memorialization"

The Smithsonian also has this series of videos about mascots and the difference between regalia and costumes:

Virtual field trips to Bandelier, Chaco Canyon, and the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture
Are your kids worried that Covid will shut down Halloween? No worries! Peñasco ISD is putting together a drive-thru haunted house with candy for all kids!

The event will be take place the evening of Halloween, Saturday, October 31. We will have a prizes for the best decorated car! (No costume prizes since we don't want kids out of their cars.) All kids will receive a bag of candy at the end of the route.

Does your organization or group want to set up a spooky scene along the drive-thru route? We'll have prizes for best scene!

Want to donate candy? Please leave all candy donations at the elementary school office by Thursday, October 22, so that they can be packaged into bags well before the event.

Want to donate spooky stuff? We need stereos for spooky music, projectors for spooky images, a fog machine, lights, and volunteers to build the haunted house.

We might even have a drive-up spooky movie! If you have projects or screens or ideas for how to make this work, please let us know!

The event will require masks and follow all social-distancing guidelines.

Questions or ideas? Contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Harvest of Health 2020
Blood Drive: October 30
Santa Fe Ski Club at Sipapu
Daily Opportunities to Get Help for Students from Teachers
Progress reports are going out. Do your children need some extra help from their teachers?

Time is scheduled into every afternoon for students to get help from their teachers. Please ask your teachers for an appointment to meet online with them during these times:

M-Th: 3:00-4:20 p.m.

Middle and High School:
M/W: 12:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
T/TH:1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Adobe Creative Tools for Students
Every student in our district can receive a free subscription to the Adobe Tools Suite, which includes a lot of tools for video and sound editing, app development, and graphic design. To get their subscription, students need to get the permission slip signed by their parents/caregivers.

Find a printable permission slip here:

Your student should have also received an email with a version of the form that you can fill out and sign online, if you prefer that method.
It's time to apply for LIHEAP funds (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)! Click here for the application form.
Childcare Available at Vadito YDI
The YDI Headstart program in Vadito currently has open slots for children in the following programs:
  • 3-5 year old program
  • 8 month-2 year old program
For more information, call Frances Romero: 575-758-4558
Internet Update
Kit Carson now has an online form in order to get Internet at the $29/month rate for students.

Click here:
P-EBT Card Update
The state says that all cards and monies have been sent out. If you have not received your card or money added to your current food stamps, call 1-800-283-4465 to update your address or request a new card.
After-School Programs
To watch a short video about the available after school programs, click here.

The latest info will always be found on the Afterschool Programs Canvas Class.

Questions? Contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.