Thank you for caring about Christian leadership development globally.
June 2020 E-Newsletter

Developing Spirit-led leaders to serve Christ more fruitfully and for all that lies ahead

It feels like our world is coming apart. The COVID-19 pandemic continues its deadly, global march. Hong Kong's democracy is about to be swallowed up by China. And, now, within a matter of a few days, riots and violence have erupted in many of our American cities over the unimaginable, inexcusable killing of black people by police. 

If there was ever a time we needed more faith, hope, and love in the world, it's now! And it's our responsibility, as Christians, to provide it. God created the church as the body of Christ, in which Christ dwells and the Spirit moves. God's people (the church) have the calling to shine the light and love of Jesus Christ to all those who are afraid, suffering, and looking for God. The world needs us to do our job.

Each of us needs to prayerfully consider what this responsibility means for us, and how God is directing us to stand in solidarity with  victims of injustice and all those who are in particular need of support and encouragement right now. Some of us belong on the streets to march in protest. Some of us need to be writing checks. Some of us need to be making calls. All of us need to be praying and repenting of whatever racism may be lurking in our own hearts. The most important thing is for each of us to determine how the Spirit is prompting us, and then do something.

At Faith, Hope, and Love Global Ministries, our contribution is to develop Spirit-led leaders, so that in their daily leadership under normal circumstances, as well as now, in times of crisis, they can serve Christ's purposes more fruitfully. Currently, in the face of threatening anarchy on the streets; oppressive military and governmental actions in some countries; ongoing personal and societal crises everywhere, strong, capable, Spirit-led, Christian leadership is desperately needed.

As I indicated in last month's e-newsletter, to do our part to develop more the needed leaders, we are producing weekly essays and actively mentoring Christian leaders via Zoom and other social media platforms.  The short essays (3-4 pages) are being posted on my blog site ( each week in English. We're posting translated versions on our ministry website. 

The essay series, What Can We Expect from God Now? , is now complete. You can access all nine essays in English from the links below. The full set of essays is already available in Burmese  and Khmer. We are in the process translating them into Lai Chin Mizo Chin , Karen, Hindi, and a few other languages as well.  Due to the enthusiastic response we're getting from the essays (you can read some sample testimonials below), we will soon begin creating books of the whole set with the intention of distributing them as widely as possible in various countries.

Please pray for our expanding ministries in the midst of these global and national crises. If you would like to help underwrite the translating, publishing and distributing of these essays, please let us know. We need your support and prayers to keep this ministry going and growing. Thank you.

In Christ's service,

Rev. Timothy C. Geoffrion, Ph.D., D.D.
President and Teaching Minister
In response to the COVID-19 global crisis, Tim's new essay series offers  biblically-based, practical theology for those struggling in the midst of suffering, fear, and uncertainty.  

Remember your limited ability to understand the will and ways of God.
Expect God to be at work in your life, leading and guiding you.

Expect God to strengthen your faith, build your character, and lovingly restore your hope through your suffering.

Expect to share in Christ's sufferings. Expect to share in his glory.

Remember: Trust is a Choice.

Find these essays and many more like them by visiting
Sample testimonials from those reading Tim's essays

"Sir, I can't thank you enough for your last essay. This is directly written to me, renewing my life, getting me back on the right track. Every word in this essay touches me, motivates me, and restores me. Act...Wait...Let go!"
-Hone Ling
"I loved them all so much that I printed them so that I can share them with my family as a 7 day devotional that is so timely and can bring us some common language to discuss our struggles at this time with Christ at the center. God is good all the time!"
-Kim Glenna

"Through this message the holy spirit opened my eyes that if I am going ro suffer for Jesus, I will share his glory.... I am now ready to stand for Jesus."
- Pastor J. Bhale 

"Trusting God in the midst of uncertain situation that is beyond our imagination teaches me to listen to the voice of God in my daily life. 
Thank you, Dr. Tim, for practical spiritual insight."
-Abednego Cenhrang 
Upcoming Essay Series
What's Next?

Starting next week, Tim will resume posting essays on his blog site on the topic, "What's next?" Everyone is still reeling from the COVID-19 global crisis. Many places are opening up again, but so much uncertainty, loss, and fear remain. Now, on top of it, our American cities are burning and society is pulling apart at the seams. How can Spirit-led believers best follow and serve Christ now, at this unusual, very challenging time? 

Available every Tuesdays on!

Help us reach more leaders with high quality, biblically-based, practical resources to strengthen their faith and equip them to serve Christ more fruitfully.  Currently, our top priority is to translate and distribute Tim's essays as widely as possible. Our goals is translate them into 10 different languages spoken in various parts of Myanmar, India, Cambodia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Please partner with his in this ministry by   making a donation to Faith, Hope, and Love Global Ministries, today. 
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Keep up-to-date on not only where in the world Tim is, but also what he is working on and whom he is serving. We would love to hear how Faith, Hope, and Love Global has impacted your life or the lives around you, too. Feel free to share on our page! 

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